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Everything posted by evil_bryan

  1. @VonVilkee @Craeat @WestRider @Edosaurus Rex @Tallbeard @Manethak @Xavier319 @peter.cosgrove @DisruptiveConduct @zcaust83 @Limey_ElJonson @Frowbakk I have updated the the 40K Captains group and you should all now have access to the 40K Captain's forum below. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/forum/49-40k-captains/ This forum is just available for you and can be used to arrange challenge matches, seek advice from veteran captains, discuss army list power level, or engage in some good old fashion trash talking. You are not required to use that forum for those type of discussions, but it is available to you as you need it. 🙂
  2. Well @Frowbakk, with @Nathanvoodoo and @VonRuger you are nearly there. Also, I never saw if @sorienor got picked up by a team. If not, it sounds you could have your 4. 🙂
  3. @Limey_ElJonson Yes! It will be great to have you. Is it still A Club Underdogs, or just Team Underdogs this year?
  4. yes there are....we are still adding teams 🙂
  5. Getting you on a 40K OFCC team will be easy if you are looking to play. Please add a post to the following thread: I doubt it would take more than a week or two to get you lock into a new or existing team. Sounds like you would be a perfect fit for OFCC....you are sportsmanship focused AND and you are painting your army?!? I can't ask for more. 🙂
  6. For the sake of simplicity, I would have to call that 2 sources. I fear that is not the only example of items not carrying through from the Index to the Codex and listing all of the exceptions makes the process even more complex.
  7. Man, this is making me miss 7th edition. 🙂 Okay, to clarify sources....I do mean one source to qualify for Old School. In my eyes, a source is any published codex or index for 8th edition. To date, there are 5 Indexes in 40K and 4 in Forgeworld. I think we also have 18 published codices with more to come. If a model is released with rules in White Dwarf, it can be used in a corresponding codex (or index) without issue provided it has similar keywords. Also, new Forgeworld models can be included with the corresponding Forgeworld Index (but not a normal codex) provided they also share similar keywords. Please note that these restrictions only apply to Old School and do not impact your ability to include this models under normal circumstances. One final note, you can run Forgeworld and still earn Old School but it would require your single source to be one of the Forgeworld Indexes. Please let me know if that clarifies the situation.
  8. Clearly Old School needed another 8th edition re-work to make more sense. I think this should streamline the process. Going Old School - Sources?!? You mean source! Your whole army fits within a single Detachment with no single model over 400 points or over 20 wounds
  9. Clarified the Spirit (adjusted dates) and Sportsmanship (adjusted language) awards: Spirit: Advanced Planning - List submitted for review before 7/28/2018 All In - Ticket purchased before 7/14/2018 Sportsmanship: Going Old School - Sources?!? You mean source! Your whole army fits within a single Detachment from one source with no flyers, super heavies, or gargantuan creatures No surprises - Start a dedicated post on the Ordo 40K Forums for your team, then add information about your players and their army lists
  10. It is good to see stuff we painted on Saturday being used in a game 🙂
  11. Kill! Maim! Beer! has just become the first fully paid team for the 2018 OFCC 40K Team Event They have earned the award Roll For Initiative and their prize will be presented during OFCC weekend! Good job @Edosaurus Rex and team!!!
  12. I have a password process that I have employed over the years that has worked for me. I take the name of a item and format in a specific way to meet the criteria of the PW. For example, let say the item in question is the bottle of Agrax Earthshade wash sitting at my desk right now. I could build the password aGreArml24 (three letters from each words, capitalizing the second letter, then adding the size of the bottle at the end). I would never have to write that down. I would either need to remember the item and sequence, or take a picture of the item as a reminder and be good. When I change the password, grab another bottle of wash and I'm good to go. 🙂
  13. @Craeat You know, I listed you above as the second team coming from Ohio but technically I have not received a message from @Xavier319 yet. 🙂
  14. Yes! Link to the hotel site and the discount code can be found at: http://www.ofccgaming.com/
  15. I may need to re-work this slightly as it was written back in 7th and the language could be clearer 🙂
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