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Everything posted by evil_bryan

  1. Printing everything for that tile took ~5 days, and was 85% of a $20 roll of filament. The printer I am using cost ~$800, and it has been very consistent for me.
  2. I knew about this game, but got my first play in at Rose City Comic Con. Based on that play, I bought a copy while I was there and brought it to the club. 🙂
  3. Small update...I am in the process of building copies of Tile #1. The tanks, walkways and stairs are done for 2 more tiles and I am now working on the flooring. I'm a fan of this layout since it provides both line of sight blocking and a bit of height for troops placement. Here is an example starring my super long-term GSC project. 🙂
  4. I feel so out of touch, I did not know Brian the Sewer Grate was even a thing.
  5. With the recent purchase of a decent 3D printer, I thought my first lofty goal would be to build an entire 4x6 terrain table for 40K. Here is the layout for Tile #1: One down, 23 more to go! Why Corvus X? All of the files I have used so far came from Corvus Games Terrain and X refers to the unknown number of filament spools it will take to complete this project. 🙂 My goal is to have it completed and painted in time for this year's OFCC.
  6. Another way to seal that prior to applying paint, it using this: It works great, and really keeps that thirsty MDF from drinking up that paint. 🙂
  7. Building the Prusa is not easy, but it is certainly manageable. During my build I ran into a couple of challenges that was able to overcome, but my solution to one of the problems really amped up the difficulty of the build. In building the Y axis, you need to drop nuts into the provided extrusion to anchor these parts to the frame. When I was screwing one of these parts to the frame, the bolt cross threaded a bit. I think the threads on the nut/bolt were not cut well enough. Once that happened, the nut started to free spin within the enclosure and tear up the walls which kept the captured nut in place. The easiest solution was to simply replace the 3D printed part, but since I was building the machine that could print that part I had to find another solution. I drilled a parallel hole to the nut channel and drove a brass pin through the part to provide a new surface for the nut to resist against. That allowed me to free the cross threaded nut. After adding a second brass pin to the other side to shore up that channel, I replaced the nut with one from the provided spare parts bag and continued assembly. I think most people would have been happier to spend the extra $200 and bought the machine assembled. 🙂
  8. You know, its really the best hobby for me. Small bursts of activity followed by long periods of inactivity. It is the first time I have ever been able to make hobby progress AND get some sleep at the same time...it's perfect. 🙂
  9. I decided to pull the trigger on buying a 3D printer about 4 weeks ago, a Prusa i3 Mk3 kit. It arrived two weeks later and after a slow and methodical assembly, I got it up and running. After two weeks of constant printing, I now have a pile of terrain. I have a long way to go in getting a whole 6x4 table, but that is my goal (for now.) 🙂
  10. I really enjoyed this game...until I got my big sub. After I started to brave further out into the deep, I frequently experienced what the leviathans would probably referred to as "prison sex."🙂
  11. The date for the 2019 OFCC will be August 16th - 18th We are returning to the Hilton Vancouver for another year! Expect additional event details in future posts.
  12. Or we could have an actual terrain party 🙂 I have the tools at the club and would be happy to assist in a terrain building session. The first question I have is what type of terrain you are looking for. I probably have an idea and/or technique to build just about anything you are looking for. 🙂
  13. Well, it seems the conversation has taken a turn and diverted from the original topic. If anyone has OFCC specific questions, feel free to strike up a new post or send me a PM. This thread is locked
  14. It is too bad you have missed that last couple of years as I have personally run the 40K event, and I think we have addressed several of the issues you mentioned here. Let me tackle the big one, the painting score 🙂 Last year, I overhauled the way paint is measured. I wanted to make good scores achievable and make it easy to evaluate on a large scale. I also wanted to make the scores as objective as possible so that two people could come to the same conclusion on scoring. In addition, I changed the weight of paint score in the calculation for Best Overall. Best Overall = 40% Sports, 25% Painting, 30% Spirit, and 5% Captain Achievements Pasted below for your reading pleasure is my paint scoring rubric. Scoring Criteria Basing Textured/painted/flocked/resin/etc. Painting Represents the three-color minimum Depth Extra care for shading and highlighting Detail Modeling, conversions, putty work, etc... WOW Factor A great representation of an army/faction/team Basing 0 - Bare plastic or resin, void of paint or basing material 1 - Paint or basing material applied 2 - Multiple colors, a variety of material, the bases demonstrate a level of care and effort Painting 0 - Bare plastic, only primer, less than 3 colors 1 - 3 or more colors, generally referred to as tabletop standard 2 - A variety of colors, shades, and tones setting the model apart from the standard Depth 0 - No effort made to illustrate the depth of the model's details 1 - Drybrushing, washing, edge highlighting to varying degrees 2 - Blending, smooth transitions, skillful application of the techniques listed at level 1 Detail 0 - Model is built as designed with no variation 1 - Some conversion work, purposeful construction to demonstrate variety, scratch building, minor sculpting 2 - Heavy conversion, extensive scratch building and/or sculpting, clearly a unique representation of the army WOW Factor 0 - A tabletop presentation that does not go far enough to stand out from the crowd 1 - Unified and cohesive, can definitely stand out as an excellent example of the force represented 2 - A true showcase, representing the highest level of skill and technique of our hobby
  15. Okay, now that I have an appropriate click bait title for what can be an emotionally charged issue I can get started. 🙂 After answering this question for one of the captains, I thought it would be useful to post my position so others had the opportunity to judge me harshly. 🙂 Not having list rating in this year's 40K OFCC reflects my personal opinion on it not being worth the effort it takes. I have a few issues with list rating that I am happy to share to better frame my decision not to have it. List rating requires early list submission, which historically has been a challenge for many teams List rating is terribly subjective, and the only way to minimize that is to have lots of raters reviewing the same lists to come to an average score List rating is very time intensive, which is multiplied as you have more the one person rating the same lists List rating requires an encyclopedic knowledge of all of the various 40K armies, rules, and unit interactions Finally, list rating causes drama because regardless of how hard you try there will be folks who are unhappy with their rating My alternative to list rating is reward versus restriction. With achievements like Old School and No Surprises, I want to encourage people to build friendlier lists and openly share them with the community (who can provide feedback as needed.) Also, tools like Challenge matches and the Captain's forum can also be leveraged to further enhance the team/player experience. It is not a perfect system and still needs work, but I believe it is the better way to go. Now that I have said my piece, let the judging and feedback commence!
  16. @merkthejerk I am so sorry you had such a poor experience during the weekend. Although we cannot guarantee that everyone has a great time, we certainly want to make every effort to make that possible. Please know that if you or anyone is not having the expected OFCC experience, you or your captain can track me (or anyone other organizer down) so we can address it as its happening. 🙂 @Kolby Hopkins You are correct that match-ups were not performance based. All match-ups were built prior to the event using the following methodology First, arrange all challenge matches Then avoid matching up team from the same club/region Finally, ensure no one plays the same team twice Since OFCC is an event rather than a tournament, we focus on doing our best to provide variety in match ups. I hope that clarifies the process when I run the event. 🙂
  17. I took 265 pictures over 3 days! 🙂 Let me know if these links work: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN00AqBzj0uC5P7F0hLtc5Kdy_TINPDO4hOQG9iALvUBU8ph0Vkn4U5b7PodqvkcQ?key=T0EtWTZJMElHQXk0WmtoNU5WRk11UlV3ajVmcldn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPXTUgcoJkT4GyC3O9Qxt6WWQSQYCPR7beKXWATvfj-RYrosCFuV4N-qYtQTmIPjw?key=bWNkSmlWOFZzaFpHMGdCUDZlY0dYQl8wRlRpa2N3 https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMX8TpP4cYXqM8T_jV3dhBFXnFckv2Q8mJr31AFjhe8inagx2k_FmMsCVyxRv_7vw?key=S2t5dzA0ZENsdWs2QmltbTdUbk1vOGQ3RXgyN1p3
  18. That is a good question....if I am running the 40K team event then probably. 🙂
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