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Everything posted by evil_bryan

  1. A common question I receive Post-OFCC is "How can my team improve next year?" and I think the easiest way is to work on the pre-event scoring opportunities. Here is a list of all the points earned prior to event weekend: A Club Underdogs 2 Ad Hoc 4 Fanger Zone 2 Get off my LAN 12 Grimdrunk 6 Infil-Traitors 8 Just the Dickel 6 Kill! Maim! Beer! 6 Ordo East 10 Silence of the Warp 2 Team Diversity 4 Team FURY 4 The Emperor's Neckbeards 6 These are NOT dollies 4 Wake me up when the group is full 4 Special recognition must be paid to Get of my LAN for getting max points...good work guys!!! Ordo East got close, but those pesky New School lists did them in. 🙂
  2. For those of you who are curious on how Sportsmanship was calculated, here it is: Each player could earn up to 3 points per match, with 20 games played across the team that gives a maximum score of 60 points. Each team was awarded 2 bonus points for each Favorite Opponent pin earned. Finally, each pre-game Sportsmanship achievement (Old School and No Surprises) each also provided 2 bonus points The good news is IF the point value of the FO pins was 1 point versus 2, the Warhamsters would still be the winner 🙂 FO Pins at 2 points FO Pins at 1 point Warhamsters: These are NOT dollies Warhamsters: These are NOT dollies Ad Hoc Kill! Maim! Beer! Kill! Maim! Beer! The Emperor's Neckbeards The Emperor's Neckbeards Ad Hoc Team FURY Get off my LAN Just the Dickel Just the Dickel Silence of the Warp Infil-Traitors Get off my LAN Ordo East Ordo East Silence of the Warp Infil-Traitors Team FURY Team Diversity Grimdrunk Grimdrunk Team Diversity A Club Underdogs A Club Underdogs Fanger Zone Fanger Zone Wake me up when the group is full Wake me up when the group is full
  3. Thanks to everyone who came out and played this weekend. I know lots of people love to see the scores from weekend, so let's waste no time. 🙂 Although we do not award a Best General, I do track performance as well. 🙂
  4. The first event starts at 1PM, and the hall should be open by 11AM at the latest...at least that when I will be arriving. 🙂
  5. Command points and stratagems are used as they are a normal part of 8th edition 🙂
  6. For those you who want a peek at the Quick Start guide and the Achievements then check out this file 🙂
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This document has the quick start guide and the OFCC achievements
  8. It is 2000 points, no need for command cards, and the Players Guide can be found at:
  9. Thanks for the great feedback and questions, please see answers inline below:
  10. Correct...I have clarified the Mission to read: Rules for Grots: · Any Grot within 3" of a unit is considered Captured, any Grot not captured is considered Free · Sneaking - At the beginning of every movement phase, your opponent can move every Free Grot d6" in any direction · Fleeing - At the end of each players turn, that player rolls a d6 for each Captured Grot they control. On a 1, your opponent can move the Grot 2d6 in any direction. · Unless Sneaking or Fleeing, Grots do not move and cannot be moved by the capturing player
  11. Oops...clearly my 7th edition is showing. 🙂 That will be changed to S7 AP -1
  12. Now, we have all the missions available for review at:
  13. Version v5


    Here are the missions for the 2018 OFCC 40K Team Event
  14. Tragedy happens...as does drunkenness, so it always safe to have a few people around that can play if needed. 🙂 This is an open call for folks who are OFCC curious and would like a chance to play a game or two. A few things about being a ringer: There is no cost to being a ringer One game or five, you are doing us a favor by playing You may not play We will have extra tables setup if ringers want to play pickup games You can come Saturday, Sunday, or for the whole weekend You need to have a fully painted 40K army It is all about having fun! If this sounds interesting, let us know!
  15. @zcaust83 On Saturday, registration is at 9AM and first game starts at 9:30AM
  16. Yep, as I have not built the schedule yet...feel free to use all 3 challenges 🙂
  17. I know I have been late to the party with the 40K Missions, but I wanted to start getting out finished missions prior to the event for review. I also wanted to use to some of the missions to showcase something we will have available starting at OFCC, our token set! Note: You are certainly not required to have the token set to play any of the missions, but I am sure it will be hard to pass up their blood splattered beauty. 🙂 Now, on to the first mission - Mission: Land Claim Each Player has 6 Land Claim tokens (numbered 1-6) that can be deployed on the battlefield during the course of the game (use dice if you do not have tokens.) Each number on the tokens represents their victory point value if they are in play by the end of the game. Deployment: Dawn of War Placing Land Claim Tokens: Tokens are placed at the end of the movement phase Any unit can place a token The number on the token (x 6") represents the minimum distance the token must be placed from your board edge (Token #1 - 6" or more from your board edge, Token #6 - 36" or more from your board edge) Tokens must be placed on the table surface or on the ground floor of a terrain feature and within 3" of the unit placing the token Destroying Tokens: Any enemy unit not in melee combat can destroy an opponent's Land Claim token by ending their turn within 3" of that token Destroyed tokens are returned to the controlling player for possible future placement The only way to stop your opponent from destroying your land claim token is not allowing them to end their movement within 3" of it You cannot destroy your own Land Claim token Primary Scoring: Most points in play from deployed Land Claim tokens, tokens are worth their face value in points Bonus Scoring: Most tokens placed during the game - 1 Point Most tokens destroyed during the game - 2 Points
  18. @VonVilkee @Craeat @WestRider @Edosaurus Rex @Tallbeard @Manethak @Xavier319 @peter.cosgrove @DisruptiveConduct @zcaust83 @Limey_ElJonson @Frowbakk @Kolby Hopkins @Chappy @Venom Howdy Captains! In order to build out the weekend match schedule I need to compile a list of all of the challenge matches. Please respond below to this thread with a list of your challenge matches to be scheduled on Saturday (up to 3.) IMPORTANT - Since we have an odd number of teams, each round I will be scheduling a single 3 Team Pit Fight. If you have a pair of challenge opponents, then you can set one of your challenges up as the 3 Team Pit Fight battle.
  19. If you are clear with your opponents then I don't think that should be a big deal.
  20. @Munkie Due to the varied scale of Power Level in game, we are using actual points this year at OFCC. Hopefully when you point out your unit of Clawed Fiends they are more appropriately costed compared to the PL. 🙂
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