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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Saturday afternoon, after OFCC Terrain Day, the Club House is open. Come on down after 2:30 and paint models, hangout, talk strategy, play games, practice deployment, etc. The price is free. We want you.
  2. The Hacker Govad is Done! Now for the Fidays!
  3. Joel, 

    i will glad sell it to you for Twenty Dollars.

  4. I hope you find and make your own gaming scene!
  5. Yes? Can you drop it off at the club on Sunday? It would be a good Rampage prize!
  6. Which ever people want to play.
  7. It a map of a magic poluted land. The blue jags are crystals growing out of control. The brown line indicates canyon and crevasse walls. Some have tunnels shown by the eye looking symbol. The red pools are lava cauldrons. The red lines are lava flows. The red jags are walks of fire. The purple areas are chaos magic lightning storms. The orange area are reduced and anti grav areas. Dotted or dashed black lines are tunnels. The grey bits are mesas like monument valley. The brown hashes are desert and sand. The brown clouds aid the massive sand storm swirling around the place. The black circle with the dots in them are magic gates.
  8. Yup, more prep for Raid. We want you! Come and play . 300 points Annhilation Pub afterwards.
  9. Each choice: Bacon. 🥓
  10. If Jean Luc Picard face palms in the forest, and there is no one there to see him, does he still face palm?
  11. @generalripphook All the maps are mine. The smaller maps on grids are My DM maps. The others ones on the vinyl grids are drawn during the game for the players.
  12. So I was playing Jeff on Sunday. his Loup Garu ARO’d my Asiwira with a viral rifle. The Asiwira was on a single wound and rolled a 6 and a 15. I assumed rolling a six, I was unconscious. I realized yesterday, I needed to roll a five to succeed. In cover, it would be a two. It was too weird to wrap my mind around at the time. Against the viral sniper I would need sevens in the open and fours in cover......Trippy.
  13. Raindog

    Sunday: TM

    Thank you Pete, Jen, Jeff, Jeff, Weav, Shane, Dameon, Burkett, Bermen, Evan, and Joel for attending tonight. We had 2 games of Blood Bowl, one game of Necromunda, and three games of Infinity. That is a solid night. Several of us went to the food carts afterwards.
  14. Raindog

    Sunday: TM

    From Tonight: Bermen vs Joel, Joel’s Hunzakut!
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