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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. A young Elijah Wood is in this video.
  2. @Jay @Exile @rudra34 Jay was supposed to set up the mission, instead, we will use this. 250 Points: In Honor of Guy Fawkes Day. Every board needs an armory (Command Room) in the center of the table with two panoplies inside. How to score points: Blow up the a door to the command using Anti-material ammo: 1Points per door Blow up a building in the opposing half of the table using D-Charges: 1 Point per Building. Loot more from the Panoplies than you opponent: 4 Points. Keep your Data Tracker aka Guy Fawkes alive at the end of the game: 2 points Special Rule: All specialist can automatically take D-Charges from the panoplies. Please PM me your scores this week since I will be at work. .
  3. Warning N3 Wiki > Main Sections > Combat > Damage > Warning When deployed on the battlefield, all troopers are connected with their brothers-in–arms, so if one of them suffers an attack all other troopers close to him will become aware of it and will try to find the source of the attack. REQUIREMENTS To perform a Warning! the following conditions must be met: The trooper cannot be activated by Order or ARO in the same Order. An allied trooper inside his Zone of Control or the trooper himself must have been targeted by an Attack. WARNING! RULE (Active Turn/ Reactive Turn) Warning! is always performed at the end of the Order, in the Conclusion, after the ARM/BTS Rolls. Warning! allows the trooper to spin, without changing its position, to modify the arc of his LoF so the attacker is within it. This is an automatic movement which doesn't require any Roll. As Warning! is performed at the Conclusion of the Order, it doesn't generate an ARO. Warning! Game example: The unlucky Fusilier Angus suffers a hit from a Grenzer sniper positioned far away. After performing, and failing, the ARM Roll, Angus enters the Unconscious state. However, the Fusilier is inside the Zone of Control of his inseparable Fusilier Bipandra who was not able to react before as she had her back to the Nomads sniper. So, before this Order ends, Bipandra can declare a Warning! and spin around to place the Grenzer in LoF.
  4. Tonight, I assembled the Govad HMG, a Djzanban, and another Farzan I found in a drawer next to my paints. The Djzanban is supposed to be the medic, but since I bought a spare Djanzaban Hacker off Evan, I am doing an arm swap and giving the hacker pointing arm and the med bag to one Djzanban model. The other torso in the same pose got the pistol arm and the rifle arm. This afternoon, I played Berman at the club. I took this list I posted for the Scenario. It is a bit of mean list with a Fiday, two LCAM Daylamis, a defensive Ghulam Link, and two Mutts. I had several hacking elements, but only used two programs: Spotlight, and Assisted Fire. I ate a large chunk of Berman's Tohaa before he could play. Berman his a tight list, but he bunched groups of models where I could use shotguns with great efficiency. He added the game with a sniper striped of it's symbiont army. I have to work next weekend, so no Glimpses Tourney on Saturday or Club on Sunday. This week, I hope to assemble the other three Djzanban, to add to my QK options
  5. Thank you Berman, Pete, Joel, Scott, Edward, Aaron, Seth, and Jay. Jay is running the show next week .
  6. After Week 6 1. Jay: 64, 10 Assembled*, 7 painted 2. Aaron: 59, 6 Painted, 10 assembled 3 . Brandon: 50, 10 Assembled*. 4. Joel: 42, 6 Paint, 4 Assembled 5. Scott: 40, 10 Assembled* 6. Evan: 38, 6 Assembled 7. Raindog: 36, 1 Painted, 9 Assembled. 8. Berman: 35, 3 Assembled 9. Pete: 33, 2 Assembled 10. Caitlin: 32, 5 Assembled 11. Edward: 27, 10 Assembled 12. Josh : 22 13. Jeff: 19, 1 Assembled 14. Darron: 20, 7 Assembled 15. Justin: 15 16. Jeremy: 12 16. John: 12 18. Seth: 11 19. Jenni: 8 20. Alicia: 5 21: Dan: 5
  7. Overlord N3 Wiki > Main Sections > Advanced Rules > Hacking Programs > Overlord OVERLORD (ITAG) SHORT SKILL / ARO Attack, CLAW-1. REQUIREMENTS The target must be an enemy TAG. If the target is a Manned TAG, its Pilot/Operator must be inside it. EFFECTS Allows the user to make a WIP Roll against the target. A successful Roll forces the target to make a BTS Roll versus Damage 14 while suffering the effects of Breaker Special Ammunition, that is, using only half its BTS value. Failing the BTS Roll causes the target to enter the Possessed state, signified by a Possessed Marker (POS) in base to base contact. The effects of this program persist until the opponent cancels the induced state by whatever means. The range of this program is the Hacker's Hacking Area. POSSESSED TROOPER MOV CC BS PH WIP ARM BTS STR S 4-4 13 12 * 11 * * * * Note - Use the trooper's original values.
  8. This is a solid program for shutting down remotes and heavy infantry links from rampaging around.
  9. GOTCHA! (INFOWAR) SHORT SKILL / ARO Attack, CLAW-1. REQUIREMENTS The target must be an enemy with the Hackable Characteristic (HI, TAG, REM...) or an enemy Hacker. EFFECTS In the Active Turn, the user may distribute two WIP Rolls among one or two targets. Each successful Roll forces the target to make a BTS Roll versus Damage 13. Failing the BTS Roll causes the target to enter the Immobilized-1 state, signified by an Immobilized-1 Marker (IMM-1). The effect of this Hacking Program is canceled automatically at the end of the following Player Turn after the declaration of this program, but the induced state may be canceled earlier by other means. The range of this program is the Hacker's Hacking Area.
  10. Two more models assembled: The Drogo Yuan Yuan and the actual Leila Sharif. I have Tarik, a Ragik, and 4 Djzanbans and I have assembled every Haqq model I own.
  11. I modeled a Muyib. The new Muyib with the Grenade Launcher has some effort. The new mood lines are problematic on the gun. They are all fixable, but time consuming.
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