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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. He moved again and farther away this time. He does come back from time to time and leave messages for us in the club house.
  2. Hello, If anybody has the brown cardboard boxes that the units come in, can you bring them? Scott would like them.
  3. +1 point for the wrong name and now fixed!
  4. The great empire looks flipping fantastic. Great for Death Korps.....
  5. In between chores and dad duties, I painted to football, Preacher, and Comic Book Cover Story last night. I worked on three Mutts, my Ghulam, and four walls. I need to finish the base for the Ghulam to be done.
  6. Chappy, May you find a groovy gaming group and lucrative employment opportunities. Cheers, RD
  7. @Exile Happy Birthday Pete! May your day be filled with caring friends and glorious exploits. May your glass be full and your soul content! Cheers, RD
  8. Working on a rifle Ghulam. It is not sexy, but low level games they are very useful.
  9. And he has the PDF files.......
  10. Scott's looked great. Very Professional. He should be here this week at Game Night.
  11. @thediceabide Another great article by thediceabide: Anti-material and scenery.
  12. Remember to post up your modeling pix, your gaming thoughts, match results, and thoughts about the league for bonus points!
  13. Jeff, It is hard during the work week. Could you drop them off at Tuesday Game Night?
  14. For everybody else, if you bring a painted barrel to donate to the club, I will give you a point.
  15. @Ogre Seth For every painted barrel you bring to donate to the club next week, I will give you one negative league point.
  16. Believe it or not, I thought about all of Seth's ideas while making the scenario including trying to move barrels. Since we have several newer players, I went for the simpler version and made this a shooting scenario for the purposes of skill building.
  17. Date: Sunday, October 1st, 2017 Time: 3 PM to 8 PM (we sometimes close later) Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: Sunday night is primarily Infinity night. Anyone interested in checking Infinity out is welcome. We also have tables open for Blood Bowl, AoS, 40k, or whatever game you want to play. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game before coming down. Hope to see you there!
  18. Thank you Alicia, Aaron, Pete, Jay, Jeremy, John, Justin, Josh, Joel, Evan, Berman, Jeremy, Brandon, Darron, Caitlin, Seth, and Jeff!
  19. Hello Great Gamers! Thank you for an awesome Week One. I hope most of you can make it to Week 2. If you missed Week One, there is still plenty of time and space for you! Week Two of the Escalation League is October 1st! Time: 3PM! Points: 175! That is 25 more points. Bring Food, Bring Friends! Let me know, if you want a teaching game! I sat down with Josh this week! Mission: Barrels of Boom. Each player has five barrels. These will be represented as poker chips, but for game play will be Silhouette 2 in height. After Initiative, but before deployment each player will place three barrels in the opposing deployment zone and the remaining on the opposing half of the table, outside the other deployment zone. The goal is to shoot and destroy as many of these barrels by the end of the game. Barrels in the opposing zone are worth 2 points. The other barrels are worth one point. Note: The contents of these barrels are highly explosive. Damaged barrels will explode using the circular template. Any model hit by the template will suffer a Strength 14 hit using the explosive rule. The player who kills the most opposing troops from barrels' blasts receives another 2 points. Special Rules: 1. Command Tokens cannot be used for strategic purposes. Let me know if you can make it. At this point, I know Caitlin, Joel, and John are out.
  20. Holy Cow! We had 18 people. The rankings will be in order of points next week. To get points, make sure you post this wee, bring food, and assemble and paint models. Some players have higher scores for starting new armies or attending for the first time. If I did not get your models assembled or painted for the week, don't worry. There is a total of ten points allowed for assembling models and another ten for painting them for the entire League. Let me know the next time we meet, and I will add them to the score. Remember this is all for fun and the winner receives a free ticket to a charity tournament. 1. Aaron: 7 2. Alicia: 5 3. Berman: 4 4. Brandon: 13 5. Caitlin: 8 6. Darron: 5 3 Assembled 7. Edward: 9 1 Assembled 8. Evan: 14 4 Assembled 9. Jay: 9 3 Assembled 10. Jeff: 9 1 Assembled 11. Jeremy: 12 12. Joel: 14 5 Paint 13. John: 10 14. Josh :7 15. Justin: 9 16. Pete: 7 17. Raindog: 5 18. Seth: 4:
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