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Lord Hanaur

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Everything posted by Lord Hanaur

  1. I just don't think the IG super heavies are as much of a concern. Don't even get me started about their busted ass Forge world stuff, but the codex stuff has seemed to be fine and not "ohmuhgerd, what do I do" inducing.
  2. I was halfway through writing a response when i saw you changed directions. Belakor used to be super silly pants. No idea if he is anymore but the rest of the list looks scary. 30 Bloodletters with some crazy buffs (kinda like you do the Tzangors) looks super mean. same deal with the plague bearers. pretty big wall of nastiness. Ton of characters. Looks like it would be pretty skery but I think it will be hated far less than the first list! I think the issue for most people on the Castellan is that it is such a jarring amount of damage that it just points nad deletes three things until it gets to hordes. Even hodes hate it though they hate it less. I have a Stormlord but Ive never actually used it. But my friend borrows my stuff to play and I watched his game using it and it was a really impressive machine but ti didnt feel like it was as scary as the Castellan (and plus a Castellan would laugh it off the table which kinda answers the question because nne of those IG tanks can do the same to him).
  3. Thanks. Make them as small as possible. Interacts less w terrain and models. Mine are simple metal rods.
  4. Mine has 200 even. And I don't care how anal someone gets. I am not going to kill myself for a distinction that makes no difference. 😃 So i move the front two On either side with precision, aand then start pumping them arms. We got a game to play. I also have cheaty sticks of 9" doom that allow me to VERY quickly triangulate where the closest point is to DS etc... so My life is made easy as long as I bring all my toys. I set up at mach speed. Four corner orks, aaaaand...dump and...your turn. I'll stand em up while you deploy. deeep Strike? Lay down my 9 inch little rods and...slap em all on the table. stand em up afterwards. It takes practice but I have mastered the art of getting that dang game done in time. Soooooo many models. Gotta go fast. Oh and even if its alternating deployment...just keep deploying. Its not like theres some deep meaningful plan that no one will see coming if you make them wait to see it. 😃 I'm pretty sure they know whats coming.
  5. time is an issue for ANY army with a lot of models. My patented Pencil box technique is guaranteed to allow you to plus a full 6 rounds in just 2.5 hours of total play! order today and you'll not only receive all of this valuable information but today only I'll throw in... a Picture of my pencil box's ABSOLUTELY FREE!
  6. Adepta Sororitas vs. Cawl led Adeptus Mechanicus I YET AGAIN forgot to deep strike all three units of my Seraphim. I cannot believe it. I have forgotten this FAR too often and frankly, playing 200 points down is getting old. I don’t know what makes me forget them but… I chose Engineers, Head Hunter and Old School. He chose Kingslayer, Butchers Bill and Ground Control. Vanguard Deployment. I let him go first. He had deployed conservatively back. Even if he moved his Kastellan Robots they wouldn’t fire turn one, so I decided to make objectives easier on me. He shuffled forward and his only shots were to hit Celestine for 2 wounds with his Snipers. On my turn I cut loose with the Exorcists trying to get First Blood by killing a 3 man Custodes unit, but left one alive. No dice. Things got more interesting. His Shield Captain, Banner bearer, and three more Custodes were advancing south along my right flank and the Champion made the mistake of becoming the closest target if I moved a couple of Exorcists. His third Custodes unit deep struck onto the battlefield near the central objective, but out of sight. This time the Kastellans ADVANCED forward to make certain they would have shots aplenty moving forward. The Sisters of Battle could not escape their reach now. This allowed me to try and pummel the Kastellans again on my turn with an Exorcists and I killed one, left another with just 2 wounds. There were very disappointing rolls involved, and the killing blow got bounced back twice at my tank, actually damaging the Exorcist w two mortal wounds instead of finishing the second one off! My other exorcists took aim and fired on the Shield Captain, getting him down to 4 wounds. Again disappointing performance! Yellow Squad had come out of the building near the Shield Captain to fire as well with their meltaguns but to no avail whatsoever. Meanwhile the Arco Flagellents advanced up from the bulding they were in and streaked in behind the Exorcist that tried to kill the Kastellans. This got them closer to the center of the board with Uriah Jacobus… Celestine, seeing her opportunity dashed to the center objective, giving her sisters more objectives (3) but now she was very much in the open, facing everything he had. The bright side was that we did manage to kill the last Custodes unit we started on in round 1. That gave us “Killed more”. Celestine stood alone. The entire Adeptus Mechanicus army and its Custodes guardians bore down on her position. The entire army, practically, shot her to pieces, and she fell to the ground. The Kastellans were the only unit that didn’t lay into her as they opened up their cannons and deleted Blue squad entirely! Battle sisters died horribly, killing 18 of the 14! …But like a Phoenix, Celestine rose again (rolled a 1 and then re-rolled it to save her). The Custodes and their leader who deep struck in made the charge and started cutting Celestine down, doing 5 wounds. Before their leader could strike, she interrupted for two command points and then used her Act of Faith to attack twice. It wasn’t enough and he survived with one wound despite her fury. He then leveled his weapon and cut her head off. The Bike Captain charged an Exorcist and didn’t do much to it but did lock it up. On my turn the Green Squad streaked towards the central objective behind cover. The Arco-Flagellents followed suit behind the shadow of an Exorcist (again) that was forced to advance to get to the objective. It now stood essentially where Celestine had been in the middle of the board facing an entire army of firepower, green squad right beside it and Arco’s trailing. The Yellow Squad shot at the Bike Captain, after the Exorcist it was engaged with pulled out. Three meltas using the Act of Faith to hit on 2’s: nothing. The Exorcists that could fire tried to kill the Kastellan Robots again, and both failed. Again frustrating because I knew what that meant for my exposed Sisters of Battle. The rest of the Battle Sisters from Purple, Pink and Red squads mustered forward and took shots at the Bike Captain, from their rearguard position, but it wasn’t enough either. Desperate to get something from all this, The Canoness brashly attacked the Shield Captain, brandishing aloft her Eviscerator. She used the Act of oFaith to fight twice…and still only inflicted 1 wound., then died. This guy was unkillable. We killed nothing! As before the entire Adeptus Mechanicus army fired its load, this time into the Exorcist that held the center objective, moving up to charge it if need be. The tanks hull is remarkably resilient and it had 2 Wounds left when the shooting cleared. The Kastellans and some other Ranger dropped all but the three Meltaguns in Yellow Squad, dropped all but one of Green Squad. It was devastating. Two units of skitarii and the Custodes that had slain Celestine charged the tank with the Shield Captains help. T8 helped it survive with one wound left! I used Command Points to auto-pass the morale test on yellow Squad and used a Faith Point to auto pass green Squads morale, which meant he had actually killed nothing despite the extreme efficacy of his weapons. On my turn, I used an Act of Faith to resurrect another of green Squads melta wielding companions, and they pushed towards the Kastellan Robots, firing. They failed to take out the one with 2 wounds. Le sigh. The Yellow Squad with its mere three meltaguns moved and tried to kill the Shield Captain using their Act of Faith to hit on2’s. . Nothing. Unfreaking killable. Pink and Red Squad moved forward to add fire on the Shield Captain and also did nothing and their meltas were too far away to be a threat. Yet. All of this enfuriated Uriah Jacobus. He send his Arco-Flagellents forward after the Exorcist limped out of his way and they tore the entire group holding the center objective to pieces! The ShieldCaptain was unphased. The kastellans unleashed with the rest of the armies and snipers in retribution. Yellow and Green Squad disappeared predictably, and there were really no other targets other than the Arco-Flagellents and uriah Jacobus in the middle to shoot. Secondaries made the game clearly out of reach however. With secondary Scores, the Sisters of Battle help a decided 27-12 advantage and there was little that the remaining forces could do to make up those points. The Adeptus mechanicus conceded, their shield Captain and remaining Vanguard took the two Kastellans and Cawl to seek other battlefields. Overall the game was brutal. The Adeptus Mechanicus firepower and fortitude were definitely on display. When he pointed at something it mostly died spectacularly with the exception of the Exorcists which took quite the beating. Had we played it out he probably would have slaughtered my wounded Exorcist, Arcos and Uriah in the following round and he probably wouldn’t have held more, but would have killed more for sure. Battle Sisters victory 27-12
  7. Yes, that is useful. My friend desperately wanted me to take them instead of the Traktor Kannons. Thing is, I like not failing to hit. As I have all the anti-personell ability in the world, i wanted some reliability that didn't require huge gobs of dice. But the Kustom Maga Blasters are a very dangerous group of weapons and will take their toll.
  8. I'm confused... Did part of this list get cut off?
  9. Alright on to the next one! This event has already signed up 11 of its 16 slots. So if you are giving some thought to joining us for the fun, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check with your significant other and your boss, so you can for sure get the day off. Once you know for a certainty that you are thumbs up, PM me your name email address, the subfaction you're going to rep and of course the club you are in, if indeed you are.
  10. Pics of armies that are coming, as well as pics of the tables being prepared are up on Facebook.
  11. It skirts the border for sure. Maintaining that firepower will require very clever deployment plans.
  12. Tragic that Chaos should have fallen so far as to need super expensive "fix models" to make up for the otherwise inferior nature of their unit selections. I heard somewhere that Obliterators are now 1-3 so taking a singular one is a thing again. I did like that as i used to do it all the time.
  13. Just 3 days before we set sail for winds of fortune at the tournament. Have you created your printable easy-to read army list for all your opponents (mandatory)? Have you primed all your models (which is all we require for this particular event, to encourage newer players) Have you assembled your forces and are they WYSIWYG? Have you sought permission from the TO if they are conversions? Have you accepted that all prizes will be raffled and that you may well be the winner even if you lose? Are your lists actually interesting? If so, then you're ready.
  14. Played the list at 1800 points against Blood Angels today. LeMartes is pretty good! He brought Primaris and regular troopers and scouts, so a lot of Obsec. His Thundering LasCannon Predator and Hell Blasters formed a firebase with the Vindicare, and the Death Company and characters readied to spear my backfield and ruin my Exorcists day. He went first and advanced. I responded by killing his Librarian Dread. He brought his front forward and dropped in thr Death Company, killing the Pink ladies squad outright, while Mephiston slammed into Green Squad midboardand took four out. Inceptors dropped in and cooked a bunch of blue squad down south. Celestine Wiped a character. brought another termie captain to 1 wound and killed two Space Marines near Mephiston while Battle Sisters advanced and fired behind her, taking out all but 1 of the Tactical Marines Celestine chopped up but leaving thee survivor free of the combat. Blue and Red squad somehow managed in unison not to do a single wound to the inceptors. Seraphim alighted in his backfield and did a wound to the assassin,then 5 of them lost two Seraphim sisters charging the Lascannon Predator to shut it up.His snipers again tried to fire down on the Warlord Mistress of Repentance and put a wound on the Mistress of Repentence, but the rout was on. Celestine and her two Canonesses aswell as the swarming Yellow and Green Squads dominated the middle while the Seraphim endured and eventually hunted the Vindicare dead while keeping the Predator busy. By games end, Lemartes had squashed Purple Squad deep inside my deployment zone who had been assigned guard duty in the Exorcists and LeMartes was battling it out with an Exorcist tank. His scouts held on desperately in combat with the Seraphim in his backfield, whose pistols were ebbing their strength. The Predator with 3 wounds was left begging for its life but unable to escape the enwrapping Seraphim. Key things in this game were that the Vanguard deployment forced him to both go first and deal with the longer journey to me. He just didn't have the range to hurt me signficiantly enough, and it wasn't like I was making any rolls, so he kinda had his way with me when he was able to target me. Final score was 27-14. Thus far the Battle Sisters are 8-1 in this iteration.
  15. Hey that's cool. I wonder if we could get everyone else whose going to post some pics?
  16. Late night meandering thoughts: Took the list for a spin at the Aberdeen tournament. Went 2-1 I'm a bit tired so I won't do a whole write up yet, but it was fun. I was able to get 4th place with it. I lost to Colin Sherman who is excellent and who showed me the ridonculous speed of the GeneStealer Cults, with a Swarmlord. I wasn't following all the movement rules he was using, but I've never seen foot models move that fast in my life! His Aberrants were VERY effective. My Acts of Faith failed me completely, twice early and it cost me dearly. What was going to be a glorious rout turned into an inglorious rout if ya' know what I mean. I had my golden opportunity and just failed the Act of Faith rolls. Like twice in a row it happened. Le sigh. I lost like... 13 powerful melee attacks, re-rolling 1's to hit, and 10 so-so attacks because of it on just the first whiff. Boy would that have brought those Aberrants to heel a lot faster! He then used his Stratagem to do to me what I had planned to do to him. Yup. That hurt. He took three forgeworld planes which could shoot 40 shots. Yup. Forge World... The takeaway though is that even with those silly planes, and with the Aberrants and all of it, I had a very good chance. Which is a far cry from how I felt about my previous list. The score wasn't really indicative of the opportunities my sad rolling cost me in turns 2 and 3. This is progress! I will say that the Arco-Flagellents did not add to my list the way I had sort of hoped. They are such an easy thing to kill, and while they did get a charge off in my first game to some effect, (Not great because Uriah wasn't close and they HAD to go lock up a couple Armigers) they often had to be sheltered and sort of in lurk mode. In my second game they killed 10 IG and got slaughtered. In the third game they never laid a finger on anything. Just lurked and dared not go out into the fray. The retarded bolter beta rule is really a miscalculation, I think. It was absurdly good nd absolutely made me laugh at the idea of giving up those Arcos for free basically to non-moving lumps of bolter fire (as compared to my bolters which had to scurry the hell upfield to get some shots, let alone both). But that's just a side note. Anyways, previously I had the Arco-Flagellents in a Rhino and that worked like clockwork but out on their own... mm.... The original thought was to use them to counter charge and it sounds good when you say it; but you almost end up feeling like you'd have been better off using them as a red herring to lift some shooting off of the other units. At that point you'd prefer something heartier or just flat cheaper. I'm not certain what to do about that, yet. One thought I also had was that the Seraphim were used as Deep Strikers in all my games. It might have been just as good an idea to have them deployed against aggressive forces like the Genestealers. After all, they have fly and don't share the trouble of getting locked with the Gene Stealers, and they can do what Kroot Mercenaries do for my army T'au Empire army: screen and die, leaving the enemy to stare at my gun barrels en masse. In which case, more gun barrels seem advisable (which was what I had before I added the Arco-Flagellents!). Giving up "killed more" for turn one might be an acceptable price in return for blasting the threat to size and De-fanging it. I mean at the end of the day its just 1 point, but it might SAVE me a whole lot of points or make me a whole lot of points... Bottom line: this worked very well in general and I'm actually looking forward to playing it more. I tabled the first opponent 39-12 (Imperial Knights and Deathwatch), lost 38-11 (GeneStealer Cult+Tyranids) and then won 35-19 (Deathwatch, Dark Angels and Space Wolves, really interesting list which played REALLY well and was sort of tailor made to tear me apart and illustrated to me the vast difference that Bolter beta rule makes...).
  17. You can only attack units you charged. So. Charge whatever is in your grasp if you think you can get away with it.
  18. Every fight has 3 steps: PAC. Pile in Attack Consoludate Its worth noting that if you do fight twice, after the first time, someone can interrupt you with 2CP before you fight the second time in most cases because most of those abilities say you can be selected to fight again.
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