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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. I'd have to go back and look, its been months since I had done that...I think it might have been some necron units at the time since that was the army I had been interested at the time.
  2. Has anyone made a conversion of models to units for OPR? That was one of the bits that confused me reading thru some of the lists. I could work out a bunch of them, but sometimes I was scratching my head. I would love to give OPR a good try.
  3. I backed something very similar with more rounded buildings.
  4. I'm very nearly done with my 40K collection and really just need a few last units to wrap things up. In no rush or hurry, but figured I'd check with Ordo to see if I could fill some of those gaps. I'm interested in the new Kill Team Karskin unit that was released not long ago in a box set. Also looking for a Vostroyan imperial guard unit. At least 10 guys, and wouldn't mind a few heavy or special weapon options to go along with. Have lots to trade and also don't mind buying if the price is right.
  5. Quick update. I've gotten two characters up to level 10, which shouldn't be hard, but the game seems very unstable right now. I'm crashing all the time. Here's the rub, I'm on a brand new system. X670E motherboard, new ryzen 7700x cpu, 32gb ddr5 ram, radeon 6700xt vid card with 12gb gddr6, running on a samsung pro 980 nvme 2TB ssd, with a fresh install of windows 10 pro. All drivers are up to date. Oh, and I'm averaging 900+ mb/s thru my 2.5gb network card. And this is with several graphic features turned off in the game to smooth things out. Ugh. It is beta, so hopefully more fixes will come thru. To its credit, if you do crash or are disconnected, it will generally allow you to try to reconnect as long as the mission is still being played. I'd say I can reconnect about 90% of the time. But if you get the boot right at the end, most likely the mission will finish up before you get back in, resulting in a loss of rewards. That sucks. Again though, it is a beta and I'm hopeful that things get fixed. The gameplay is good....A decent mixture of fun stuff and hair pulling frustration. Makes beating a level all the more satisfying.
  6. First of all, any ordo's playing? My handle is BrotherGlacius on steam. Right now I'm playing mostly the psyker and zealot. For those that played vermintide, the game is similar in some regards, but they have made some nice improvements. There are now common weapon choices across the classes. Especially in the low levels. So everyone can have a lasgun if they want (which makes for an excellent sniper rifle). As you level up, you'll start to unlock class specific weapons. There are no chests after each level like vermintide. You get a certain amount of coin that you can then spent to buy stuff. I think the selection of what you can buy changes each time you level (as some gear is level dependent). Money is shared across all characters, so you don't specifically have to grind for each character which is nice. But there doesn't seem to be any selling of old gear nor breaking it down for parts just yet. But again, not the full game, so who knows. The game is tough, the levels are huge, and sometimes it is not easy to know which way to go. Right now there are too many people trying to do speed runs to unlock levels, so grouping kind of sucks, as it doesn't allow for any exploration because just like in vermintide, if you get separated, then you are dead. Enjoying the game play though. They have introduced a slide action to help avoid enemy fire. You can get roasted pretty quick from enemy shooting. I like it. Can't wait for the full game.
  7. those look a tad big, do you have a GW stand to compare next to? I love warmaster and have been eyeing some of those 3rd party armies....they do look amazing.
  8. Being restricted to base reinforced companies out of the one book kind of hurts. Like I have the little pop AT gun...but then I can't take any arty. I think I based my army out of the Armies of the Sun book or something..so going back to the crap Italy book where they have the worst special rules ever just doesn't do well. But I get why you do it.
  9. Sorry I didn't make it. I came close. But wife just got home after being gone for a whole week and it just didn't feel right to be gone a whole day. Plus, I couldn't even get my Italians up to 1250pts. 😞 we'll try to get a game in together soon.
  10. So I have several current sentinels and after seeing GW's latest, they basically made some leg plates and such to now represent the "armored" version. So before, it was enclosed cab was armored, open cab was recon. Now the armored has closed cab and armor plates. So would like to get some armor plates to go on my current closed cab to make them fit in more with the new armored sents.
  11. Hey Scott, how hard would it be for you to come up with some armor plates to fit on the IG sentinel model?
  12. I watched a vid on it, it is a battery basically with a warming function. The Jupiter has a metal box enclosure already, so I think it will be fairly save to place that in a corner away from the vat where it can radiate some warmth.
  13. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07H3LZGSP/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=a3784e5e817f4fd42706ff9a789b4b9d&content-id=amzn1.sym.53aae2ac-0129-49a5-9c09-6530a9e11786%3Aamzn1.sym.53aae2ac-0129-49a5-9c09-6530a9e11786&hsa_cr_id=1224893730501&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=d11b92af-8663-410c-99db-9d15e7279b51&pd_rd_w=3PF4a&pd_rd_wg=7xMg7&qid=1667487706&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_asin_0_img&sr=1-1-a094db1c-5033-42c6-82a2-587d01f975e8&th=1 Do you think something like this would help?
  14. okay, so my jupiter is quite large and I have seen people create an inside heater. I'll have to see what I can find to replicate, otherwise its no printing until the summer. Or heating my garage up to 70 degrees.
  15. How important is room temperature for resin printing? I was planning on having mine in my garage.
  16. Some questions. So right now the games are set at 1000pts, and previously, we started with 1000pts to build our forces, and then got a free 250pt bump. So is it still current at 1250 total points plus whatever people spent RP on? Also, for those of us who have missed games, that means no additional RP. So that extra 250 has to be used on new units unless you have the RP to expand a unit correct?
  17. Oops, and also forgot Totl Games. Not too far from GG or WoW...not as large of a space, but I do know they have tables and events from time to time. Really nice people there.
  18. Red Castle is also a very nice store. And if you head up to Vancouver, Mindtaker Miniatures is a fantastic place not only to play, but pick up used minis at a great price.
  19. I think I'll be able to make this week. Looking for an opponent.
  20. that thing is like barely smaller than a baneblade...not sure where it fits in the "needs" of the army exactly...but they need something for people to spend money on I guess.
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