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Everything posted by fingolfen

  1. I've already got a few from the 'Nam releases - may just repurpose them... they aren't fully painted yet.
  2. I have a Cub Scout thing going on today - so won't be able to make it...
  3. Second shot at photo-etching lower front glacis plates for the T-72 - definite improvement this time around! https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/10/t-72-photo-etch-update.html
  4. I thought about calling this edition of the blog "Hold My Beer, I'm Gonna Try Somethin'," but you'll get the idea. My T-72 tanks had a naked lower glacis, which required attention... so... I ... well.... Let's just say it involves chemistry and leave it at that... https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/10/battlefronts-t-72-and-advanced.html Teaser!
  5. Won't be able to make it tonight... my wife has a meeting and Sean and I are hanging out...
  6. Haven't posted in a while, but the first company of infantry are almost done!!! I posted my full "how to" guide over on the blog... https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/10/not-your-typical-volksarmee-painting.html Here are a few teaser photos (I was using my phone camera, so the pictures aren't as good as I'd like) Now I need to Dullcote the infantry and get the grass on the bases. I'll post more (and better) photos once that's done.
  7. Not going to be able to make it tonight - my son has a function this evening... planning on being out next week.
  8. I'm going to try and be there, but I'm coming down with a cold so I may skip tonight...
  9. I'm bringing the evil East Germans tonight... Barca - did you check your BMP - Laz ended up with two left (or right) tracks. Did you have the same problem?
  10. Be ready for it to hit the fan when FoaN comes out. Once I get my east Germans painted I'm starting on Israelis... which will probably run in parallel with some Western Team Yankee...
  11. ... or just run up ten T72s and pray for the dice gods to smile upon you... worked that time for me... :D
  12. I may try and get by a bit early today and try two small games...
  13. You got time on Sunday? We could always get one last game in then... Next Sunday / Monday is likely going to be my last chance to get a Phase VI game in... Thursday should still be Phase V...
  14. I'm enjoying the heck out of TY at this point...
  15. See you guys there then! I'm still trying to get the infantry done, but I doubt they'll be there... forgot I still had to build some BMP-1s... DOH!!!!
  16. If you're looking to do LW, the existing V3 lists are fine, and there is an EW/LW conversion book out there. MW has no paras at this point.
  17. I'm hoping to have the infantry done for this Thursday so we can run a few more points. Ryan, Barca, are both of you guys going to be there? I have a care package for each of you...
  18. Of course that's NZ time, so we'll likely need to have our last games for the campaign played and in on the 18th. I'll continue to monitor the "final countdown" (insert keyboard riff here) and keep everyone in the loop...
  19. I'll be there around 6:30 or so... hopefully with DDR in tow!
  20. Sorry phyfor88 - didn't mean to unload on you - the new MW army lists... basically all of them... are a real sore point for me. One of the things that attracted me to FoW in the first place was the depth and richness of the army lists, and that's been chucked in V4.
  21. Nope... The T30 is a short barreled pack howitzer on the halftrack chassis... Here's the old one: http://www.flamesofwar.com/Default.aspx?tabid=144&art_id=1394&kb_cat_id=68 The iconic 75mm GMC was a tank destroyer:
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