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Everything posted by fingolfen

  1. Wrong 75mm, the GMC isn't there.. Confirmed by BF even before the book came out...
  2. A lot of people have unfortunately come to the same conclusion. Honestly at this point I'm having a lot of fun playing Team Yankee. There's enough history to keep it interesting, but given the setting is at least partially fictional there is a little less overhead. Sure, there are a lot of pieces of equipment they haven't released yet, but it is a good base game and is fun. And the lack of depth doesn't hurt it at this point. Unfortunately the lack of depth is crippling in FoW since it had that depth less than a year ago...
  3. If we start early enough maybe we can get a couple of games in...
  4. I saw that - would be cool to try out as well. I may see if I can get my unpainted / primed DDR force semi-mobile so I can try it out.
  5. Who's down for TY this Thursday? There's a fun looking "Amsterdam Hasty Attack" mission for the Firestorm campaign I'd love to try...
  6. I've also got some of those on order... given the mixed quality of some of the OG and QRF minis I'm likely going to use them as a basis to convert the BF minis...
  7. Advanced Modeler's Syndrome - "Hold my beer, I'm gonna try somethin'" edition... The BMP-1KSh as BMP-1 OP: https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/08/ddr-bmp-1-op-or-advanced-moldeling.html
  8. Thanks all for the game last night... what a nail biter! Barca - I notice you've signed up for the campaign - if you want to x-post your own battle report, we can link the two together - I have a code for you to add.
  9. Sounds great... my DDR is still "in preparation" but I'm getting there. Have you joined the Firestorm campaign yet?
  10. Anyone up for some more WW3 action this Thursday at Guardian?
  11. I've had an attack of AMS!!! (Advanced Modeler's Syndrome) T-72 tanks are now being "improved"! https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/08/battlefronts-t-72-and-advanced-modeling.html New surface details:
  12. Many thanks to Barca for bringing out his TY this past week! Was a lot of fun. ... that being said - who's on for a rematch?
  13. Would need to know what all is going on to be sure, is there a link?
  14. I've got my dice, templates, and tokens and will be there... W00T
  15. Astute individual on the BF main forum found this on the Amazon UK site: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nam-Vietnam-Miniatures-Game-Battlefront/dp/1472830245/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1502925440&sr=1-1 Release date is February 22, 2018 (at least according to Amazon)? Who's in? I'll bring the Jimmi Hendrix!
  16. I'd be happy to try your Soviets! What time are you going to be at GG tomorrow?
  17. Here is the latest on painting my East Germans - the good news is I'm making some progress, the bad news is it looks like I'm going to have to continue to borrow and proxy for the first few rounds of the Firestorm Campaign... but I did manage to get real live paint on figures this week! https://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2017/08/ddr-build-log-progress-infantry-and.html
  18. What lists do you have for both - I wouldn't mind giving your Soviets a test drive... my NVA is still on the workbench... :(
  19. Interesting update from Chris yesterday regarding the deletion of 37mm guns from the Armored Rifles and the missing M3 75mm GMC: " asked Phil about the 37mm guns and he said: "in the end it came down to playability. Having a single gun in an infantry platoon introduces a pile of complexities that are just not worth it. Instead, we decided to go with the option often followed (and formalised in the 1943 TOE) of grouping the 37mm guns into a company AT Platoon. This is both simpler in play, and gives the advantage of providing enough punch in the critical place to be significant while not burdening mobile operations with cumbersome guns." "As for the GMC this came down to miniatures range and popularity. We have been making some conscious decisions as a company about how big the supporting releases will be for each book, trying to ensure that we have a good range of options for players whilst still keeping it manageable for retailers. The Flames Of War range has grown to the point where it is too wide for the majority of retailers to stock effectively and if they cannot stock it, customers cannot easily get it. "In the case of the GMC we looked as the sales of it over it's lifetime and the reports from play testers about how it was performing on the table relative to other options and it was decided that we would not include it in the book. Moving forward we are going to have to continue to make tough choices about what is in the books and what is not. We don't make them lightly and we (as a team) definitely have robust discussion before committing to leaving anything out a book."
  20. I'm planning on being out at the store on Thursday if I can borrow and/or proxy some things... unfortunately all of my East Germans are still sitting on the painting table, but I'm making progress!
  21. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive... we could have the store basically attacking through the Fulda Gap or another area and report our batreps to the global campaign... I'm "helping out" with the global one, and would love to get some games reported... :D The main goal of the campaign is to get people playing and having fun with TY... so in short "Play more games!" The online campaign is at https://firestorm.warconsole.com/ - and they have an amazing set up... it's really going to be worth your time. Basically you just need to report games and give a short batrep - pictures are good too!
  22. Are you guys going to do the Firestorm campaign that just got released?
  23. ... and I absolutely get that for a brand new game with no established base like Team Yankee... FoW isn't that game, though. You've already got a large "installed base" - many of which were still willing and able to buy new product for FoW - especially with them finally getting back to MW. And yet they've gone out of their way to "reboot" the game - like they're trying to reproduce the TY uptake with FoW with a whole new customer base... and that's the approach I strongly question. From where I sit, alienating your base on a historical game is usually a "bad idea," but maybe there's enough new players to take up the slack. We won't know for a year or so at best...
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