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Everything posted by fingolfen

  1. ... and now it's DONE!!!! http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2016/09/arado-234-done.html
  2. WIP Arado 234 for the tournament this upcoming weekend: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-arado-234-in-flames-of-war.html
  3. I may be able to help you out with a few... let me dig through my bucket o' bits this weekend... I have a lot of FW conversions I did back in the day that left me with a fairly well stocked bitz box...
  4. I remember that one... pimp my ride - genestealer edition!
  5. Heh... oh definitely... of course, I'm one of the grognards who purchased Rogue Trader new in 1988... Which likely makes me twice as old as most of the GW employees at this point...
  6. I haven't followed each and every codex as closely for the last several years, but since their inception the Dark Eldar seem to have always been a bit problematic. I get what they were trying to do, bring back the "Eldar Pirates" of the Rogue Trader days before the Craftworld Eldar were really fleshed out, but even today it still feels like the back-story and how it relates to their force organization is still poorly integrated... Space Marines, Eldar, Orks, Guard - those are all pretty solid, but Dark Eldar still seem to be one of the red-headed stepchildren of the range... Even Tau seem far more thematically unified at this point...
  7. Age old problem with 40K - codex creep... I just build what I like and if my opponent is determined to play a death star or panzerspamblaster or whatever the current mega-force the latest crease in the rules has created... bully on them... I really just enjoy building and painting the miniatures, getting in a few games, and now a days, teaching it to my son...
  8. Yard Sale was absolutely EPIC. I had the table next to pretre - good time was had by all!
  9. Nah, you know me, I just like historical lists with some balance... Though I'm actually hoping to have bandwidth to run a tournament next year...
  10. Yes - as long as I can bring a more balanced force post-Tanksgiving... you know - with the squishy bits...
  11. I'm not sure it's cutting into his business, but the cynic in me sees a couple of things. FoW and TY often aren't viewed as "real" wargames by the "serious" community - after all, they're not hardcore simulations. They are streamlined abstractions, which isn't acceptable to a portion of the community, and on one level that's just fine - there should be room for everyone. However, both have been wildly successful both in terms of sales and creating an active international gaming community whereas the simulation games continue with much smaller communities which can be highly localized or regional. So while GHQ was one of the first, they have never been able to enjoy the mass-market success Battlefront has - and Battlefront did it with a "dumbed down" "beginner" game... So there may be some sour grapes coming through.
  12. Painted my first 40K miniature in literally years recently. I still have a little touch up to do, but this was mostly a test case for the color scheme for the rest of the army (which I figure will take 6-8 months to finish building and painting)... so how about a build log? Here's the bug in question: Write up here: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2016/08/call-exterminator-tyranid-paint-scheme.html
  13. I always like the old genestealer cults... may have to pick these up to go with my bugs in friendlies...
  14. Yeah, they definitely got the right guy to write the blog post...
  15. Looks like a great addition... And the blog post is hilarious!
  16. So the pot has been stirred again on TMP about what is the "right" scale for company level wargames on the tabletop. Here's my response and thoughts... http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2016/08/of-game-scale-and-ground-scale-part-ii.html
  17. Just what the title says... Looking for unbuilt bugs, mostly the bigger guys. Also looking for the Imperial Armour book covering the Forgeworld Tyranid minis. Have cash, Flames of War, and I may be willing to trade some Tau for bugs
  18. I'm in the market for some 'nids, specifically an Exocrine, Tyranofex, Hive Guard, and maybe a Tervigon... Only interested in unbuilt at this time... Have $$$
  19. There are also a lot of standard infantry formations and guns that make the jump - but others that don't.
  20. Let me go digging - I think I have some information on that. Will take me a couple of days.
  21. First mini-teaser for the 761st is up: http://www.wwpd.net/2016/08/flames-of-war-vehicles-of-761st-tank.html
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