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Everything posted by fingolfen

  1. GG is a slog for me, but it is still, hands down, one of the best gaming stores I've ever been in... period. Sorry to see the reduced commitment to FoW, but Angel has to do what's right for her business. I managed to take advantage of the sale and clean out the Japanese, Hungarian, and a few other odds and ends... (plastic Stalins for the win!)
  2. Interesting... feels sort of tacked on and not exactly the way we playtested it... but I'm game... *lol*
  3. It's not really an "era" on its own. They're sort of their own type of list, but the point costs for many units in EW and MW are different - so you and your opponent will need to be on the same era for points... better to just standardize it to EW or MW so people don't have to recalculate their lists from game to game.
  4. I'm assuming that we're using MW points as the OSS and 103a Compagnia Arditi Camionettisti are available... ... though honestly running that list at anything other than 500 points is going to be tough unless you run a two company army...
  5. I need to see if I have enough Italians to make this happen... If so, I'll bring them...
  6. I'll check my schedule on the tournament - I know January is fairly packed for me...
  7. One of my major time sinks is freeing up some next year - so that will help some... An overall 2016 calendar would be great if you could get one together! I'd love to do an EW tournament at some point - I still need to get my Polish Black Brigade out on the table...
  8. ... and sadly I'm out of the country on business...
  9. Would love to do an 1850 MW - could actually bring an SS Panzerkompanie...
  10. I loved the interview with JP... something mentioned about a Bulge compilation...
  11. Dang it... I would have blown some cash too.... :(
  12. Tried to do a build log on this, but I was running so far behind it ended up being a brief "in progress" entry and a final version... At this point I've got most of the vehicles base coated with modulation colors, and now I'm working on getting the decals down so I can go on to the washes and weathering. Full details at the blog! http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2015/11/on-to-berlin-late-war-soviet-lend-lease.html Some Shermans (M4A2 76mm): Some more Shermans (M4A2 75mm large and small hatch): I had to make my own decals - here's one of the foils that lets you turn a "black" decal "white": SU-76 and SU-122 Valentines and BA-64 ------- Here's the final product as it came to the tournament. I apologize the photos are a bit blurry - my light kit is down and I'll be retaking the photos later... Valentines - modulated Ammo of MIG British OD Katyushas: modulated AK interactive 4BO SU-122: SU-76: 75mm Shermans (Ammo of MIG Wargame US Armor set): 76mm Shermans: More at the blog: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2015/11/soviet-lend-lease-tanks-done-enough.html
  13. I'm finally making progress in generating some accurate tracks for the Panzer IV/70 (A) in its most typical configuration with four steel-rimmed roadwheels. Starting with the Plastic Panzer IV Ausf H tracks from Battlefront, I've scratch-built a roadwheel that I've been able to cast multiple copies of: I cast it as a tube so it would act as its own sprue in the resin and I could just cut it to a custom thickness to match where I've carefully removed the roadwheels from the plastic tracks. I plan to use the fenders from the Battlefront Panzer IV Ausf J kit and then turn around and use the spare tracks from the Panzer IV/70 (A) for the Panzer IV Ausf J (as the idler on the Ausf J plastics is dead wrong). More on the conversion at the blog: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2015/11/panzer-iv70-track-update.html More on the vehicle itself: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-panzer-iv70-and-bit-of-nostalgia.html
  14. Indeed! Don't light a match! Though I've moved away from the lacquer finishes to acrylics, but those are still alcohol based...
  15. So much to paint... so little time...
  16. Dang it - would love to do this, but I'm in Japan on business December 5-12...
  17. Generally you shouldn't get too close to my armies on tournament day because there may be a few VOC's still coming off from the dullcoat from the night before...
  18. I don't know if "silliness" is quite the right word, but 1850 points (or even 1700) actually makes a Tiger list almost viable in MW. Another thing to consider is the higher point values lead to larger armies, which means you generally going to need more time to play a game. The only technical problem I had with our 1945 tournament was that I really needed another 30 minutes on my first two games, I think I had a reasonable shot at winning both of those 5-2 (or at least 5-2 / 4-3), but instead it was a 2-2 and a 1-6.
  19. I'm hoping to actually get my painting done early for this one... ... ... okay stop laughing you guys!!!
  20. So for the first time in many years I may actually be able to make Enfilade... is there going to be a FoW tournament this time around. If so, what era? Points? Etc.?
  21. Sadly I won't be able to do this one as I'm at a technical conference in Ireland... but I'll try to have a beer for everyone while I'm there... :D
  22. Thanks to everyone for a great tournament yesterday... had a lot of fun - some great armies out there.
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