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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. Forge World and the New Warhammer 40,000 We’ve seen already today what the launch line-up for the new Warhammer 40,000 will be from our main studio (and if you didn’t then check it out here). As well as your Citadel Miniatures, we know that loads of you love to include Forge World models in your forces or even make whole armies of these more specialised kits. Don’t worry, we have you covered. Much like Citadel Miniatures, rules for the extensive Warhammer 40,000 Forge World range will be made available in a series of Index books. The first two of these will be available alongside the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, available to pre-order on the 3rd of June. These first two books will cover the forces of the Adeptus Astartes and their traitorous kin. Rules for all the rest of the Warhammer 40,000 Forge World range, including the myriad xenos races of the galaxy and the massed forces of the Astra Militarum and their accompanying Imperial Agents, will all be appearing in additional Index books that set to be released before the end of June. Every single Warhammer 40,000 miniature that Forge World make today will be covered, as well as a few classic ones. Also included are rules for a few characters who do not yet have a model, such as some heroes and villains of the Badab Wars. On top of that, several units will be made available to factions that never previously had access to them, and on Wednesday this week, we’ll be taking a look at one of them when we see our first Forge World datasheet for the new edition. For you Horus Heresy fans out there, Forge World will be announcing the future of that game system at Warhammer Fest this weekend. We’ll bring you the news from the event as it breaks, right here on the Warhammer Community site.
  2. I just want to know if the tacitcal objective cards are going to be different. It would be nice if I could use the ones I already have.
  3. Maybe my expectations were set too high. I didn't think this article covered as much as say elder.
  4. That tyranid update is kind of crap... It's like the article was written like the first one but just released now. Oh well. Wish we had learned a bit about their shooting capabilities and maybe shadows of the warp. Not sure how warriors are more durable, unless they get something they didn't mention.
  5. I am excited that Trygons may become a thing again! Back to LoW status would make me SUPER happy!
  6. A few co workers were talking about it when I came in this morning and I laughed and thought it was a funny topic. I posted it on here and haven't thought about it since. I did not realize this was a controversial subject on the Internets. But I am now going to go look it up.
  7. Is a hot dog a sandwich? It has two pieces of bread and meat in the middle...
  8. Subterranean Assault looks awesome! Makes genestealers look even better. Now to see their new stat line to see if they are worth it again... I mean they can't make them worse then the GSC genestealers can they?
  9. Not as a desk.. but the computer came with the SSD. It's parked out back next to the Prius.
  10. Will there be an electronic way of tracking games, or are we doing this old school with paper and turning it in?
  11. Ooohhh, sounds awesome! Now to remember 2 rule sets, drink, and bring 3 different armies for the weekend. Sounds like fun.
  12. The data sheet mentions power level, and the article says "...less competitive narrative or open play games..." So what about competitive? There have to be a mechanism to balance out a stock unit of guys vs a unit of tooled up guys. And if this datasheet is supposed to be all encompassing, I find the lack of competitive play description disturbing.
  13. I don't, but I know a few people that have theirs.
  14. I am dying to learn how the GSC is going fair in this new edition. T3 sucks, t-shirt save sucks, split fire will destroy them, and taking wounds with low LD will murder them... Hoping they get something to be survivable.
  15. Not liking the 0-2 flyers on the detachment. That means you have to decide between crones, harpies, and flyrants, or take multiple detachments to try and fit them in.
  16. Work just upgraded my computer, and now I have a desktop with a SSD. It is much zippier then my old computer.
  17. It's not consolidate into combat, it is just dragging people into combat that are within 3". So that unit of 30 Hgaunts that has 15 guys not touching, they will get 3" to try and drag another unit into combat. And since you are now considered in combat if within 1" of someone, you have 4" to work with. That extra 1" is a big deal, trust me, my wife said so...
  18. This is the internet... You should always express your opinions loud and boisterously, and when someone doesn't agree with you...
  19. -1 to shoot if you move... Not bad. Makes things more mobile in general and more shooty, though there was no mention of shooting at flyers... So with pistols you shoot the closest enemy, but not one locked in combat. Does that mean you are shooting the unit your locked in combat with, or the next closest unit?
  20. So everyone has the ability "hit and run" ... but from the sounds of it, if you Fall back, you are just asking to be shot at and recharged.
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