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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. I hate when I am listening to music in the car (Bluetoothed with my phone) and an awesome song comes up, so I go to hit the volume up button on the steering wheel and I end up skipping like 17 songs because I hit the next button instead... :(
  2. Can the objective tokens be painted with GW paints / primer?
  3. 7th Ed kill team 8th Ed Friday Nids 7th and 8th ready for the 40k event. I only have to add a small amount toaster the lists.
  4. Deathleaper dropped 40 points, mawlocs dropped about 40 points, and a couple of others dropped.
  5. I was converting my 7th edition list for the 40k event to 8th edition just in case my opponents want to play 8th. My list comes out to 1672 points and I am not sure what to do with the remaining points. Am I allowed to just fill those points with what ever I want? Do I have to submit another list so it is rated? Or do I just play at 1672 points?
  6. No point when I am rolling 2s and 1s, trust me I thought about it.
  7. He comes in a fancy box.. I can't even look at him. But I am more interested in playing with my new Dimachaeron. I have my own Xenos book that I am flipping thru and marking up... I wont touch yours... well maybe a little. I might drool over them a little bit, but I wont bend the pages.
  8. EVERYTHING ARRIVED!!!!! It is all pretty and sitting on my shelf.
  9. Played Fluger's Orks last night. 1k pts. as we are still getting used to this edition. 1. Old One Eye is a beatstick in combat! He was my MVP by far. 2. S7 is kind of s sucky strength for a carnifex to have... It isn't high enough to double out T4 infantry, and it needs 5s to wound T8+ tanks. I thuoght the fex was supposed to be the perfect tank killer for Tyranids.. Oh well, just my gripe. 3. I suck at rolling psychic tests. I only needed a 6... 4. Using 2 command points to jump the gun and get an attack in before your opponent can really turn the tides of the battle. 5. Picking the right combat order is key to victory.
  10. Your view of properly pointed seems to differ from mine. If we play, who is to say which list is pointed correctly? Also, if you run a tournament, you may need to spell out how you expect to see peoples lists pointed out so there is no confusion.
  11. For learning the game power level is probably easiest. Then once you get the basics down, switch to points.
  12. OOHh, youre right. Another fine point I missed, but worked out correctly.
  13. So your position is that if I have a hive tyrant, I have to pay for the 2 pairs of Monstrous scything talons (41 points) and then replace both sets with ranged weapon say four deathspitters with slimer magots (40 pts). Artificially inflating the Tyrants points by 41 points? I do believe that is wrong. Why would anyone swap weapons if you had to pay the price of the weapon you're swapping out?
  14. I am sorry. Life got a little crazy. Yes it was ordered, I just need to find the time to sit down and send everyone PMs about their orders.
  15. Played Fluger Last night. 1k Nids vs IG 1. Genestealers are FAST! 2. Broodlords are a BEAST! 3. The new character shooting thing is interesting. We forgot about not shooting characters and Old One Eye died on turn three to massed lascannon fire. He should have lived longer, but we forgot, and in 7th edition it was good target priority... 4. Falling back to allow others to shoot melee units is mean. 5. Multi- assaults to tie up shooting squads is ace!
  16. Going thru index: imperium 1 I can't find the section that gives points for the Legionof the Damned. I found their power level, but no points breakdown. Can someone point me to the page?
  17. Running tally: 367 GBP PumpkinHead: IA index xenos x2, Dimachaeron = 122 Pretre: Lemun Russ = 70 https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Leman-Russ-Primarch-of-the-Space-Wolves Purajh: IA Index Collection = 60 https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Imperial-Armour-Index-Collection-2017 Westrider: waiting on PM Edosaurus Rex: World Eaters legion etched brass = 12 https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/World-Eaters-Legion-Etched-Brass happycamper: Ork nob warbikes, ork warboss on bike = 103 https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Ork-Warboss-on-Bike https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Ork-Nob-Warbikes Let me know if the links I have provided are not what you want. If there are any changes include the link to what you want.
  18. Paypal is great and probably easiest. I assume people are of the decent sort if they are on Ordo, so I can take cash at OFCC if needed.
  19. If you are shipping your goods to the US then Forge World will charge sales and usage tax in the States where Games Workshop has retail stores. In other States, no Sales Tax will be charged. As you proceed through check out this will be recalculated in accordance with the State regulations. I believe this means it is WA tax. So the 15 GBP IA:index has a tax of 1.71.
  20. So far we have: PH - 137 Pretre - 70 Purajih - 60 This puts us over the 250. So anyone else that wants to jump on we are great. I won't be ordering until probably tomorrow, so if anyone else wants to jump on the bandwagon let me know. I am assuming LEMAN RUSS, PRIMARCH OF THE SPACE WOLVES is what you are asking for Pretre?
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