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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. I thought the wording was the same. I will check when I get home to my book.
  2. It is a 13 point increase per model and I lose an attack from the tusks. I don't have my book, but I thought the WS was the same. Battlescribe has them as the same WS. It was a deliberate choice so I could have more fexen. Battering ram is the same for all fexs.
  3. I totally changed my list in the second post. No 130 man GSC / Tyranids list. Just a 44 bug Nidzilla list. Of which, I expect 32 of them will be semi useful as objective grabbers and screens. I am expecting a LOT of work out of 12 big bugs.
  4. And... any ability that forced a unit to attack last was just hard countered by 2CP. All the more reason to build high CP lists.
  5. Yeah, this new errata they just pushed out now states "For the purposes of this FAQ, Overwatch attacks are not considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase." So that solves that issue.
  6. the rulebook faq states For the purposes of this FAQ, Overwatch attacks are also considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase. Does that mean a tfex or exocrine that remained stationary in its last movement phase can shoot twice in overwatch. This debate has been going on over at the Tyranid Hive for some time and there is no clear answer. I sent an email to Frontline gaming and haven't gotten a response. How are TOs ruling on this?
  7. I dug my way through the garage, fighting back many a crazed dianoga. I found my tub of all things Tyranids bits. If it is from a sprue that I didn't use it was clipped off and stored for safe keeping. I proceeded to open the vault and go swimming like Scrooge McDuck in his money. I happened to stumble upon the devourers I was looking for. Not one pair, not two pairs, but 8 pairs of MC devourers. So needles to say, I am good and this thread is no longer needed.
  8. Your inbox is full or something is amiss as I cannot send you a PM @Lord Hanaurabout donations.
  9. The new list: Flyrant, Old One Eye 2x3 rippers, 10 gants 3 fexes with scyth talons 2x flyrant 2x3 rippers, 10 gants 4 devil fexes Tyranofex with acid spray All big boys all fun. It will probably get chewed up and spit out, but it looks fun to me. The melee fexes plus flyrants should give me decent punch in melee if they make it there, and all the dakka from the dakkafexen plus flyrants putting out 120 ish shots should be enough to make people fail saves.
  10. I have an exocrine, but I built a list that has 8 fexes and 3 flyrants and I would rather play the fexes to see how things go before I change my list.
  11. They were typically 1 set per box. No idea in the 2 pack, but I haven't bought any in years.
  12. I am debating cutting off half the deathspitter gun and replacing it with two of the smaller devourers from the gaunt kit to kitbash MC devourer
  13. The carnifex kit. I too have debated the devourer vs deathspitter. Half the shots for +1 S, -1AP, and +6" seems like a good deal but attrition seems to do just as well at tanks and better on hordes.
  14. Title says it all. I am looking for the devourers that go to Tyranid MCs. Or a Fex with 4 devourers and enhansed senses head. I know they are the hardest guns to get, so I am not expecting much, but if people can point me to where I could buy some that would work too.
  15. I just read about it. 😞
  16. Remember, just the tip... and only a few drops...
  17. When you say expensive and unavailable, are we talking Pappy or going for like the blade and bow 22 yr, or like stuff made in the 1800s?
  18. I enjoy a blind taste test to see which bourbon is preferred. I also like to taste Bourbons when they are straight, chilled, and with an ice cube to see how the flavor changes.
  19. 10 games of Warhammer in 3 days... that's as much 40k as I play in the entire rest of the year... Sounds like a good time to me 🙂
  20. GSC faired well enough. The mental onslaught took a huge hit, but the rest of it seems fine. Cleared up first turn assault 😞
  21. Yellow label, small batch, or single barrel? They are all really good.
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