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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. Tracking the different rules and points changes is getting annoying. I wish GW would make a digital rules source that would get updated every time they mess with things. Easier to track one source with edits then having a main rule book, army rule book, FAQs, chapter approved, appendix 1 and 2, Forgeworld, Forgeworld FAQ. Some easy way to make tracking rules and points changes would be helpful; especially since I only play like once a month now.
  2. I believe there needs to be an abstain option... 😛
  3. I wasn't meaning to imply tervigons can replace dev gaunts. My bad. I was meaning to mix the group so that the dev gaunts have a meat shield to stay alive.
  4. Don't forget, Tervigons can replenish gaunts in a unit for free. If you decide to make a new unit you have to pay for them with reserve points. So it is always better to use the Tervigon to replenish a large group of gaunts with devourers and fleshborers.
  5. I have Primaris marines. Some built, some not... You can rummage thru them if you would like.
  6. I think this thread needs a name change to "Raindog's photo thread" 😛
  7. Hot Stompa on Stompa action! You might have to convince the legendary @fluger for the Stompa show down. I had borrowed his and he will be back at the OFCC next year.
  8. Oh yeah, that volcano cannon thing, or what ever the knight had was most definitely going to rip it a new one.
  9. Died every game. Always took at least 2 turns though...
  10. SLOW PLAY! I would have to say next year there needs to be a cap to the total model count for an army.
  11. I enjoyed putting your meat stick in my mouth...
  12. Game 4: Defiler charges my carnifex. I have to roll 3 saves of the 5 wounds for him to live. I roll 2 saves and have to burn a cp to try and live. I roll my save and keep the fex alive! This ties up his defiler from running amuck in my firing base changing the game into my favor. Litterally 1 dice roll changed the whole game. It was crazy. Game 3: hot genestealer on khorne bloodletters action. After killing 25 of the 30 bloodletters Mike rolled a 1 on moral bringing back 6. Next round, 10 more bloodletters die, and again a 1 was rolled for moral bringing back 5 more bloodletters. All of this action mid field held the line and allowed the Hgants to sneak away with the objective. Game 1: my opponent holds 2 grots. One stays captured and the other runs away into my genestealers. I deepstrike some dudes and capture all 3 grots. It's looking like a solid 6 points for me... 1 grot runs away, even after a cp reroll, into his army giving him the 2 points for capturing a grot that I once captured. We tie the game 3 to 3. It was an awesome opening to the OFCC.
  13. Along those lines, is there any damage associated with the hit? d3? 1? 5 mortal wounds?
  14. There are very few of us Betrayers left, I would hate to give it up for a silly title like warlord.
  15. Tcrux had a blood bowl display out and my 7 year old latched onto it. Not knowing how to play it or knowing what models are needed, I was hoping someone at OFCC could sit me down and show me the ropes of the game. I am playing in all things 40k this weekend. So evenings would work best if someone would have the time. Thanks.
  16. I tried imgur. It said it uploaded a few of the images, but I could never find them.
  17. I am a techno idiot. I can't seem to get a photo sharing app to work on my phone. So if you want to see the Stompa you have to come to Friday OFCC.
  18. So far he sounds better then a carnifex... higher strength, more damage output, most likely better WS, character, and cult ambush. It will be interesting to see his point value.
  19. It was brought to my attention that I hadn't paid for the event yet... it has been rectified! Skipper and I will lay waste to all before us! I am really hoping there is a beer hammer portion where you can take shots of some horrific drink to cause mortal wounds 😛
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