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Everything posted by Burk

  1. says it all...if you want to unload.....
  2. Dont think so. It is specific of "one spyder" the others in teh formation say "1-x units of". but the spyder refers to only 1. I would love it if it was a unit of spyders, but you know RAW...... I would think you would have to take multiple formations.
  3. Only problem with using the Canoptek harvest for pumping up scarabs is the harvest is only 1 spyder and he is the key to the formation. you kill him the formation no longer gets the bonus.
  4. Ugh..that hurt to press "order"......
  5. looks like I am buying some tomb blades.....
  6. forgeworld doesnt count does it?
  7. early game available at 3:15 or so.
  8. ill be there at 3:15 for the early game crowd
  9. it doesnt matter which ships it benefits in the long run for the meta. The fact that they can be played will mean people will not push the auto include button for turret ships. Just the presence of the POSSIBILITY of having to face it, will change the meta.
  10. i wouldnt mind coming out this year...may be fun.
  11. deamonhost is what I needed. found it right away with that term. Ultimately this i what I want, but dont see a model for it, I can make this one work: or this one: http://kofler.dot.at/40k/units/Daemon_Hunter_Daemonhost_Cherubael_(Inq).jpg I would take this one also 2nd request. I also need a cherub, or better yet a baby in utero (similar) for a converstion, if it had an umbicle cord, the better.... Im looking to make something like this, but with a baby inside.....
  12. The deamonhost 2 is close. I thought the arms were at its side though ...other than that it is right on.....
  13. Hey all, I dont have a picture of the model, but it is a bound psyker, in chains and arching his back. Like he is tied to a stake (but not). His arms are crossed, or at his side (ie chained/bound). ANyone remember this model, and or have it and want to part with it? Sorry for the bad description, I am going from memory. Thanks
  14. i will be there around 3 to open and if someone wants to get an early game in....
  15. 40% of your battles in one tank with a 56%...yeah take those out and your average will be hovering around 50. :). you are a superb player....with that tank. there is a math wiz that can figure out where you would be with the numbers you give above....but its not me.
  16. Razz,. that is normal when you start. new tank crews suck and take a while to move up. you are also playing against experienced players, most players on there have several t10's and play the lower tiers to get to the next one. t10s get played but they lose money so the lower level tanks is what is played to get the cash you need to afford the big boys. You just have to suck it up and accept that it takes a long time to get good at the game. Most players with 4k plus games will lost 70% of their first 1k...then you start to change that percentage. Hell, I have more than 6k games and happy with my 49% win ratio......anything over 50% is like a superb player. Running joke is wishing you could ignore your first 4k.......
  17. Actually I did not read it at all :). I posted it at the same time as yours.
  18. tickets are not up yet.
  19. Depends on which elite type you are talking about. Elite tanks you buy are cheaper to repair and offer higher credits output. so they are used to get quicker cash then normal tanks. Elite tanks that you have upgraded to elite (ie all modules bought), any XP on them can be converted to free XP. this costs gold.
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