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Everything posted by Burk

  1. So here comes the friendly moderator reminder to keep it civil and not personal.....not calling anyone out (yet ). Thank you!
  2. No issues captain a. Was just commenting on some implying we have not made the general award thing abundantly clear in threads. Again. I also would love to get rid of all awards. But thnk attendance would suffer
  3. Don't know how many times I have said the best general is a joke award. It's just there. It means nothing. Don't know how anyone would not understand that with how many times it's been said
  4. You can borrow my jewelers saw. It would do it
  5. Burk

    Star Trek

    Star Wars. Not Star Trek.
  6. Update: I was incorrect. I thought we changed the structure but was informed I erred. Champ is calendar year
  7. one small change. if you use the new store feature on the site to purchase a champ level, it will be from that day forward 1 year.
  8. Bronson I will bring my 40k..and xwing :)
  9. i am usually there by 3:30....so I can get in an early game for those that need it.
  10. i have played it. fog of war exists. its clunky, but that is expected on a pre-beta. very limited on wha tyou can do. basically the tutorial and skirmishes unless you want to play on-line.....not my bag. it is adaptation. it is turned based but by individual models, not player. also, you have very low chance of taking a person out with 1 shot. all characters have hit points so usually 2-3 hits at least to take one down.
  11. I congratulate and encourage all you to keep organizing. As a person who was there when OF began it is tough and really hard to organize the cats, but the results are worth it in the end (or will be when we see what the end looks like ). Keep up the good work and again if you guys ever want some advice or just a nice slap on the ass, the OF senate is always around and willing to help out. Good work!!
  12. And lets all relax. Discussions should not be personal, that is what PM's are for. (FYI, think of the what the "P" stands for). I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
  13. Interstellar: 8/10 Good movie. real thinker, lots of science and pseudo science. long, but worth it. pee before you enter.
  14. Let's keep it above board guys. Please let it go
  15. Dash. If they are untrained they are not rushing into mg fire. Sorry but the movie even said they were veteran ss.
  16. My thoughts on ending was same. Not accurate tactics
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