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Everything posted by Xavier319

  1. love those claw assault guys. too bad in 40k they are just not efficient, would have to be vanguards with LCs.
  2. Well, I'm using them as Raptors Honor Guard. So by default, they are (like everything in the raptors chapter) a reconnaissance unit. With the background representing a Crux, that seems appropriate. And being a successor chapter, it is not out of reason that they would use the same markings, especially since the raptors were founded in M 31, right after the codex was written. So, I'm seeing the armor as an honored relic passed down from their parent chapter long ago (as most relics are), would they keep the reconnaissance marking on it to honor their parent chapter? Thoughts? This is a purely fluff question, I want to make sure my reasoning holds water with people who are more familiar with 30k, and other fluff-bunnies.
  3. Okay, so on the right shoulder pad of these guys... http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Raven-Guard-Mor-Deythan-Strike-Squad what is what looks like a lightning bolt symbol? I want to use these guys for Raptors honor guard. I'm going to shave off the shin chpater symbols and replace it with a raptors transfer, and the shoulder wings, and green stuff in the XIX symbol. but what is that other thing on their right shoulder? What does it mean? should i leave it? fill it in? any ideas?
  4. I will not, i have a TON of work to do. I will be there on saturday. You can probably get a game in with Alex. Who else will be able to make it tomorrow?
  5. *consoles the fluger* it's okay... us old people dont know all the lingo. Don't feel bad. Love the meme you used though. xD
  6. Stop being so good. you make me look bad. :-p
  7. The SM one is certainly interesting. those are devastating formations at low points. good stuff.
  8. Sweet. My Issodon ended up chopping up some plague marines with his power sword last game. It was one of those epic slap-fights, you know? The plague marines couldnt hurt his unit of cents, and he needed fives to wound. eventually he won (thank god they didnt have a power fist anymore, my precision shot scouts killed him on turn one, believe it or not xD). Thanks for the compliments. I hope the ideas serve you well.
  9. new to me! i didnt even know that GW put out faqs anymore! Trust them to answer a BUNCH of questions no one cared about. oy.
  10. Seems like per the new FAQ, states that a character with infiltrate can no longer give infiltrate to a unit. so in order to infiltrate with them, they have to BOTH have it. boooooo
  11. some in progress models for my Raptors. thought you guys might want to see. Issodon is the guy with the fancy boltgun. I'm pretty damn proud of that one. the other is the captain for the demi-company.
  12. No. that's the boss nob of my nob squad in my ork army. Silly West, getting my armies confused.
  13. HAHAHA. Yes. Indeed. The model is carrying everyone else's weapons. He's like a henchman from Nodwick. No, he's "the Fool", because the Raptors hate all ideas of glory and honor, they just care about getting the job done. He has the "HOnor or death" rule. He sees himself as Isodon's bodyguard, and is vehement about protecting him. This leads him to challenge the most powerful fighters to try and take them out to protect his chapter master. Isodon has requested he stop, but he is headstrong and young, but extremely gifted, and he has never endangered a mission to do this, so it is overlooked. yay backstory.
  14. Anybody showing up? I'll have 2k of raptors ready to throw down. Still testing out lists before i start building models hard-core. see you there!
  15. Alright, after playing three game with the above list, I have made the following adjustments. Assault marines are just not good in close combat, even with with shredding HOW hits and the captain with hit and run. but i love them for harassment and objective grabbing, just not enough to have 20. I also have noticed that the accuracy of the rest of the army suffers a lot, missing a lot of grav shots or bolter shots in the wrong turn can be crippling. SO i've put together a gladius, with a full unit of obsec assault marines. i found them really good for grabbing objectives and abusing backfield units. the captain is cheap, will generally go wherever he wants. able to infiltrate with things other than assault marines, be a solo threat, or back up a failing flank. I added in a few more squads of scouts, brinigng my bolter scouts up to 30 (i found myself wanting more of them in the practice games). Also the captain and the grav cents being obsec is amazing. Another thing, is this list works very well with either the old or new CTs, though the scout is better IMO. The assault marines here wont be as protected due to not having shrouding, but the assault doctrines will help them hit about as hard as their raven guard versions. The accuracy doctrines also significantly shore up my list's defense against fliers and flying MCs. Thoughts? Raptors 3rd Company – 2000 Gladius Strike Force – 1205 Battle Demi Company – 1040 Captain – 155 Artificer Armor, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Auspex Tactical Squad – 110 x3 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp, Melta Bomb Rhino – 40 x3 Dozer Blade Assault Squad (10) – 185 Jump Packs, Flamer (2), Melta Bomb Centurion Devestators (3) – 250 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp (3), Onniscope 10th Company Strike Force – 165 Scout Squad (5) – 55 x3 Boltguns Raptors Combined Arms Detachment – 795 HQ – 175 Lias Issodon – 175 Elites – 140 Honor Guard (5) – 140 Knight Elligost “The Fool” w/ Thunder Hammer, Power Maul (3), Power Axe Troops – 265 Scouts (10) – 110 Boltguns Scouts (5) – 55 Boltguns Scouts (5) – 60 CCWs & BPs, Melta Bomb Land Speeder Storm – 40 Heavy Flamer Fast Attack – 35 Drop Pod – 35 Heavy Support – 180 Rapier Mortar Battery (3) – 180
  16. Annnd the last one for now (I promise). Thank you for all your feedback. Is to replace the rapiers with a TFC, and upgrade two of the rhinos to razorback with TL Assault Cannons. Gives me a little more punch and anti-air, and keeps some of the anti horde punch of the TFC. The changing of the sternguard over to honor guard is just something I wanted to do, and while their shooting is slightly less good, they still have rending. are much more durable, and give me another hefty melee punch in a pinch. Heh.. punchy pinch. ANyway, here's the last version. I can STILL put in the honor guard, even if i keep the rapiers. at this point the real question is... two TL asscan razors and a TFC, or the rapiers. (Thank you fluger and IW Raptors) Raptors Combined Arms Detachment – 1380 HQ – 175 Lias Issodon – 175 Elites – 140 Honor Guard (5) – 140 Knight Elligost “The Fool” w/ Thunder Hammer, Power Maul (4) Troops – 680 Tactical Squad – 105 x3 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp Rhino – 80 x2 Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Rhino – 40 Dozer Blade Scouts (10) – 110 Scouts (5) – 55 Fast Attack – 35 Drop Pod – 35 Heavy Support – 350 Centurion Devestators (3) – 250 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp (3), Onniscope Thunderfire Cannon – 100
  17. I knew the second part. but since the transport is dedicated for the infiltrating combat squad, you could choose to infiltrate the transport. but i guess at that point, the other half of the ten man unit would need to deploy normally before the transport was on the table. shucks. also, re-reading the outflank rules, you can choose to outflank WHEN you deploy something, meaning that you can choose to outflank your infiltrators when it's time to deploy them, after everything else. am I reading this right?
  18. Yeah. I am getting so many different answers from so many different people it's infuriating. RAW it's scout+stealth. As I said before, Fire Hawks dont get ob sec, even though that was clearly the intention, and mantis warriors getting divination does nothing, so you go with what's written, regardless of how much sense it makes. Anyone disagree? I honestly want to know, since it'll completely change how things are played.
  19. Sorry for all the questions guys. The question is, if I use Isodon's warlord trait to give a combat squad infiltrate, and put them in the same transport as their NON infiltrate other half buddies, do they drag the non-infiltrators along with them? how about outflanking?
  20. Alright, here's a new list. I really wanted to run some Assaulties, and well, I found out that the FW raven guard guy makes them troops. Happy day! And their CT is half hte same, and i wont even use the rending thing on the assaulties or the CC scouts. So, it's the best of both worlds. Tons of Ob sec MSU, some power units, some fluffy stuff, and the heavy anti-tank is the rapiers, as they are brutal against both infantry and tanks. The plan if i go down to 1850 is to drop 5 scouts and 5 assaulties. That'll give me 1850 almost exactly. not sure what to do with my 15 points right now. What do you guys think? Enough boots on the table? Remember the raven guard stuff has shrouding on the first turn, helps the assaulties out immensely. The other option (listed below) is to drop the rapiers down to a TFC, drop the locator beacon, and add in 5 more scouts, and 5 combi-meltas onto the sternguard, allowing for some more direct anti-tank, whether i choose to infiltrate, scout or deep strike the sternguard in the pod. This trades out my arty for another type, that does something similiar but different and gives me five more scouts. What do you guys think? This list can be used with EITHER the old Raptors CT, or replacing it with the current RG CT. Completely flexible and while it will change how the army plays in the first turn, it wont make or break it. The rapier rules in case you needed them http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/RapierQuadMortar40k.pdf Raptors 3rd Company – 1985 Raven Guard Combined Arms Detachment – 625 HQ – 155 Captain Orelius (Koryvade) – 155 Troops – 470 Scouts (5) – 60 BP & CCWs, Melta Bomb Land Speeder Storm – 40 Heavy Flamer Assault Squad (10) – 185 x2 Jump Packs, Flamer (2), Melta Bomb Raptors Combined Arms Detachment – 1360 HQ – 175 Lias Issodon – 175 Elites – 110 Sternguard (5) – 110 Troops – 600 Tactical Squad – 105 x3 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp Rhino – 40 x3 Dozer Blade Scouts (10) – 110 Scouts (5) – 55 Fast Attack – 45 Drop Pod – 45 Locator Beacon Heavy Support – 430 Centurion Devestators (3) – 250 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp (3), Onniscope Rapier Mortar Battery (3) – 180 -=OR=- Raptors Combined Arms Detachment – 1375 HQ – 175 Lias Issodon – 175 Elites – 160 Sternguard (5) – 160 Combi-Melta (5) Troops – 655 Tactical Squad – 105 x3 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp Rhino – 40 x3 Dozer Blade Scouts (10) – 110 Scouts (10) – 110 Fast Attack – 35 Drop Pod – 35 Heavy Support – 250 Centurion Devestators (3) – 250 Gravcannon & Grav-Amp (3), Onniscope Thunderfire Cannon – 100
  21. Yeah. as for RAI, I don't think we can do that. it was obviously FWs intent to have the fire angel's assault squads be like troops, and made them 'scoring'. now, that would mean ob sec, but it doesn't say that, so the rule does nothing. and no one makes that argument, since that is what was written down.. so.. go with what's written until it's changed The Raptor's chapter tactic states its like the raven guard, but that has since been changed. so it is no longer like the raven guard, it is what i written in the PDF. intent or not. if it gets FAQed, i'll adjust.
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