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Everything posted by Sherbert

  1. the sauce is awesome. excited to use the little and big magic one more time before it goes away.
  2. Hey guys, as some of you remember I am trying to clear out my 40k stuff and I would rather sell it to someone in the area instead of a random person across the country. The Army was built during 5th edition and hasn't been used much since. The entire army is converted using either greenstuff and pig iron heads and chaos spawn bits. The demolishers have magnetized turrets, the sentinels are scratch built and have magnatized tops, and the extra chimera chassis can either be equipped with a griffon cannon or a manticore missile turret. I will not break up the army. I am looking for $400 but I am open to discussing prices. Buyer pays for shipping or can pick the army up from me in Bellingham. Here is a list of the army. 3 character models 1 banner bearer 2 advisors 10 seargants with close combat weapon and las pistol 3 vox castors 4 melta guns 3 lascannon teams 4 autocannon teams 57 guardsmen with lasguns 6 ogryns 1 hellhound 1 chimera 2 lemus russ demolishers 1 with plasma cannon side sponsons 1 chassis that has either a griffon cannon or manticore missile launcher 3 armored sentinels 3 custom made objective markers Foam to hold the majority of the army 53 additional pig iron heads Feel free to message me about questions regarding the army.
  3. So I would like to get a game of 9th age in before the 1.2 rules come out. 2500pts of O&G. Any takers
  4. So I think I could go if it was the weekend of the 12th and not the 19th.
  5. what im most curious about is if I buy and wear a new warhamster shirt will it be a v neck and will i look like that apathetic guy?! a man has questions!
  6. I just wanted to say thanks to Loren, Christian and Jim for helping play test Endless Highways. I got a lot of good feed back and having seen some of the rules in action, I will make some changes. Once i have made those changes I was thinking of having an on going play test for several months. With the new warband design, warbands are given a ranking number. With this number, players can know how they will match up with other players and will get perks if they have a lower number. This will not be a campaign, just games here and there using the same warband. Please let me know if you are interested in participating. I will post a link to the new rules and campaign rules in a couple of weeks for those who are interested. thanks
  7. [big bad swear word] that art is purdy.
  8. if its on the 19th that would be my birthday. I would be interested but I dont know if ill be in town.
  9. man, GW used to make so many awesome models that are nearly impossible to get nowadays.
  10. you and I will be playing, so we can start at 6:00. Christian and Jim will play at 7:00 ish.
  11. the art is fantastic. If I was still into RPG stuff I would totally buy into this.
  12. Tomorrow night Christian and Loren will be playing. Loren, that means you dont have to show up till 7:00 if you dont want to since thats about when Christian gets to the shop. I will be playing Jim.
  13. love that witch model, I wish I had a second one.
  14. hey guys, so some stuff for next week. Please bring any d4s, d6s and d10s for yourselfs. I will try and track down another arc of visibility template. Christian asked if you could scrap vehicles and gear, I thought I put it in the rules but it never seemed to make it in. You can sell a vehicle or gear for half of its cost rounding down. If you wanted to sell a vehicle, you could keep the wheels and engine and only sell the chassis. You may move gear around the vehicles between missions. Remember you must have a leader so buy character for your warband. Dont forget to calculate your new warband rating after you buy new equipment. The rules for calculating your warband rating is on page 28. Just round it to the nearest number, so 5.2 would be 5 while 6.6 would be a 7. Let me know if you have any questions. Jim and Christian will play each other next week and Loren and I will play. Jim, Christian doesnt show up till 7ish so you can either come at 7 or come early to watch Loren and me play so you can see a little more of the game.
  15. ok, So Jim is a go for the campaign. Thanks for letting me know you couldnt make it Scipiano, we will make sure to get you in the next campaign. We will start next tuesday at 6:00. Christian cant make it till 7:00 ish so Loren and Jim will play each other and I will hold your guys hand through the basic rules until Christian shows up.
  16. Ok, thanks for the early heads up. I know that Jim (not Jim Graham, but Jim Kling) was interested in playing. Ill shoot him a message. If no one comes forth we can just have you miss the first game or do a make up game on the weekend.
  17. Ok, looks like we got Loren, Christian and Jake for a campaign. Christian and Jake, you guys need to message me your email so i can send you the rules. We will start next Tuesday the 6th. Please read through the rules and create a 200pt warband that does not have any weapon or engine upgrades, everything else is available. In the rules there are vehicle stencils that you can use to create vehicles, I believe they are on the last page. It should take a little while to build your warband but afterwards it will not take much effort to upkeep the warband throughout the campaign. Let me know if you have any questions, unfortunately I will be camping from Friday to Monday so i will not be able to answer any rules questions but please post them in this thread so that others can see and attempt to answer them.
  18. Im getting a rematch in with Scipiano for 9th age. What are other people playing?
  19. still looking for two more people. Jim has expressed interest. I want a mix of people who played in the old campaign and people who have never played so I can get some varied feedback about the new rules.
  20. Hey everyone, since this summer has been a bit of a bust for campaigns I figured I would jump start it a little and hold a mini Endless Highways campaign to test out my new rules and campaign stuff. This will only go for 4 weeks so just 4 games and Im only looking for 3 other people. Loren called dibs on a spot so I am looking for 2 more people who can commit to 4 consecutive weeks of a campaign. Models are not a problem as I have a billion painted cars. I will send the participants the rules so you all will have a chance to make a warband and have an idea of how the game mechanics work. We will begin on Tuesday the 6th of September. So not this Tuesday but the following Tuesday. Dont worry if you dont get in this campaign, I will hold a larger grander one in the future. This one will be more for balance and rules issues. thanks guys.
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