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Everything posted by Prophecy

  1. Metal bit. You glue it on the wrists as the hands are already built into the weapon.
  2. Oh sorry I was looking at their forums instead of that link.
  3. I have another question. What happens if Pro Halflings roll a double when they level up?
  4. I had a question to ask everyone about Halflings. Would anyone mind playing against Pro Halflings instead of "normal" Halflings in a non stunty game? I just feel like Pro Halflings are actually a decently balanced team and totally outshine the generic flings. I would only take on abilities and mercenaries that would be available to the normal game but I am curious if people would find that rude.
  5. Disagree. Making rules is part of the job to sell the game. That is like me asking for money to develop lesson plans so I can teach. People only care about playing the game/having their kids taught. Everything else is just a labor of love. I have never understood paying for rules. Next board games will sell the rules sperately because "we worked hard on those rules." You got to give to get.
  6. Sounds like a real problem. Should I take the lambo, lambo, or the lambo to work today decisions decisions.
  7. Thank you for this post Zorcon! I just bought this as well because those rules are beyond good if you are a stunty player. Halflings are my favorite team and I must say these guys are almost an auto include.
  8. Who has a guess as to how much that sucker is going to be?
  9. Oh I noticed but that is paying for top quality Sam the man work. I'm an Arizona teacher and that fine sir is not in my budget. Especially when you toss in a miniature eating machine.
  10. It is time I face the obvious truth that making it out to the store once every 4-5 months to play is not acceptable anymore. I own no fantasy terrain and yet 9th is my favorite game right now. With a 4 month old I just can't be away much anymore and looking for a tables worth of terrain seems to be the only way I will get a game in. Does anyone have some terrain they don't want?
  11. Go to the Ninth Age website. They have an entire section dedicated to developers who will take your ideas. Many kickstarters have been done and companies modified to replace gw. I personally like avatars of war and game zone.
  12. I think that army was on btown for a while. That's one of those armies you just throw in the garbage. I know that sounds rude but come on unless you play age of sigmar and are screwing around with proxies and ideas this is just bad form to sell it.
  13. I feel that BFG will be remade in the near future. If I was the geedub, I would make half of the teams for BB and then start on BFG next. Sadly as a true fan of warmaster it might be a while until a new army for that game ever gets its day.
  14. Guardian unit with no warlock upgrade is very much not Ulthwe.
  15. Doesn't have enough Harlequin goodies for you I think. I am actually interested in the black guardian bit. I'm an Ulthwe but myself.
  16. Man that's a tough question. It depends on the army. With orcs the answer is almost always yes but with saurians the only one I would do is a fully kitted out skink brick with magic and big croc support.
  17. As someone who took saurian ancients in a 1.0 tournament I can tell you I liked them then and I like them more now in 1.3. Why people complain is because playing an army can change quite drastically depending on the edition. The rules committe people actually care about balance. Crazy enough owning the entire army is best.
  18. Satan pledge with all crossovers. I also have thrown in for the mage sleeves kickstarter.
  19. Yup that one. I'm just going to get whatever pretre says is good. I own 90% of the models in the new book so might as well get the other goodies rather than buying a book that failed right when released.
  20. It's 60% off on steam right now. Probably isn't going to maintain movement at this rate.
  21. If you lived in a van down by the river...well you could wave to it.
  22. All we needed was my pentient engine idea. Wouldn't be a tax if those were elite for 45 pts. I'd write a letter but hey that's what the round file is for....customer ideas.
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