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Everything posted by Prophecy

  1. If only they would do a sister squad with a rhino. That would be a great deal and people would actually want that combo.
  2. All I really want is penitent engines that don't suck. I will take the exact same stats and rules with a few alterations to make them really mean. First of all they are elites period. Most sisters players have to blow the dust off their elites section. Second be brutal and make them 45 points because it's games workshop. Special rules should be if you take 3 or more they get a 12 inch scout. If you take 6 or more they get outflank. If you take all 9 they all get a 5 up invulnerable save. That will sell some models.
  3. Oh you picked up a family upgrade as well? I have a two week old son.
  4. Hey I'm with you in the expecting more expansions. This is my present to myself and I like giving myself good things. I have been waiting for years now for this to happen. I guess I like the actual gameplay so much when cheesecake models are released I just sigh at the waste of time.
  5. It's a hard choice to be fair. At the moment I am just annoyed that he keeps releasing pinups as I could care less about them. I'm here for content and content accessories.
  6. I kinda lost my common sense and pledged for the big one. I never saw the original kickstarter until it was long over so when poots put up the option for all the things ever I convinced myself it was ok to click it.
  7. The only one I own is the plasma obliterator. Why have I been forsaken?
  8. Warmachine has a few khador mechanical horses as well.
  9. My thoughts exactly but I believe the kickstarter is black friday.
  10. That hut will be added to my kislev army for sure.
  11. Perhaps xenos tracker packs. A lot like aliens so they can track the blips?
  12. Yup it's basically imperial guard metals.
  13. Well I appreciate the thought. It's more of a when you have the opportunity to do so type thing. It would suck to get a box full of minis that happen to have had a run in with nurgle.
  14. Thank you for posting that pic. I will now be making those conversions for myself.
  15. No I actually live in Southern AZ these days. I just got accepted into a small community of 9th age players as gaming down here can be kind of complicated. The NW just knows how to game better and I am trying to do my best. Could you do some decent pics and perhaps a few ideas as to what you have?
  16. So I traded for a large empire army but it is missing a lot of the fun units that really make Empire shine. I have quite a bit of core but I could use these units. Steam Tank War Altar Celestial Hurricanum Hellblaster Helstorm Rocket Battery Archers Flagellants Avatars of War Characters, Marius Leitdorf, and a Warrior Priest on Horse or just cool characters in general. I also am really close to finishing an Estalian/DoW themed army so anything like that could be useful to me as well.
  17. Right now vs is the most broken book period. The book needs some serious adjustments. People are complaining that a kislev book should not exist because it is hard to balance. I could go all out on a kislev book and it still wouldn't be as mean as the vs book. Skaven in AZ comes to play at our shop and I have to say he is good but that book is total crap.
  18. I'm looking for a few Lizardmen units to complete my army. Just checking to see if anyone had a few of these. Troglodon/Troglodon Bits: If you made the carnosaur but have the troglodon bits hanging around I would love those Special Characters: I only have a couple of these and I would like more Chameleon Skinks: I could use as many as you can offer. Bases: I need square Cav bases and the 50x100 Monster/Chariot bases
  19. Naptha Thrower did not make this list which is an obvious fail.
  20. The paint on those armies is wonderful. I think my fav unit I would be interested in is that beastmen big block of gor heard. At least I think they are gors.
  21. They also field that rare slot slayer quite a bit as a chaff killer.
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