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Everything posted by Prophecy

  1. Still not seeing the pledge deal I am looking for which is creating more hassle than it is worth at this point. With a little over a week to go and ideas still "Coming Soon" I sadly do not see this reaching the goals and funding it deserves due to stalling and improper pledge options and values. I wanted this to take off as Kislev is one of my favorite armies from the Warhammer universe but it just wasn't done right.
  2. Got my tracking this morning. I'm the biggest pledge so I think you will get yours soon!
  3. If anyone doesn't want their wraiths I would be interested. They are my favorite necron unit and I am interested in making a wraith based army.
  4. Why not just make an everything pledge to get all the team options?
  5. Could you use these? https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2100372976909584&id=100008107055820&set=ecnf.100008107055820&source=49&refid=17&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_r2j_approved&__tn__=E
  6. *blinks* Tree Fiddy....even the lock ness monster gonna struggle at getting that!
  7. I have been doing it for years. Getting out of teaching is hard. I'm actually getting a head hunter at the end of next month.
  8. Elder is my first army and I thought this as well. They are quite a few points so I feel it balances it out.
  9. This is a lot like my sons favorite book. Brown bear brown what do you see? I see a loyal son looking at me!
  10. Those jetbikes look nice. I wouldn't mind an army of those.
  11. I thought Dark souls still had more to release as it seems to be dragging.
  12. I was interested in the gane but after watching the video and giving it time I would rather just play Kingdom Death.
  13. Some people say custodes others say squats. Perhaps sigmar will fly by on his magical comet and then get destroyed by Abbadon and his planet killer. Who is to say.
  14. My Dogs of War will rise again! Speaking of that faction, Iron Crowns bottom of January 2018 better be a thing. Tired of waiting on that gem!
  15. I always wanted to try it but never knew which unit should be inside. Perhaps purifiers?
  16. LARGE Sisters of Battle Army:Retail on this army is 1165...yeah that's more than I thought too. I was going with 30% off which is 815. IF you really wanted it and did not have all the cash I would be willing to take some trade in the form of Eldar Infantry, FW Eldar, FW IG, Tyranid Gaunts, or Warmaster. If you want pictures just send me a PM with your Email. 1 Modern Canoness unassembled w/ all options 1 Modern Canoness stripped with power sword and melta pistol 1 OOP Canoness w/ Roasrius and Combi-Flamer Assembled 1 OOP Canoness w/ Power Mail and Combi Weapon Assembled 1 OOP Canoness w/ Clipped arm and Combi Weapon partially painted 1 OOP Banner assembled 1 Diologus assembled 1 Hospitaller assembled 9 sergeants: 1 primed w/ chainsword and plasma pistol, 1 assembled w/ chainsword and plasma pistol, 1 w/ pistol clutching roasrius, the rest are all with power swords except one that was clipped and are a mix of bolt pistols and bolters. 48 sisters with bolters: About 40% are primed or stripped the rest are all just assembled 6 Flamers that are assembled 2 Storm Bolters that are assembled 6 Meltaguns: 5 are assembled and 1 is primed 6 Heavy Bolters: 2 unassembled, 2 assembled, 2 primed 3 Heavy Flamers: 1 assembled, 1 primed, 1 partially painted 4 Multi Meltas: 3 are assembled and 1 is stripped 10 Dual Pistol Seraphim: most are primed 4 Dual Flamers: 3 are primed 3 Sergeants: 2 are assembled w/ power sword and plasma pistol and 1 is NIB with Chainsword and PP 18 Repentia: 10 are partially painted and 8 are unassembled new 2 Mistresses: 1 is unassembled new and the other is partially painted
  17. There were quite a few angry posts on facebook. That unfulfilled previous kickstarter complaint seemed rampant.
  18. Imho, I'm excited for some really classic models to be up to par. This book looks nice but the little gribblies will be what makes or breaks it for me.
  19. Its cheap to afford all the rage quitting!
  20. Mine theoretically arrives Saturday. Of course the day I have the Fall Ball concert.....
  21. Whoever is writing these Eldar summaries doesn't really know the army. That Avatar stratagem is really cool though. I remember when he only had a 5+ save and could be killed by scouts with bolters. Granted 85 points was a good deal.
  22. I hope everyone is going to pay their shipping costs this week. You deserve to receive your game with all due haste.
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