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Everything posted by Munkie

  1. I tried, but the website won't let me complete the order. Keeps telling me my postal code is incomplete. Even looked up the +4 digits. No good. Hopefully they're not missing out on a lot of donations due to a poorly functioning website...
  2. "Mostly doesn't work" seems a very generous way of describing something that works 0.00% of the time when the AP is exceeded. That hard shift to never working at all just doesn't make much sense to me. But I don't think either of us will convince the other at this point.
  3. Rated sure. But that's not the same thing. It just means that it's likely to function as intended at or below what it's rated for. And it doesn't mean it's guaranteed to fail above that threshold, just that the manufacturer can't vouch for its performance outside the specified range. "Bulletproof vest" is not a guarantee, but "bullet resistant vest" doesn't instill the same level of confidence in the product. A waterproof watch will be rated for a certain depth, say 10 meters. That does not mean there's no chance of water ingress below 10 meters and guaranteed ingress above 10 meters. It's just that at deeper than 10 meters, there's a statistically significant dropoff in performance. Product standards are never a guaranteed to work/guaranteed to fail system even if that's how it's presented. Just a more likely than not to work/ more likely than not to fail. That's the difference in the AP system too.
  4. But that isn't the way armor works in the real world. There aren't materials that are impervious to damage up to and including 1500 fps, but as soon as you hit them with 1501 fps it's utterly useless. Or imagine crashing your car. No discernible damage at 34 mph or under, car is unrecognizable at 35 mph. That's the logic of the old system, and absolutely nothing about that feels right to me.
  5. Absolutely. It just makes more sense. Under the old system: battlecannon=lasgun as far as a terminator is concerned. Power sword=foam noodle. It was either a threat, or it was not. Under the new system, there are degrees of threat. -1 AP scares a terminator a little. -2 is worrisome, -3 is a legit hazard, -4 is terrifying, and -5 is hell on earth!
  6. Yep! Just making the point that old cover doesn't need to be (and, IMO, shouldn't be) a package deal with the old AP system.
  7. That's a fair point. Perhaps just a reduction in cover value. Just 5+ (even if it's a ruin) and get rid of the Shrouded USR. If we bring back the old cover system, there's still no good reason to go back to the old AP system. If the modified armor is worse than your cover, roll that instead. The old system just didn't make a lot of sense.
  8. Ooh, "pho getaboutit" would be a good one!
  9. Great atmospheric sci-fi concept album with minimal vocals. Sometimes it reminds me of the Matrix, sometimes of Battlestar Galactica.
  10. My mom told me of a place, I think in Issaquah, called Pho Shizzle.
  11. Well they shouldn't be heading to florida, which, according the map above, hates itself. https://images.app.goo.gl/2H4tjJHLLWrVLAMY6
  12. I think it's nerd-speak for "you're doing it right", Koyote.
  13. 5th, IMO, was the best edition they've written. The 5th edition vanilla marines codex is, as far as I'm concerned, the most balanced they've done. It is absolutely unbreakable. 5th for sure had issues and the OP address them well. Oddly, 8th answers all of those: -Wound allocation was the second worst problem with the edition. Easy 8th edition fix. Once a model starts taking wounds, it must continue to do so until it's dead. -Cover was the worst problem with 5th. EVERYONE had a cover save. AP3 barley mattered because 4+ cover saves were everywhere, if not 2+...cover giving +1 to armor save is so much better. -instant death is stupid and bad. The new variable damage system is the thing 40k has always needed to borrow from warhammer fantasy but refused to. For way too long, 40k kept its big baddies at few wounds (wraithlord had 3 wounds??) but nothing could deal more than 1. A bolter's ceiling was the same as a lascannon. -The question about charge distances is actually not about charges at all. The real question is about premeasuring or not. If premeasuring is included, then random charge lengths are necessary. -Regarding vehicle facings, the midway point between 5th and 8th would be with 8th edition vehicles but armor saves modified by facings. Land raider 2+ armor all around. Rhino or razor: 3+/3+/4+. Predator: 2+/3+/4+. Like that.
  14. I'm right there with you. I was just avoiding trying to over-hype it 😉 But since you went there already, [big bad swear word] yeah!
  15. I can assure you, the Swedes do. I was shocked to see that title on the shelf at my host family's house. They didn't totally understand when I explained it. That's the problem with a homogeneous society, not really aware of the difference...
  16. Ah gotcha. Personally, that's exactly the kind of shortcut I'll allow tightfisted execs. If you can save money and make people happy, go bananas.
  17. Even if true, so what? It's a win for them because they saved money. It's a win for the extras because being a Star Wars fan who gets to be in Star Wars would be awesome. It's a win for the audience because we can't tell the difference. Is there an issue you have with that choice that isn't centered around wishing they spent more money than they needed to?
  18. Any Warhamsters playing in the campaign interested in grabbing a game tonight? I'm 3 games in with the gunnery school warband, but I've also got a starting Druchii warband I can run for a better matchup against a less experienced band.
  19. Ah gotcha. That's 1 more than me! I did, however, play a [big bad swear word]load of X-wing 1.0 and the Ghost was my favorite ship.
  20. I know Ahsoka was one of the Jedi forces that spoke to Rey, but where was Ezra?
  21. Ever seen Identity? Fun movie that's not a direct adaptation of 10 Little Indians, but it's clearly a take on the premise. 10 strangers stuck in a hotel together and start dying one by one. Would recommend.
  22. I think the biggest mistake Disney made with the new movies is they tried to please everyone and spent way too much time listening to Star Wars fans. I understood making TFA a safe nostalgia piece. It's a way of assuring everyone that this will not be another prequel trilogy. A way to convince people to buy back in. The general Star Wars fan consensus: too similar to the OT! So they switched to Ryan Johnson from Abrams and he really tried to take it in a new direction. The film had flaws, but I respected his intent and desire to break away from the Sith/Jedi/balance cycle (sounds like a washing machine). The general Star Wars fan consensus: too different! So they switched back to J.J. Abrams to have him wrap it up in a nice and safe way. The general Star Wars fan consensus: too "meh"! Rather than having a clear vision from the outset and executing on that, they changed their vision after every movie based on the endless whinging of nerds (no offense, nerds). They should've just stuck to their (laser)guns and stayed the course. If people don't like it, fine. But at least the movie makers could be proud of their artistic integrity, and the people who do like it would feel like they watched a cohesive story rather than a desperate Goldilocks process.
  23. The parallels to the Pharoah ordering male Hebrew babies be killed in Exodus cannot be missed. More specifically, the sensationalized version of the event that modern Moses stories are based on, not what the bible actually says about it. In Exodus, it never actually mentions any babies being killed, but that the Pharoah was disappointed in the midwives for not killing the male babies as ordered. The story we're more familiar with (that the scribes warned the Pharaoh that an Isrealite child would threaten his reign, and the Moses was only saved because his parents had a premonition and hid him) are not in the bible. Whether or not male babies were killed is unclear, but the fact that Moses was hidden in a basket and stashed on a riverbank lends credence to the idea that there was some cause for concern. Within the greater context of the Book of Matthew, the reason why he'd use the expanded Pharoah story as the basis for his Massacre of the Innocents is pretty clear. Matthew's angle on Jesus's life and role within theology was an emphasis that his divinity was the fulfillment of OT prophecies and the realization of Jewish Law. Matthew was likely the 2nd Gospel written and at that time Christians were a sect within the Jewish community (by the time the Book of John was written, the tone changes and begins to focus on the growing divide between Christian and Jewish theology). Focusing on the common ground between Jewish beliefs and Christian beliefs makes framing Jesus's origin story as a re-imagining of Moses' origin story a pretty obvious narrative device. As for the historical consequences of distorting Herod's actions, there would've been no love lost between Jews and Herod's legacy at the time of the writing. 1) Herod had executed 3 of his sons and one wife, so he did have blood on his hands. What's a little exaggeration gonna hurt? 2) The local Jews had always chafed under Herod. He, like many rulers over the years, officially adopted Judaism but giving up a lavish lifestyle wasn't really in the King's nature. He didn't get them, and they didn't get him. 3) And finally, the Book of Matthew was likely written within about a decade or 2 of the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in the First Jewish-Roman war. Considering that Herod became a governor due to his father's relationship with Julius Caesar, and later named king by the Roman Senate, it's not hard to imagine the Jewish author of the book being willing (if not eager) to tarnish Herod's legacy a bit.
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