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Everything posted by Duckman

  1. I am not a backer which is why I was so interested in the free-fly week. To be honest, I really kinda expected Star Citizen to vanish into the vapor-sphere and go the way of Duke Nukem. At this time you really can log in and play 100% for free. Create an account and be given ships to fly for free to experiment. I have logged in every day since Black Friday. The engine is rough, clearly still in Alpha. The setting is incredibly immersive... Unlike Elite Dangerous (where your activity off-ship is limited to a series of menus in spaceport or colony) you only ever have a first person view from your avatar and each ship has unique structure (internal and external) and landing and interacting with other people (PC and NPC) is completely in-setting. The available locations are very limited at the moment and the game is clearly still more than a year away (project work for the next 6 months is clearly laid out on the roadmap) but they have a solid tech demo going at least at the moment and it is promising. Elite Dangerous is ready to play now. It's got a functional economy and setting and ships, etc. Star Citizen is much rougher. It lacks the diversity of locations and the dynamic mission system but it is already more immersive and roughly equally polished in terms of graphics.
  2. It's worth noting that only Hollywood (i.e. the US film industry) that has these problems (this particular combination anyway) and I wish I understood why. As recently as the 60s, this was not the case. The Flintstones, for example, had a bunch of innuendo which was aimed at adults in the audience. In theory, the ratings committee is supposed to weigh subject matter when they give a rating so a PG-13 film should have more mature subject matter but since that gets convolved with all the other things like language there is no pure review of subject matter content indicating whether or not something is aimed at or even appropriate for children. That can also be taken a step further as evident in Princess Mononoke. The US film industry is really not good at grokking shades of grey, especially as it applies to films aimed at children. The original dialog for Princess Mononoke was very clear that there was a protagonist but there was no moral high or low ground for the cast. The antagonist was actually providing hospice for a leper colony and in many ways was a genuinely good person, for example. In the English translation that entire subject is stripped out so that the antagonist can be a simple evil which should be destroyed. There are examples of films which lack clear-cut good and bad characters in US cinema but film-makers are more and more often reluctant to introduce this ambiguity (Han shot first, damnit!). Personally, this is one of the things I enjoy about foreign film, whether it is European or is Japanese Anime.
  3. Ok, I will rephrase. From the same link, Evaporation Fog and Upslope Fog are both cases where they cite air movement as the cause of the fog. There's a difference between still or trapped by inversion (which does apply to some forms of fog) and not windy enough to disperse fog.
  4. You are equating still air with an inversion layer and the two are not synonymous. One is a subset of the other. It is quite possible to have fog without having an inversion layer that traps everything or to have fog every morning for a week without having an air quality problem because the air is moving around, just not in a gale force wind.
  5. Munkie's comments above are about the tings that also get into the air during a bad fog. The truth of the matter though is that fog doesn't require still air. It requires a specific temperature that allows the water vapor to become visible. Personally I really like mornings where fog comes up from a lake or river before burning off or being blown apart/away... Makes for really gorgeous sunrises without being a harbinger of still air which can lead to all sorts of air quality issues. Regarding compromised respiratory systems, it's a toss up. They recommend dry climes for some problems and moist climes for others as long as you can avoid the other pollutants. The key is to remember that fog does not include the other particulates which *can* be an issue for folks and that's why my original answer was what it was. Fog itself is not an issue as your body handles water vapor just fine and in many cases actually likes it.
  6. Does a taco shell count as bread though? I'd be more inclined to call it a special case of nachos.
  7. Fog is just water vapor at a specific temperature so no. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fog
  8. Here is another link that appears to have a clearer path to the Enlistment and installer links for the promotion. https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012238394
  9. Details at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link//16849-Anniversary-Promotion-Free-Fly-Details Site is kinda overwhelmed at the moment.
  10. I'd take digital streaming if they had not caved to the RIAA. Try using digital streaming if you travel internationally. It's not possible (not just not convenient, but not possible). You cannot connect internationally to an American streaming account (even on an international service) for more than 2 weeks (a year, a lifetime? I didn't bother trying to find out).
  11. What, and you bought Moving Pictures the day it came out in 81 when you were 20? As I recall you and I are about the same age, Yarb... I just refused to buy any "popular" music when I was in school (read popular as "we have both types, country *and* western!").
  12. Gah, you all make me feel old. Ish was almost not painful but then he explained he was replacing disks he kept stealing from his dad.... <sigh> I think my first music (not CDs for obvious reasons) were Jean Michel Jarre. Oxygen and Zoolook were purchased at the same time so no real first there.
  13. Duckman

    RIP Stan Lee

    To be honest, I think the most important thing he did was to challenge the conventions regarding subject matter in comics. Along with artists like Moore, his work to bring controversial topics into comics helped people learn to discuss important topics... Creating multidimensional characters who worried about acne or dandruff as well as how to save the world was a big step, but bucking the limitations against discussing drug use and social issues in general is, in my opinion, what has separated Marvel from most of its competition (including DC) for years. Here's hoping that the fight over his estate does not eclipse all the good he has brought to so many people.
  14. Link to the bundle instead of the sale page: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/warhammer-bundle?hmb_source=navbar&amp;hmb_medium=product_tile&amp;hmb_campaign=tile_index_1
  15. Where did you see it, Yarb? It is on my "that looked kinda cool but I missed it in theaters" list.
  16. ftfy 😀 But seriously, I get Pax's predicament. I am pretty discerning about my sci-fi reading and like him I prefer something that I can listen to while working on something else with my hands (painting, coding for work, etc.).
  17. My wife actually knows the lore on this one... The original characters spinning out of the Archie comics were all light and fluffy. There was a graphic novel reimagining in 2014 that was really dark (matching what was here) printed by Archie Horror (a specific imprint of the Archie Comics brand) and the CW picked up that version of the Archie-verse to make their series "Riverdale". That universe is the basis for the Netflix Sabrina character. So yes, same characters, same IP reimagined in the same way that Moore reimagined The Dark Knight.
  18. I never said that I was triggered by that particular comment but since you said you don't know the guy you have no idea whether or not he was trolling in the first place (I know you were not, but you can't speak for him unless you didn't fully disclose int he first place). A political comment out of the blue, especially with no intent to discuss it is trolling. There's a difference between sitting on the MAX talking about politics and yelling "If you're not voting for Clinton you're a 'tard" as you hop off the bus. Picking a name in an online game is pretty much always about getting a rise out of people, not fostering discussion. If you fail to understand the point of this conversation, log into any MMO and watch public chat for a while. People log in just to say things to see if they can get attention from people. I've seen people admit that they have no interest in what they just said, they just wanted to see if they could keep the conversation going. I'm not sure what it is about millenials (which seems to be the primary source of this behavior although not the sole source) that they don't care about honest discourse over the internet and they are more interested in attention-seeking. To be honest, Pax, watching you here in the forums I have a hard time trying to decide whether or not you are a Troll because you really don't seem to follow basic arguments that the whole community repeats to you over and over and yet you work to keep the conversation going rather than letting things drop or simply agreeing to disagree. (That and you have a tendency to assign your assumptions to other people, e.g. accusing me of being triggered when what I am really triggered by is your being obtuse, which is a classic troll technique.)
  19. As I said earlier when I gave the definition, Trolling is making a conscious decision to get people triggered. It has nothing to do with being hateful or insulting. The name you cited seems to me a calculated choice to push buttons just like saying OregonDucksFootballAreAllRapists. Offering unsolicited political opinions in this day and age in a public venue unrelated to politics is *usually* trolling. It might be possible that this was not the intent but the first thing I would expect in-game in that case was an honest attempt to discuss politics. Without that I kinda gotta go with intentional and trying to trigger people. That said, I don't really give people the benefit of the doubt anymore. I've seen too many people online whose only motivation is to waste peoples' time by getting them triggered by making outrageous comments or even just claiming a position in the hopes that someone will be distracted into countering that position, often where the person making the claim has no honest interest in open dialog and in some cases could really care less about the claim in the first place. In other words, the whole basis of trolling is to take advantage of the character flaw you are citing. The thing that makes it trolling is the lack of interest in discussion about the topic and instead trying to cause the other person to be distracted or to waste their time or just because the initial perpetrator is attention-seeking.
  20. This is trolling. Whether or not you support the actual idea, you are making a choice to present it as something you support to trigger other people. Textbook definition, which is why talking about particularly divisive politics is also considered trolling whether you mean it or not and is why Ish labelled it as such.
  21. <shrug> Being a troll merits being blocked/ignored. That goes for anyone discussing politics or otherwise wasting my time by trolling.
  22. Yeah, that's my problem, Pax. I played Skylines when it came out and I have tried a bunch of the Tropico games but I don't recall which ones specifically (there may be a new one that I have not tried). Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress (and its clones) and Banished I have not tried. I just have not seen many cool things coming out lately... Waiting on any non-shooters (and was not really impressed with the crop at E3 although when I went back and looked it was not as overloaded with shooters as I had initially felt).
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