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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. I've never heard "Viable" and "Avatar" used in a sentence in the way you are suggesting.
  2. http://astropate.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/nuovi-cavalieri-grigi-lista.html pts list?
  3. It's nice to see a Senate that works for the people. Looking at you Washington DC...
  4. Yeah, I don't see why you wouldn't. 7pts for 12-24" movement, t5, relentless and I imagine they have Hammer of Wrath, too.
  5. I'd rather see deadpool over birdman.
  6. If I can figure out how to save it....
  7. You know what's interesting. My link still works for me. I'm on my iPad, mind you, and it doesn't cache it. It has to reload and rebuffer it each time.
  8. http://hw-mobile.worldstarhiphop.com/u/vid/2014/07/F2KiHg0DkBch_mobile.mp4?ri=512000&rs=850
  9. 7 pts for bike stats, that's pretty killer.
  10. So wait, looking at that top list, it has making command squads bike riders as a flat 35 fee. I thought it was 35 per model. Did they change that in the newest codex?
  11. http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6944407/15-pokemon-sex-moves#!briEwf Pokemon themed Sexual Positions/encounters Well worth the look lol
  12. Pho King Fluger. ;) Wasn't trying to call anyone out, just checking for personal reference. On my iPad, I have to manual type any coding, it doesn't have the function bar that the computer does, so it's a slight pain in the arse at times.
  13. So we don't need to use Spoiler tag for f'k anymore? I think I counted it two or three times on this page. ;)
  14. Nsfw language. Shrooms at SDCC http://m.imgur.com/a/XanMP
  15. I mean, yeah, we have the PH units currently. Plus the couple of Nurgle and World Eater units they've produced. That said, you know as well as I do that it isn't the same thing by any stretch of the imagination. In it's accessibility or in it's price. Alas, that's not what this thread is about, so I don't want to further derail it. Needless to say, I do like Unbound rules for cross utilization now. :) SW TWC Juggy Riders, BA AssTroop Raptors, etc
  16. Not to beat a dead horse, but I hope in the not too distant future, we see GW put this level of effort into the Chaos Legions.
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