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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. This one time, at OFCC after having too many shots.....
  2. "How do we get people to buy more?" Makes sense.
  3. I'm sorry for your family's loss, man. :( My heart goes out to you and yours in this trying time.
  4. It's not really cocaine, it's just like cocaine, for less. It's best to not ask too many questions. Having not read the new book yet and basing my opinion on things I've read, take it with a grain of salt. We meet up to play, you ask what kind of deck I have with me. I have a Legacy Sliver (Unbound Bugs) deck. You have your Type 1 Swarm deck (New Orcsies hoard). Do either of us have any other decks (lists) with us to bring balance to the force? Are we fine with any imbalance that may or may not exist as a result of the different formats we constructed around? Communication. It doesn't really matter what you bring, just make sure to talk about your feelings.
  5. I'd say chapter approved has sweet whisperings.
  6. Oregonian public transit has expanded quite a lot in the past few years. Impressively so.
  7. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad For all of our potato salad lovers.
  8. I'm still not sure of I work Saturday yet. I know I work Friday.
  9. You don't want to pay 20 a pop for DKK RRs?
  10. What do you hope/suspect the imperial Large ships will be? I don't think we'd see larger than a Lancer Frigate and even then, that thing would be a good bit larger than the Corvette. That would also rule out Interdictors, Dreadnoughts, Neb-Bs, Victory-Class, etc. they'd have to change the scale substantially to make those work, let alone ISDs.
  11. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4869 Dash render and an imperial gunship. Lando and Mara jade crew cards. 2 medium ships in the wave.
  12. As I understood it, GW commissioned blizzard to design an RTS for them, and then pulled out. Blizzard altered things here or there and we have the franchises we have today. I looked briefly on Google for support of this, but all I located was conjecture.
  13. If anyone would like to educate themselves on the Lemon Law as it applies to Washington: http://www.atg.wa.gov/LemonLaw/General.aspx#.U6I84pK9KSM As for buyers remorse: "You DO NOT have a three day right of cancellation on vehicle purchases or lease contract." http://www.atg.wa.gov/ConsumerIssues/Cars/car_buying.aspx#.U6I90JK9KSM
  14. It doesn't apply to used vehicle purchases, unfortunately.
  15. Because quoting Solomon hasn't been done before. ;) I actually quote this scripture multiple times a month.
  16. They should be available on the heroclix site. I'd pick stuff up second hand though. I dropped a pretty penny on it back in the day. Ended up donating it to thrift store cuz game store wouldn't even take it.
  17. Count me in, I'll make the drive from sumner lol I can't promise the condition of my army, nor will I have 7th ed book. But I will have my Xwing stuff, too!
  18. I'm in sumner now. Purchased a lemon from a Tac dealer yesterday. So [big bad swear word]ing upset right now. My fault, obviously. [big bad swear word].
  19. Looks every bit as good as that WFB Wizards Tower.
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