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Everything posted by BrainFireBob

  1. I don't know. This guy is pretty accurate (powerfist): https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/mobile/search/searchResults.jsp?searchTerm=casualties
  2. This is a safe space.SAFE.SPACE
  3. Of the hover ObSec gaining flyers, a baledrake gained the most. Unusual for Chaos. Between this and the Renegade Knight, CSMs are a different army
  4. Sorry. New post. What bothers is, as this is written, if you overwatch with a grenade, you can't use one in CC
  5. "You can only throw one grenade per phase" See pp180 Unusual Grenades. In fact, that snippet shows they screwed that one up. EDIT: The more I think, the more this screams intern to me. A kickass intern they should keep, but this ruling reverses years if 40k precedent and doesn't make sense of pp180- throwing is the ranged attack, it specifues that sone have a melee profile that lets a model replace their attacks. You can throw in shooting, you can throw in overwatch, but only some grenades give you a "melee attack"- this is never described as throwing
  6. Stupid phone posting. Anyway, major shifts. The terrain one leaves the ambiguous situation of all units in the opposing unit being engaged without a model needing to go.through terrain, as well as assaulting around terrain. Mainly good work, though. More pleased than not.Think the grenade thing is a screwup, unless m. Bombs are special, and think the artifact thing is too hard on CSM. Between this and DftS ObSec drakes, and general loss of flyer skyfire (non fighter), it is about as big a shift as 6th-7th
  7. This was my understanding. Think whoever wrote it couldn't think of another way to use grenades in that phase, so assumed it was for CC. Multiple meltabombs are now ambiguous, thiugh- they can't be thrown. Means this ruling does not apply. This reads to me consistent in a manner I'd expect if it's one guy- which means yes, some of these are rulings and changes, not FAQs, and some do change the BRB. Like a firm psyker ruling- the conclave can only cast as many powers as the main guy has mastery levels. Makes building that, or the Cabal, more tactical.
  8. Hm. Worried about my as-yet unassembled Fire Raptor.
  9. Free assault weapon in a Skyhammer, not bad
  10. Crimson Slaughter, too. It's maybe the most important change
  11. You can combine with the main book, though- Axe of Blind Fury+Skull of Khern'gar, say
  12. Those are tan WoW Orcs. Talk about irony- Warcraft was based on Warhammer in the first place
  13. Enough guns to give them all bolters. IMO, you want two sets
  14. Love the models, not seeing their application. Is that the Inq faction symbol? Seems like it's a bit all over the place. Any rumors pop up about further expansions later for Cult or Deathwatch? Have 2 old squads on standby.
  15. Got an assault squad to go with my DV Chosen. Just need Vhash to complete the squad. Woot. Detailed minis, though. Paint, then assemble.
  16. Looks like they are trying to make assault work again. Well, this rounds out the Wolf players pretty well. My Marines are solid, but holding a brighter and brighter hope for my Chaos.
  17. Limited disagreement from me. Two things you should know. 1) As editions and armybooks come and go, everything alternates between meh and awesome, so don't be disappointed if your purchases pan out as week today- in a few years they'll come back to the new hotness. 2) This hobby can get expensive, so a few tips: GW makes great metallics, washes, and sprays, and good paint. For regular paints, Vallejo is cheaper and just as good to better. For metallics, they are close. Most serious painters seem to use a mix of the two. If serious about that side of it, an airbrush and the big paint set are actually worth the outlay. GW doesn't do a lot of really good discounts, but their starter sets are typically really nice value. Right now, Dark Vengeance is great, as is Betrayal at Calth. For Marines, the Dark Angels DV addon bundle and Getting Started with Marines kit are also both great value. If you definitely want that thousand points, any of them are good- and that includes getting a second DV set. I did, and I have over 20000 points of marines. Hope it helps!
  18. You look into medtech? Gentech's here in Hillsboro, OR- across the street from where I am, great rep for benefits
  19. Hey all: Looking for two Betrayal at Calth Contemptor multimelta arms in PDX metro. Offering $5/each. Need them for auxilary speeder multimeltas Edit: also have a variety of SM bitz and weapons
  20. I note AP missed mentioning the Sicaran- ignoring jink is huge. Short version, Nurgle is possibly the best Chaos setup these days, but Chaos pays extra.for everything, so budgeting can be hard and there is no recovery room at higher comp levels- you have minimum tools and can't afford waste. Mind, I.am behind on painting and.have a slew of things I want to test.
  21. I told my wife about it, all excited. She replied "So you're telling me you're excited you found a new way to spend money."
  22. Evilcraft now being sold via Kromlech. Kromlech is on Amazon, plus Roy gets a bunch of their stuff. Evilcraft=awesome for those of us with spiky marines.
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