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Everything posted by BrainFireBob

  1. Actually buying a knight with my bonus now. Deciding between Custodian and Warden
  2. I think it's a trust issue. GW has always had a tendency towards rock-paper-scissors game matchups. Fine when you play lots of games; when you're older with more limited game time, it's a situation you emphatically don't want to be caught in. So when you can't keep up with what your opponent might field, and lose your ability to judge whether you are facing a bad matchup, it causes some low grade antipathy/anxiety. I think that's what we're seeing here.' GW targets the "I'll get you tomorrow, buddy, when I get a new unit tailored to beat yours!" mentality. Doesn't work for those of us who game maybe once a month due to kids, careers, etc.
  3. Anyone seen a datasheet for the Crusader yet?
  4. Yes. I have reduced army count too- as others say, been focusing on broad, flexible armies.
  5. Just talking about fliers generally. Also, cadaver, allies can use SM tactics. They have to be purchased with them
  6. Well, yes, but where else do you get heavy 2 str 7 skyfire interceptor for only 35points? It's nice added skyfire
  7. As I recall, it's shoot 4 weapons. Normally means 2 missiles.
  8. Well, a hovering flyer that doesn't move can shoot everything. At that point, it's a stationary skimmer. Offhand don't recall if a Raven can choose to hover.
  9. Fire support knight looks best to me as a solo support Knight. Still has Stomp. Say cannon, gatling gun, cheap aa gun because why not, with the crusader a second in wraithknight heavy metas. Anyone else?
  10. Hot damn, is it me, or did Knights just get brutal? Chaos desperately needs these.
  11. Same thing they did with Tempestus Scions and Astra Militarum. Don't have either- but aren't Scions still in the Militarum book? They just don't have their own special snowflake formations? Or it's the faction-ing. Really expecting 8th to have Space Marines, Imperium, Chaos, Eldar, Orks, and Tau "factions", each consisting of multiple books. GW PLC discovered DLC.
  12. Seriously thinking about getting one for my Chaos. I'd been tentatively budgeting Rapier batteries; this might be a better way to go.
  13. I would say no, because they aren't HQ choices. They're a distinct formation with a very specific consistency- Ezekial and 3 Librarians tells you what selections you can take. Command squads are for HQ choices, and HQ choices are part of detachments that use HQ choices. Regarding dedicated transports, I'd say it has to be dedicated on the unit's data slate- including the unit includes its options. Again, this is why I say no command squads- the command squad says it can be taken per HQ choice, the librarian data entry does not say as much (as I recall, I'm at work).
  14. I was more interested that the Lord of Skulls is now not Apocalypse/Escalation only. It's in a codex.
  15. Deliberately, because to quote Overfiend AC "Two is more than twice as good as one." True of flamers, not so true of most DEV weapons. Yeah, H/K are overpriced most times. Worth it on things like Vindicators (add it and a storm bolter, and you go from 100% change of losing the battlecannon on weapon destroyed to 33%), possibly on Sentinels. That said, one of the first Apoc games I played, I was badly burned by a buddy who took H/Ks on everything that could; and who alpha struck the ever-living hell out of me with their "unlimited range" profile during his first shooting phase.
  16. Eh, that kind of thing used to bother me until I realized it's a human galaxy- the Great Crusade came so close to succeeding that nearly every habitable world had the Imperium on it at some point, and the Imperium does not bow to fads; they do things the same way now that they did 10000 years ago. So it all looks the same. So there are ruins everywhere, and everyone pinch-uses them at need. EDIT: Also, I'll buy them, but that's because I'm a fortifications junky- stupid Starcraft. If they suck, I'll only buy one.
  17. Y'know, I really hope they include some Taghmata units- the Triaros, in particular.
  18. This only happened once before- back in 98 when the entire game fundamentally changed and all codices were invalidated. Codices were 20 page $15 softcover pamphlets back then, though. Editions averaged a five year shelf life. Now, who knows? I have stopped buying them all, and am focusing on armies I own.
  19. Personally, I think 2 heavies at 5 might do it. Centurions are tougher with better guns for walking, assault terminators are better at everything else. With only 1 heavy, they can't alpha strike well (Chaos gets combimeltas, which is a game changer in that regard), with only a 5++ at T4 with 1 wound, they whittle too quickly to play the attrition game, and if in a transport, they might as well be assault terminators! I've used them to success with teleport homers scattered everywhere as a tactical game changer, but honestly, assault terminators fill that role better. Storm bolters just aren't enough firepower. Back in the early days of 3rd, when moving meant you only shot once at 12", the storm bolter had double the firepower of a tactical marine on the move at 12" or double the power of a stationary tac marine at 12"-24". Then they had some utility. With the changes to rapid fire, the storm bolter isn't bringing you anything, which makes you reliant on the heavy to do the lifting (as Tacs rely on their special and/or heavy) and the limitation to 1 just isn't enough. Tacs can take meltas or plasma, with a second combi on a sarge. Terminators can take an assault cannon or a missile launcher, both costing way more, neither reliable against 2+ or armor (Statistically assault cannons are way better over time, but one round of shooting, give me a meltagun or plasmagun), and the entrapment into a powersword on the sarge is limiting. A maul would be excellent, a thunderhammer better (I miss the days of my power sword/ thunderhammer terminator assault sarges). On topic: Surprised that DA and CSM are being leapfrogged. Eldar could be another supplement; say Biel-Tann or Sam Hainn; Admech makes me want to sQUEEE!
  20. At least their possessed don't waste a transport
  21. Picked mine up, too. I'm thinking that AP is underrating the blood tithe table a bit. Army wide FNP? The base formation isn't too bad if kept cheap, and rhinos count. It isn't meta changing, but is more tools for Chaos. Looking forward to looking for synergies
  22. I would say none. It is a LR with double capacity. Use it that way. If you want to add firepower, hellstrike and go AA.
  23. Dammit, I'm overbudget. Wife is going to be angry. Dibs if you're in the Portland area. I live in Hillsboro, but can meet at Dice Age in Vancouver on Saturday or possibly at Guardian in the morning or evening.
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