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Everything posted by McNathanson

  1. RD: thanks man, pics coming right up... Scott: it was just the natural color of the sand I had used, which was lost in my move and I can't find matching. Anyway, I'm about halfway through doing them all over anyway so it's moot now :) MNinja: thanks man! We'll have to play sometime DE vs DE :)
  2. Thanks Scott, I remember my army being set up right next to yours at the Seattle GT, and people would come by and say, "Wow!" and I would say, "If you like this army you should really see THAT army!!" (pointing to yours). I couldn't in good conscience have people voting for my army with yours sitting right next to me :) FYI the motive for "rebasing" is so I can base my NEW models (Hydra, Cold One Knights) to match… I can't re-create those bases I had, so I have to re-base them to something I can re-create :(
  3. Maybe the "play online" version doesn't have bookmarks but the actual Podcast does? Or maybe I just missed it!
  4. Cool me too. I'm gonna do the RXB unit and see how they look all ranked up. Thanks!
  5. Really?! I just might have to hit you up for the ink, that'd be wicked awesome!! Thanks!
  6. So far have refused to join google+. Too damn big brother for me.
  7. So you are following his sloppy with your own sloppy, is what I'm hearing you say?
  8. Thanks BroG! I'll take a look. I may have some luck with the tan and khaki colors, maybe even the blue skin colors. But I'm pretty sure I'll have to mix the metallic green… it was a mix of silver paint and green ink (I was going for an insectoid kinda look). On a positive note, I may have a re-basing paint scheme that will work. Here's the old look (black base with natural sand color): And here's a sample re-based (Averland Sunset basecoat, drybrush Ushabti Bone, highlight White Scar, with a Steel Legion Drab edge): Obviously I'll do the edging a little neater, just trying out color combos and this was my favorite so far. What do you think?
  9. I can't seem to link successfully to a photo in my dropbox… is there a simple way to do this so I can link in photos of my work in progress without a lot of copying/moving/uploading/etc?
  10. I know, he looks terrible! I'm going to take a risk a re-paint him using orange as the primary color. I might end up doing the same for my Cold Ones (Hot Ones?!) I don't really like the model… I have always thought I would eventually replace him with a custom made three-tailed Giant Scorpion or something more thematic for my army. The one I sculpted was way too small of course. I'd have to go much bigger!
  11. Nevermind: I found it. Certain armies have units that add "WMP"s… I was confused because neither DE or Brets war machines have WMPs associated.
  12. Hi Iraf, One more clarifying question: what's the "War Machines Points" section 19 about? Can you give an example please?
  13. Gunnerson: okay if you are starting out in negatives, then yes your goal should be to get to 0 to be allowed. However if you're already well above 0, I don't think they are trying to encourage you to get DOWN to 0!
  14. Brick I'm curious: do you think this is more or less true of 8th than previous editions? From my hey-day of tournament WFB, I can't recall any units that were too scary to gang up on and take down!
  15. Gunnerson: I think someone started that "goal of zero" incorrectly… the goal is to be a zero, only if your goal is to bring the most min/maxed army you can get away with! I can't believe there is anything wrong with a typical army build that scores in the range of 5-15 or whatever. But I could be wrong :)
  16. Oh okay, that's helpful… thanks! And haha, I didn't go past page 1 for the Dark Elves… so umm, oops! My score is actually 114, or 11.4, which makes a lot more sense! I'll send you my list if you're curious to verify it. Still the question was supposed to be theoretical, since I'm not able to attend the tourney anyway: do you recommend armies with scores over 20 try to get tougher? I just don't understand the "upper bound" thing?
  17. Dark Elves, what the?! But I thought I was building a Bretonnian army? Yes, well, in the spirit of finishing one thing before starting another, I've decided to clean up my DE army and get them "GT ready", before launching into my Bretonnian project. I have been letting my DE army sit idle for a couple reasons. First, I mixed custom paints for most of the army colors, and those have all dried up, so I will have to somehow re-create those very odd colors (especially the tinted metallics will be hard!) to touch up any existing models or add new models. Second, I based them all with a color of sand that I can't find any more and apparently threw out my supply in my divorce/move/chaos. So I'll have to re-paint or perhaps entirely re-base the whole damn army, which I've dreaded doing because they're all painted and I don't want to mess them up. However, these Desert Smurfs of mine deserve some love, and if I can't find time to re-base my Elves and mix up 9 or so custom paint colors, how on earth do I think I'm going to convert and paint 20-something Knights? So to wit, I need to: - Re-base my entire army (ugh!) - Re-create my custom green armor, khaki cloth, and blue skin colors (and their associated highlight colors, 3 each) (double ugh!) - Convert and paint a new Army BSB on foot (my old BSB in Scorpion-drawn Chariot was lost in the move, too) - Finish painting 10 Cold One Knights (they are base coated and have a few highlights, but that's all) - Finish painting my Hydra ("") If I manage the above, I also may add a few final touches to the army: - Repaint my Black Guard halberds (never liked 'em) - Re-mount my Dark Riders on the newest Dark Steeds - Convert and paint a new rider for my Sand Wyrm (Manticore) I'm going to see how far I get on this in the month of Feb. I'm drawing on Raindog's example and hoping that this public record will keep me honest, even if I make only small progress day-to-day ;) Ready, set, go!
  18. By the way those of you using the swedish comp pdf, I believe (Iraf correct me if I'm wrong please) that you must subtract ALL the penalties for a given line: e.g. if I have a Master on a Manticore with a Black Dragon Egg, his penalty (assuming he's my only flying character) is -14 total just for the egg: "Black Dragon Egg -2 (-4 if mounted)(-8 if mounted on flying mount)" Since you add them all up, it's not -8, it's -14. Right?
  19. Out of curiosity I rated my DE list, and it came out 23.6. Does that mean you guys would suggest making it tougher, to be able compete with the lists that will be there? Also, again out of curiosity (as someone who used to organize tournaments and put a lot of thought into such scoring systems), why do you not incorporate the comp score into the tournament scoring? Not that I think you should, necessarily, but it seems you guys have put a nice tournament together and I'm curious about your reasoning. Thanks, Nathan
  20. Curious what his army list was? Mine right now is looking pretty nice visually but I'm worried about the game play… might be kinda on the weak side (lance of KotR, lance of Grails, and then Men at Arms and Bowmen plus 2 Trebs… does have a solid magic phase)
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