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Everything posted by McNathanson

  1. I listened to most of it! Overall pretty enjoyable to listen to but a lot of content that would be mostly relevant to Seattle-area gamers only (mostly about the SPDM tourney and rules). Also the movement tray section was a bit of a letdown honestly. I would have liked to hear details on how you guys build magnetic trays (I have a movement tray construction system of my own that I like really well, but am curious about others'). And having a good few specific examples for "above and beyond" (maybe a google search string or URL) would be cool. One tip: if I google the suggested name "Ricky Fisher Night Goblins" I didn't get any relevant hits... I then tried Fischer and found it, so might wanna say "Fischer with a C". And one small suggestion: even if you don't put chapter or bookmarks in the stream, you might want to put just a time stamp for each section in the written table of contents... it's a pretty long cast to have in one solid file with no bookmarks. Nice job for a first go-round! Thanks for sharing, Nathan
  2. Stoked for you RD! Might be able to convince Joel to dust off his army, too, sweet! :)
  3. One of the brilliant things about the OFCC is that if and when GW makes a decision that is so intolerably lame we all want to rise up and make our own tournament and our own rules, well, um, we already did :) So if they cut armies, I'm sure we can find it within our ranks to figure out a suitable set of rules to allow them. And if they make "allies" a huge part of WFB and every agrees it sucks, we can just disallow it. Whatever, ya know? Now the stopping production on models thing, that's a bummer :( And for at least Bretonnia I've noticed it's quite true. I've had to buy most of the models for my re-do of my old army off of eBay. On the upside, it's a great reason to convert my own Grail Knights! There are always alternatives!
  4. Very nice conversion man, looks beautiful. I have always loved the dryad emerging from tree imagery. Well conceived and executed!
  5. Definitely! I'm planning to come this year, it's finally on a weekend I have free :) You going to be there?
  6. Thanks man! Yeah just something of the right base size and sort of the right model. Human infantry, and human archers. Mostly I need the archers now. I'll look next time I'm over!
  7. Thanks guys, great info and advice. I don't really know yet what I'm planning exactly, just ruminating on rules :) But yeah at some point I'll have a caster in my Men at Arms or Bowmen, probably either to set of the Prayer Icon to give them the Blessing, or perhaps to use as cover for an L4 using a lot of dice, so I don't miscast and kill my Knights as easily. Of course, Throne of Vines… and I'm not sure I want my L4 on foot, and mounted she doesn't get cover from an infantry unit against cannons, right? Blah blah. Right now, just trying to understand the options. One thing I'm really going to have to adjust to is the new rules for terrain and buildings and such. I gather there's a lot more on a typical table nowadays than back in 6th/7th. And that buildings are more significant. Haven't even read the rules on them yet though, still digesting the implications of the basic changes.
  8. Oh and here's a fantastic hacky idea: what about using TWO larger base characters (e.g. 25mm) on the edge of a 20mm unit? Any unit with an even multiple of 20mm couldn't touch the far character at all without failing to maximize (the near edge would fail to reach corner to corner). Or is this blocked by the rules for odd base sizes?
  9. Thanks Veskit! Does "scope of being able to make the movement" include having the movement distance in the charge roll to reach the far side of the unit?
  10. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if I could borrow some assembled (and painted, or not, don't care) bowmen and infantry so I can get some games in with the Bretonnian army I'm re-building. I can promise you they'll be well-taken-care-of, and I could even pay a small rental fee or whatever! I'll only need them for a few months, maybe 3, until I get my own done. I need 60 bowmen and 50 infantry. Any (extremely) generous souls out there? Thanks! Nathan
  11. Another Dumb Question: if a unit is say, 10 models wide, and it is charged by a unit that is say 5 models wide, does the charging player get to decide where exactly the align combatants? Or is it shortest path? Or something else? The main reason for this question is that if I have a Caster in the front rank of a 10-wide unit, I'm wondering if placing her to one of the far edges (e.g. the edge farthest from an enemy unit about to charge me) would possibly keep her out of combat.
  12. Adam do you know if there's a current "best" WFB FAQ, like the Direwolf FAQ used to be?
  13. Yeah there used to be an "in addition to" FAQ we used at OFCC for the first 4 or 5 years, Direwolf FAQ… don't know if it's still used or not, but it was a great way to level-set on all these issues for players coming from different gaming circles. Just an easy to way to set house rules. Oh and I agree an all-character unit would be unlikely, but for Brets, a Knight unit with Lord General and Paladin BSB is pretty common, and I can totally see wanting to charge them both out of the unit on the same turn (vs. the same target or different targets, whatever).
  14. On second thought, I change my vote to "Bretonnian characters can charge out of a unit until the enemy is dead or surrenders on the spot, at which point the day is ours, praise be the Lady!" Hey MN I think this would be a good one to roll-off before a game for the time being, what do you think? VonRuger! Hey did you get my PM??
  15. I see your point MexicanNinja, but I think this is one of those situations where the "more specific rule" overrides the "less specific". For example, yes there is a rule that says characters can charge out of a unit. Yes there is also a rule that says once a character charges out of a unit, the unit cannot declare a charge. Which rule "wins"? I'm pretty sure the "cannot" rule wins. Think of it this way: there is a rule that says a unit CAN declare a charge. There are then lots of other rules saying when it cannot (for example after a character charges out). Strict reading of the rules, I believe once the first character has declared, the remainder of the charcters, and the unit itself, are SOL. Probably not something that really matters much either way, except of course I do have a lance of knights with more than one character on occasion. Eh, oh well :)
  16. Anyone happen to have the Bret Damsels (preferably the older style, not the most current) for sale or trade? Thanks! Nathan
  17. I hear you; my daughter is 7 now and I'm just starting to find a few hours a week to maybe paint a knight or work on my motorcycle. Still there's always something I *should* be doing instead :)
  18. Looking forward to the pics! Seeing you and Raindog posting progress has me thinking of doing the same… it might be a good way to motivate myself (through self-inflicated public shaming if I don't do anything for weeks at a time). Hah!
  19. Yes I know the gromril great helm does that, but it's 30 pts vs 15 for the combo I'm using, which fits with the offensive package I'm using :) Have you done the math? What MC/MI in particular are you thinking of? I don't know what stat lines are likely out there, and I haven't had time to do it carefully, but a quick take assuming WS5 S5 T5 3W 4+AS: S6 Lance + HKB: 4 attacks * 2/3 hits per attack * ((1/6 KB * 3 wounds per KB) + (1/2 non-KB-but-still-wounding)) wounds per hit = 2.67 average Wounds on the charge with a significant standard deviation (i.e. big swings in either direction are relatively common). Sword of Heroes + Audacity: 4 attacks * 8/9 hits per attack * 3/4 wounds per hit * 5/6 unsaved per wound * 2 wounds per unsaved = 4.44 average Wounds on the charge and on every subsequent round, with a much more consistent performance. If you add the Heartwood Lance, for 35 points you get what, about .33 more wounds per attack, or ~1.33 more wounds, and you're sitting at 75 points of offense? I think the HKB functions much better against a W6 T6 Dragon with a 3+ save… which would be nice, don't get me wrong :) Maybe I'll find points for both Lords! Hah!
  20. Hey Ratrek! Good to see you're still on the forums… do you play still regularly? Where are you playing at? Oh and thanks for the answers :) MN: Virtue of Heroism is good, for sure. I'll do the math on it before I decide for sure, but I'm betting it's maybe better versus Dragons and other things with 5 or 6 Wounds, but not nearly as good versus MI/MC. generalripphook: the helm gives a +1 AS too, at least according to Army Builder which is usually more up to date on FAQs etc than I am :) Does it not? Another question: can a Bretonnia BSB carry a magic shield? Army Builder says yes, i see advanced build discussions using e.g. Charmed Shield on the BSB, but the rule book says the thing about "if it cant take the mundane version…" or whatever. Is there a clear ruling on this for OFCC?
  21. Thanks Fellas! 1) My reading is what TJP said; MexicanNinja where is that interpretation coming from? Obviously I would prefer it so that I can have my Lord and/or BSB charge out, but... 2) As informal as the quote in my OP sounds, yes, that's verbatim the wording from the Bret book :) ... 4) Wait, new Bretonnia book?! Is it on the horizon?? 5) Good suggestions! Thanks! 6) I'm thinking of a kit that is built for killing monsters, chaos lords, etc, but also monstrous infantry, cavalry, etc… basically it would be: Virtue of Audacity (re-roll to hit and to wound vs. enemies with S5+), Sword of Heroes (+1S and d3 wounds vs. enemies with T5+), Potion of Strength (for things with T6+), Dragonhelm (1+ AS total, and 2+ Ward vs. flaming attacks), and Luckstone (re-roll one failed armor save). WIth a T4, a 1+ armor save and a single re-roll, and then 5+/6+ ward from the Blessing, do you guys think he'll live long enough to deliver his attacks? With the potion, against multi-wound monsters with WS5 or less, and T6 or less, he would deal around 7 wounds with a -4 AS modifier. Pretty Heroic still, and more reliable than the killing blow option. Would be awesome to slay a dragon or a giant on the charge, or cut down lots of big bad monstrous cav etc :)
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