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Everything posted by McNathanson

  1. Right, that was my read: they are happening in the same step but since the push is a Trigger it goes first. Cool.
  2. Great info thanks my man! I'm curious how you'd combine the three for best overall? Also sounds like there's no "comp" meaning we just assume that the game is well-balanced enough not to need handicapping system, correct?
  3. Right on the option to activate the trigger, thanks for the reminder... but are you saying then that it's "simultaneous" and therefore as the controlling player, I get to decide which order?
  4. I find myself using Witchling Stalkers as a target for Sonnia's Ca attack, so that I can cheat down their Defensive flip, and win by enough to cheat up the Damage to Mod or Severe to get the Blast on enemy models! However I'm not sure how the Stalker's Drawn to Pain rule interacts with placing Blast markers. I *think* that the Blast marker is part of Sonnia's Ability, and the Stalker's push is a Trigger, the push would go first. Is that right? Here's the Drawn to Pain rules text: and here's the relevant rulebook entry on Blast marker timing, which says you place the markers before dealing damage (even to the original target): The example makes it extra clear that the original target suffers damage after placing the Blast markers: (and as usual, it's actually using one of the models in our own example, hah!) Finally here's the text on Actions/Triggers and timing: Am I correct? Thanks! Nathan
  5. Is there a "standard" way to score tournaments? Does it include soft scores (paint, sports, comp)? If not, how do you run your tournaments?
  6. Romes I just can't resist noting how you consistently articulate my precise gaming philosophy and the reasoning behind it as well. As someone who used to organize events and spent a LOT of time trying to get the incentives (scoring, prizes, etc.) "just right" in order to cultivate the gaming atmosphere I so deeply enjoy, it's really great to read your posts. Thanks for fighting the good fight, I know it often feels like a never ending uphill battle! I also know that when things go right, it's totally worth it :)
  7. That's the thing: faces (human female ones especially) often don't have edges or much definition at all to highlight, shade, or pick out. And I think the usual "over-do the contrast" approach to painting, which works so well with most colors, falls down on skin tone, which just looks wrong up close when done with too much contrast. So I agree: human faces and skin in general are really tough compared to most other things. One person who mastered them is that awesome chick who used to do pro work... can't recall her name, A-something? Anyway, she was really really good at painting faces. Neat story huh? :)
  8. Wings, man, bring those wings you make... holy nomnom.
  9. I should have photo'd the orange fiery lightning thingy I tried, it may have been better than I gave it credit for. I'll repaint one later and take a pic. Definitely not happy with the feathered grey in the second pic, that looks worse every time I see it.
  10. Sure, thanks! I was thinking I should cross-post it both here and there, but not sure how (or if that's even possible) (or permissible)?
  11. Murals, what a great idea! Wait is this 40k? I think you're right about a more weathered look perhaps, but I want to keep the overall look consistent... the paint work is controlled, not washy/messy/etc. I think the blades need to be, too. I didn't actually ask about the yellow, but thanks ;) I think you may be right, I might need to work it to a more bronze/brass looking pommel shade, instead the bright golden yellow I've got going. Thanks for the feedback!!
  12. Hi folks! Last few nights after family is in bed, I've been working on prototype Witchling Stalkers, and I've got a couple (one grey, one more of a blue) that are coming together pretty well I think. But I always have trouble with sword blades; I think the large flat areas seem to ask for something interesting, but I tried several things (fire, electricity, metallic paint) and they all sucked. Here's a picture of the Stalker without paint on his blade, followed by a sorta-barely-acceptable grey blade (yawn). Any suggestions (with specifics please!) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nathan
  13. From the album: Mollyfox

    really liking the look of these guys so far, except I can't figure out a blade paint scheme that I like. Ideas?
  14. From the album: Mollyfox

    one option for painting the blade... not really happy with it but it's an idea
  15. Yeah, combo combo!! But still the question stands somewhat: if I *could* give a Stalker a condition that dealt damage, would the damaged model gain Burning +1 due to Searing Mark?
  16. Thanks! Too bad I was reading Inferno wrong, that was going to be fun :)
  17. Hi folks! Played a few games with Sonnia, she's a lot of fun, but I am not 100% on a few of her rules: Does her Violation of Magic require LoS? The wording is "When an enemy model with the Burning condition within (Aura)10 of Sonnia is reduced to 0 Wounds, Sonnia may spend a Soulstone or discard two cards to summon a Witchling Stalker into base contact with the model before it is removed." Most Aura abilities require LoS to affect a target; however, this power makes no mention of target, so I'm not sure. If a model (e.g. Witchling Stalker) is given the Inferno Condition ("This model gains the following Condition until the end of the Turn: "Flaming Demise: When this Condition ends, all models in (Aura)3 suffer 3 damage. If this model is killed, all models in (Aura)3 suffer 6 damage instead.") does the *model* count as the one dealing the damage (e.g. for purposes of the Stalker's "Searing Mark: All models damaged y this model gain the Burning +1 Condition.")? I think that's it for now... :)
  18. And thanks Mark-V, didn't see your very helpful reply earlier! Man I just got my Guild Austringers in the mail and built them, they are amazing models!! The detail and dimension is just unreal. I'm looking forward to painting them, except for the part (as with many of my Mollyfox models) where the base makes it impossible to reach many angles. I figure it must be best to un-base them for painting?? Anyway, more great models, yay!
  19. Sylvos' post makes sense at the end when he FINALLY admits that SC is actually great ;) The GW points system is not even close to sufficient to create remotely fair armies; we all know that. SC brings us much closer to fair armies; we all know that, too. Therefore, the only rational reason not to use SC for all games is because it takes some time to calculate. If you can live with that, it makes the game much more likely to be fun, by virtue of being closely-contested. I suppose if you really don't care about having a closer-to-fair game (e.g. because closely-contested battles aren't any more interesting to you than lopsided battles) then I guess the time isn't worthwhile. Otherwise though, it's a no-brainer. Edit: to the original question, just create a VP handicap based on SC delta. I personally think [sC delta] * 100 VPs is good. So 12.2 SC vs. 10.1 SC is a 210 VP starting handicap. No reason to use whole-point thresholds.
  20. I'm looking for up to 4 of the metal warhounds, kinda look like bull mastiffs, with spiked collars. I have $$, grey knights, dark elves, brets, for the most part. Lots of stuff to trade but also happy to pay cash!
  21. PS: On the bright side, Malifaux is looking like a fantastic game (kinda figured it would be given Dan and Mark-5's endorsement), and I would have never had hobby time to look into it if not for GW killing off WFB! Plus, KoW is looking like a fun and easy way to play mass fantasy using my WFB models, tables, etc. I may or may not get into it enough to want to play it at OFCC 2016 (for example) but it's a good way to scratch the itch and it doesn't require the same level of offline investment as WFB (where if you want to play tourneys, you're constantly revising your army from a modeling standpoint). Anywho, two bits of silver lining, neither of which GW has anything to do with... eff them still :)
  22. I've been trying to take the high road and stay positive, but the shock's over now and the dust HAS settled I think, and I'll be honest: I'm still in a state of disbelief that GW actually just canned the game I've been playing since I was like 10 years old or something! It seems so unreal, and then to follow with AoS and those BowMarines makes me wonder who the hell is at the helm and do they have any artistic sense at all? The Warhammer models, from Brets to Dark Elves, to Dwarves and Orcs, to Chaos Warriors to Saurus, are flat out amazing and beautiful models - no other game comes close IMO. And yet to ring in their new game they roll out some of the most uninspiring, aesthetically void models I've seen... like 40k space marines but worse because no Terminators. That more than anything has killed whatever interest I might have had in AoS. Plus, I'll be honest, I'm a little sour toward GW... I had thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours invested in that game, and they basically canceled it and said, "buy these guys now, play this game now!". Um, eff-you GW, and hello Malifaux, that's how I'm feeling right now!!
  23. I'd be up for an 8th tournament, and probably could get my two brothers to play too, but Swedish Comp is kind of a must for us at this point, so I don't know if you use that in your tournaments?
  24. LOL awesome :) When you are in town come over and we'll play, it's fun and a LOT quicker than WFB!
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