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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. Probably just for Stratagems that require you use them in the command phase. The rules indicate that your have stratagems that work in other phases of the game as well.
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/01/new-40k-the-game-you-love-but-bettergw-homepage-post-1/ Nothing really of note in this preview, other than there will now be a "Command Phase:" "The Command phase is a quick new addition to the turn sequence. In this phase, Battle-forged armies will acquire new Command points and spend the ones they have on certain Stratagems." Sounds pretty much like the Hero phase in AoS.
  3. Preview on Warhammer Community, showing off the "Skorpekh Destroyer." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/01/rise-of-the-skorpekh-destroyer/ Have to say, I quite like the look of this model. If you look at the supposed new starer box, it appears that these guys are on 60mm bases, AND you get 3 of them. Kinda makes me wonder if this is actually the starter box, since it seems you get a LOT of stuff in it.
  4. Yeah, I'm putting my money on $180 like the previous boxes. Still, if this drops in July it will be MUCH sooner that I would have initially thought.
  5. From the Q&A: Stu - Yes. What you're doing is if you want to take some cool stuff from Codex 1 and Codex 2 you have to pay CP to requisition assets. So one player might be spending CP to add an Imperial Knight, another will pay to outflank units. Lots more decisions to make, provides a benefit towards staying in one force. You can do whatever you want, but there's a price.
  6. Did the sweepstakes they are running reveal the price of the new starter box and the release date? 🤔 Can't seem to post pica, but the legal print notes: -The value of the contents of each prize is GBP £120 (one hundred and twenty) / AUD $290 (two hundred and ninety) Australian Dollars. -The prize will be dispatched by Games Workshop in July 2020. Additionally, entrants will not be informed of the contents of the prize until those products have been officially announced to the public by Games Workshop. Entrants must therefore be aware that should they win, there will be a delay between the notification that they are a prize-winner and receipt of the prize. By participating, entrants confirm their acknowledgement of, and agreement to, this clause
  7. I would be 1000% behind this.
  8. Apparently there was some sort of Q&A today about the new edition (was at work so missed it), but Blood of Kittens put up this summary: -1 cap for modifiers6s always hitNova (Mike Brandt) missions look to be for match play. Forge world rules taken over by GW main!!!!😍😍 Deathwatch will be one of the first new codexes, they get the new marines. CP based on game size. Detachments still a thing but sound kinda pointless now. Overwatch reworked and units leaving combat can take damage. Monsters get blast rules and can shoot into combat when stuck. You have to play with terrain for competitive games. Obscured back! Block LoS “Combat attrition” in moral phase sounds like stat reductions will happen. “Terror units” will now do different things than minus to ld “Blast” is a keyword and is based on weapons not the unit will be added in appendix with new rules for all weapons that have it. “Psychic Awakening” will be folded into new codexes as they happen and some stuff may be trimmed from them as they go.
  9. I totally agree. I get the appeal, but it seemed to me yet another thing that you had to manage, especially if you had to manage them from across multiple books. Plus you had to keep track of your opponent's as well. Without them, you wouldn't probably see less people spamming minimum Battalions for the Command Points. Would love to see something like "If your army has a Battalion, you get X Command Points. If not, you get Y" and have that be the end of it.
  10. I initially decided this was something that I wasn't actually going to work on, given that A.) Who has the time?, and B.) Who really cares? However, despite continuing to tell myself this, the idea seems like it won't get out of my head. SO, I've started to write stuff down, even if it's just for my own satisfaction. Daemons seemed (to me) like a relatively straight-forward fix, probably because it was one of the books I actively played in 5th ed (along with CSM). Although it might be that the units that were released after 5th edition could be written into the book as well, but that seems to be a more intensive task that I might revisit at some point. Link to what I currently have done and what I'm working on, for those interested: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ow9ehhl7zxflALFGx1mNOfdE3iiwZpau
  11. I updated my thread with pics, so you need to do the same. Those are the rules, son.
  12. Answer the cry of thy servant who knoweth the words of power, I make the sign, I speak the words that opened the door! Come forth I say, I turn the Key! Now, step upon the Earth once more! SO, new Infernal Dwarves book is upon us, and I have not been idle! Let me just first say I love the new book! Great synergy, lot of cool, interesting options! My list more or less ports over, model wise: I lose the Hobgoblin Chieftain on Wolf (Spider), but everything else is usable. So between the points I save and downgrading my Subjugater to an Infernal Dwarf BSB + a 6th regular Anointed, I end up with enough points to add a whole WIZARD MASTER with some toys! Before I didn't really have a block to put a infantry BSB and Wizard, but now that Citadel Guard can be in blocks of 30, they finally have the bunker they need. This meant that I needed a Prophet! After not being super happy with the various "dwarven wizards" I found online, and finding out that my OLD Infernal Dwarf Prophet was like a head shorter than these Scibor models, I ended up converting one out of a freebie that I received from my last Scibor order. Horns were added from, appropriately enough, the helmet horns of my previous Prophet. Book is from the Flaggelant kit, and he's standing on the stone from the plastic GW Dwarf hero who's name I can't remember. I also present my first fully painted model: Initially I had the blue a light brighter (see picture below); However after painting the shells on some more big snail dudes, I decided I liked a darker, more muted blue. I was worried I was going to have to completely repaint this guy's shell, but I was able to glaze over with some pure black paint and it seemed to work really well. I working on the other snails as we speak, and hope to have them done before too long. Until next time! Lord Yeth’Shuul bless you, Children of Slish
  13. Indeed! Some very crazy stuff. I'm staying away from the Immortals, no way they will stay as-is. Currently playing around with lists!
  14. Howdy all! So I've been eyeing the Middle Earth / Lord of the Rings SBG for, like, 15 years now, and I'm considering picking some stuff up. I'm wondering if anyone picked up the starter box and has a Mordor half they are willing to part with, or if someone was interested in splitting a box. I'd like the rulebook as well and would of course be willing to contribute more, but that's negotiable. Alternatively, if someone has some metal Angmar stuff, I would be interested in that as well: Witch-King with crown (mounted), Shades, Barrow Wights.
  15. I'll sign up for season 3! Need to decide if I want to bring my Orcs back from season 1 or roll something new.
  16. No worries! Yep, I just purchased it, do you want to PM me an email address and I'll send it over? Thanks! -Andrew
  17. Thank you! Certainly would appreciate it! Definitely would not be opposed, not sure if that's something that could be done easily on a resin printer? No idea how that works, unfortunately. Hmm, I mean the price is steep, but I guess not out of line with miniature prices for models that size.
  18. So for us non-3D printer owners, is there a place that someone could get a print done in resin if they had the file? Specifically, I'm looking to get this guy printed in resin, but the biggest I've seen offered to Etsy / Ebay is like 4"x2"x2.5", and I'm hoping to get something closer to 6x3x3.75.
  19. Not going to lie, I am tempted to pick up a few. Knowing me, I would immediately drop them on the floor and lose them forever though... hmmm....
  20. What a coincidence, so do I! As a note, I didn't do my research on Reaper Bones miniatures, and after priming my big Titan model, it's all tacky and gross. So now I need to decide if I want to try and salvage it, or go with this model that came in the mail today... Oh wait, I have to do the usual intro... *cough* Spooky slug lyrics From heavy metal songs about slugs Wait, aren't there more snails in your army than slugs? Hey, how about you shut up?!?! Anyway, I got this model in from Etsy. I need to see if I can make it look less "3-D printed," but for like $10 I had to order it, lol
  21. I'm currently watching a Hell "Rainbow Barbarian" run with a runtime of 12 hours... going to be quite the journey.
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