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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. True! Very hard to move a template for scatter when you're headbanging.
  2. 2 months to go and we've already filled 23 spots! I thought I would quickly clarify regarding the additional spots possibly available after we reach 36: Those spots are not guaranteed! It all depends on what other events are booked at the time of reaching our "initial capacity" of 36. ...Basically, if you want to attend, please sign up! I've got 13 more guaranteed spots open 🙂
  3. We always listened to Bolt Thrower when we played 40K, seemed 100% appropriate.
  4. Let me start this off by saying I DO like 8th Ed 40K, and it has done a great job in fixing a lot of the issues of 6th/7th. With that out of the way though, I've been thumbing through my 5th edition book and have been kinda longing to play it again. I feel the rules were very streamlined and list construction was a lot more simple. That being said, the rules were not perfect, and there was a ton of power creep for the codicies released at that time. I've been toying around with the idea of a "Revised/Redux/Community Edition/whatever you want to call it" ruleset based off of the 5th edition rules, and I'm curious what rules to think would need to be changed or improved from the core rule (codices would be their own can of worms). Ideas I had, from my own experiences: -Remove wound allocation shenanigans. I'd have to double check the wording, but I think the 8th ed rules for it would slot in place fine. -Tone down cover. Maybe make 5+ cover the norm? -Remove Instant Death, via double Str vs T and Force Weapons. Maybe change it to multiple wounds. I always felt like Instant Death created alot of negative play experiences (poor Tyranid players vs Grey Knights). -Charges: Does having a 6" charge make combat more reliable, or does a 2d6 charge? Hmmm... -Vehicles: remove facings? I know we never liked arguing about if X weapon could see Y target. Maybe 360 LOS, but just have a single AV? You could make it a little lower than the standard to make vehicles a bit less spamable problem (aka Parking Lot lists)? Anyway, who knows if this will actually be something that I really work on, but the idea is stuck in my head currently *shrug*
  5. I think I have you signed up under your christian name! Regardless, glad to see Bellingham represented! Awesome, I'll get you on the list! And welcome to Portland! Always good to have another 9th Ager in the area!
  6. I believe all of the DE army factions (Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers, Order Serpentis) are gone, and they only exist as subfactions in Cities of Sigmar, and are probably only relevant in determining which are Battleline, depending on your general (Drakespawn Chariots are Battleline if you have an Order Serpentis general, otherwise they are just regular units for example). You could certainly run it as a Grand Alliance army so you can mix and match freely, but you would probably get better allegiance abilities / etc. by going with Cities of Sigmar and allying stuff in. EDIT: I was mistaken it looks like, the army factions still exist as their own armies, but for the purpose of porting over an old DE, I still think Cities would be the best bet.
  7. My understanding is that all the DE stuff has been rolled into 1 army (Cities of Sigmar), with the exception of the stuff that is Daughters of Khaine. So you could Make a Cities army with everything, and ally in the Cauldron probably.
  8. So went with a more green/teal thing, Warstone Glow + Vallejo Air Dark Sea Grey. Still needs some highlights, and as always looks better IRL, but much happier with it.
  9. I am way to sloppy of a painter to put down any sort of pattern, heh
  10. The grey looks a lot better in person, but I agree I'm not 100% sold on it; even black would have better. Will try some different colors and report back.
  11. Yep, I use the concentrate, good stuff! First test model done. Not suuuuper happy with it, not sold on the grey pants. Tried out my first contrast paint, Guilliman Flesh, and HATED it, so I ended up redoing the skin using regular paint. 1 down, 89 more models to go!
  12. Acetone helped, but I don't know if it helped enough to justify using it. Maybe a long soak would have done the trick, or a different brush (used a toothbrush).
  13. A note on stripping models: -Isopropyl alchohol didn't do [big bad swear word]. -Multi-day bath in Simple Green seemed to do most of what I needed. -These models have been through the alchohol and Simple Green baths, and a 24 hour soak in acetone, and are still refusing to strip. Brake cleaner might be the next option, but I'll probably just prime over them and see how they look.
  14. So as the weather has been garbage, I've had zero opportunities to get stuff primed, Meaning that I've done 0 painting and everything is just kind of been sitting around. Well, wife was kind enough to take the little one out for a while yesterday while leaving me at home, which gave me the opportunity to do a mass priming session for my Sylvan elves, plus A few odds and ends. Still hard to get it done with the Terrier of guilt looming over me, but I managed. Here's a look at my 2000 points for the escalation campaign. Now that it's primed, hopefully I'll actually be able to make some progress on it. More progress coming soon, hopefully!
  15. Tournament packet for March to War is up!: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SVtitzKehe0xKo2BvYCHzjMsKE0yIuEVyaqBmxpRlA0/edit?usp=sharing Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I've made a number of changes to the packet this year based off of feedback I received from the previous event! Cheers, see you all in March!
  16. January 18th is my wife's birthday, so I'm out if we're meeting at WoW on Saturday. If people are planing on being there Sunday (normal WoW night) I should be able to make that though
  17. Howdy all! Looking for some bits for a project I'm working on: -Plague Drone Wings: Looking for 3 sets. -9x Mounted Orcs. Current (although OOP) or older Boar Boyz riders, just as long as they have armor. Don't need the boars, just the riders. Will take Goblin Wolf Riders if I can't get Orcs! Cash or bits, LMK what you want for them!
  18. Awesome! I'll get you on the list! Also, a quick update for all, the tournament packet is done. I'm just going through it for feedback / corrections and will get it posted, should be out this weekend 🙂
  19. Bailed outside and pointed my weaponJust as I thought, the Warriors of the Dark Gods kept steppin'
  20. Army builder / Andrewgeddon thing. I'm going to use terms like "base cost / base cost adjustment" in my new Fantasy Battles Game: THE X EDITION AGE: ANDREWGEDDONHAMMER FANTASY BATTLES Hope you are ready to bust out those hexagon bases.
  21. So a single Eagle is 100 points, but adding another eagle is only 30 points. So the cost of the model (30) plus the base cost adjustment (70) to make the total for the unit (100)
  22. Don't listen to him Ben, now that we live in a post-Yak society, how can we deny it's glory and majesty? "Once you go yak, you never go back," as the old adage goes.
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