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Everything posted by Fix

  1. Yeah. I need a demo. e: wait, there’s a Destiny tourney tonight?
  2. Ok! We've got a full table then! Thanks, guys!
  3. I'd be down for driving some shootscars.
  4. I believe that I've got some people willing to do some Damage playtesting this week? We'll try to keep it short and run through a few different variants based on y'all's suggestions from last time.
  5. I have a copy of the Beetlejuice cartoon season one on VHS that I taped with commercials and have been keeping in a jar of farm runoff for twenty years. It's genuinely weird that this fact became suddenly relevant. Like, I don't know why I ever thought it was a preservative, but I'm sure it's fine.
  6. Anybody want to race spaceships? Joey! Destiny, too? I should be able to get this new Hutt deck together. Can I trade you something for a Throne Room?
  7. So I'd say McKays was a bit of a win tonight. Beer was a bit more costly, but a huge selection and we were the only party in the place. They said it was a bit slower than usual for a tuesday, but their usual crowd is from 6-9. Lots better than the last time we tried it. Lack of pitchers and the petty pints is a bit [big bad swear word].
  8. Anybody want to try Shakedown this week? Or maybe take another run at McKays? BBG?
  9. I'd like a few people for card game playtesting this week, if available. Not gonna lie, I'm going to need about a solid two hours so that everyone playing really knows what they're doing by the end of it. We'll do some fake betting with spacebucks. I'm also going to be bringing down some spaceship racing. If it fits into your schedule to play after your other games, we can run a few laps. I think I remember how the rules I'd forgotten worked, so we should have stuff in there for drifting, drafting, ramming, and all. I'm trying to figure out the best overall structure for this game, whether it's just sorta one-off races or more of a campaign thing.
  10. Wanna play some Destiny. Actually, if anybody has got some free time, I have a couple of things I need to playtest a bit. Gonna need a total of three people, whether it's just between games, at the end of the night, whatever. One thing I just want to test a couple of basic card mechanics, and the other thing would be a full playthrough of a racing game, so I can refresh myself on what state it was in when I put it down a couple years ago. That one should take about 30-45 minutes?
  11. Going to be running another round of Merchant of Venus. Nathan's on board. You want to play?
  12. Game night thread - go go go! Jim and I were talking about playing a game of Merchant of Venus. Plays 4, but 3 are fine as well if only one more wants to tag along. It'll take the full night till close though, so if someone wants to play we're going to have to get rolling right about 6:00.
  13. Oh. Uh, sure. I'll do it. Standard sort of list? Because I don't think I have one of those.
  14. I'm bringing Destiny, but will chill and watch Infinity if that doesn't happen.
  15. Edit: gonna be late tonight.
  16. I don't have it. Jim? Kacy?
  17. Nah, I want to try the orks out.
  18. Yeah, I'll do that Kevin. See about trotting out something else this time around.
  19. Who's playing these "games" I hear so much about? I could probably be talked into another game of 40k, but I'll have Destiny on hand as well. Been too long.
  20. Some women just want to watch the world burn.
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