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Everything posted by pistachio

  1. 65 GBP is about $80 US. I was guessing this boxed set would be in the $90-105 US range, based on past experience with GW. If they sell it cheaper, that's great and will be a better growth engine for the hobby.
  2. Hi everyone. I was an active Blood Bowl (2nd edition) player back in the late 1980s. I still have my 28 year old set in great condition, but haven't played a game in a couple of decades. With the release of the new edition in a month or so, I am seriously considering jumping back into Blood Bowl, especially as my kids are at the same age I was when I loved the game. Question for the Blood Bowl community in Portland - how does the upcoming new edition impact whatever existing league activities are taking place? Does the community embrace the new edition as the standard, or has the Blood Bowl community over the years gone in its own direction regarding rules and teams so much that it's on a separate path at this point? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hi - I am a new Firestorm Armada player. Are there any regular gaming sessions for this in the Portland-area? Thank you.
  4. Awesome thread, thanks Koyote and others. We have an active monthly group in Portland, and there is an even larger community of players up in the Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia area. I have created a SAGA Quick Reference Guide for players, downloadable here: http://bit.ly/sagaguide
  5. I was able to sell both boxes as complete sets. Thanks for your interest.
  6. Hi. I sold the unmounted war band box. What would you want to buy from the mounted warband box that is still available?
  7. Hi everyone. Anyone interested in building a Crusaders army for Saga: The Crescent & The Cross? I bought two starting 4-point warband boxes (one mounted, one unmounted) to have the flexibility to mix points. I've only opened the boxes once to see inside, they are new and just arrived earlier this week. Instead of assembling, priming, painting, and basing two Viking Saga armies and two Crescent & Cross Crusaders armies, I decided to focus my efforts on building just one army of each due to my limited time and the amount of work it takes to do all of that (I'm going to focus on building Normans and Mutatawwi'a. Normans I'm busy working on now, Mutatawwi'a are released in a month or so). I was able to pick up painted sets of Vikings and Crusaders at reasonable prices, which will provide me with two armies per rule set and will give me two painted armies I can bring to the table while I am working on my own armies. Contents include: Mounted Warband Box: Mounted Warlord 8 mounted Hearthguards 8 Warriors 8 Warriors with bows (9 mounted, 16 foot figures) Unmounted Warband Box: Warlord 4 Hearthguards 4 Hearthguards with 2h weapons 8 Warriors 8 Warriors with bows (25 foot figures) $48 for the unmounted box and $67 for the mounted box or best offer. I'm ok just eating the shipping costs. Open to splitting these to two buyers, as well. Let me know. Thanks!
  8. I'll be there. I'll bring Saga, although I suspect my armies will only be primed by then. I'm new to the game.
  9. Hi Dylan. I will likely drive up from Portland for a future event. What's a sideboard?
  10. Ah, there it is! Thank you. What factions for Saga do people tend to play in Portland? I have Jomsvikings and Normans headed my way early next week (my first two factions), and am backordered on the release of the Mutatawwi’a.
  11. I'm definitely interested. It looks like the next one will be November 15th? I don't see it on the Guardian Games calendar though, can you please get it added? http://www.ggportland.com/#eventscal
  12. I'd love to try SAGA. Anyone willing to meet me at Guardian for a game, even if I have to watch two others play, that's ok too! : )
  13. Hi there. Are there any Kensei gamers in Portland? Kensei is a Japanese feudal miniatures system along with Japanese mythological creatures. http://kensei.zenitminiatures.es/index.php/en/ I have been building up some Kensei armies and would love to connect with other players to start up a Kensei group. Please reply to this post or contact me via private messaging. Thanks!
  14. I am a Portland-area Kensei player. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
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