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Everything posted by intrizic

  1. preferably, in the tournament packet :D
  2. warp spiders shred wraith knights, they wound on initiative and there is no special gargantuan creature special rule to protect them from this
  3. Actually, this is better, I have to drop my parents off at the Bellingham Airport before I show
  4. I accept the challenge, I'm not committing to dinner though
  5. yes, but I'm 21 hours in an loving it so far, I'm always damn broke
  6. too late my friend, i need a response before I leave for work in the morning, otherwise I don't put any models in the car
  7. ok, so I got on the hype train for this game and all ready to take the plunge, I finally finished Shadows of Mordor to clear the que...and this is going to sounds silly, but it's a thing for me, I hear it's a REALLY long game...
  8. I need another OFCC game, 13 solitaires, it's not as mean as it seems, I haven't won a game with them yet. 40k @ 2k points
  9. make him bring brownies, this is NOT a drug reference, the Wilkee brownies are AMAZING
  10. I just wanted to know if I could show up and watch for a bit, thanks
  11. what's the standing policy on Apoc crashers?
  12. good, I'm glad that it wasn't new. That one looks nice, I just slum it and use a dewalt compressor
  13. Please give my your feedbacks.......and GO
  14. sorry bud :(, I hope it was old and worn out,
  15. good guy pretre or bored guy pretre? ...I'm going for both, they aren't mutually exclusive
  16. sooo much sarcasm my friend, I use the smiley face to give me away :D 9 for attacking stats and initiative 3 for how strong and tough and wounds 6 attacks base 3++ plus a laundry list of special rules furious charge hit and run
  17. I need a good measure of power for the Solitaires, I'm afraid they are too much, this will be an excellent test
  18. NICE ENJOY THAT SCHOONER, i know i did ;) I'll quote you on the D Don't be a dick , your call. I'm bringing 12-13 solitiares, so I'm totally NOT a dick
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