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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. I am excited to read this when I get home from New Zealand.
  2. Yeah, not so much on the 2 weeks thing. I will be down in New Zealand for a month flying back and forth to Antarctica.
  3. I am in Antarctica next week. :(Would have loved to play against your Kraftworld Che-dar. ;)
  4. We will be there. A bit battered from OFCC, but we'll be there. Board games and whatever is easy and fun. Come on down.
  5. We (the Senators) implemented a survey for people to submit their gripes and kudos this year. Keep the boards a little tidier and have less of a rage fest on the forums. People can still grumble on here if they like, but the survey will allow us to make positive changes in the future.
  6. Does this matter when we have an LRC to make sure the lists aren't too crazy? Because I haven't heard too many complaints (yet) about opponents lists. If anything, Maelstrom is getting all the rage fest.
  7. Awesome weekend. Great event. Thanks to the HoG and staff.
  8. A what? Do people actually run those outside of OFCC!? Lol.
  9. Watched this while painting this week. Not bad as far as animes go.
  10. Building and walls done. Vehicles need highlighting and troops need basing. Display board will be lacking but oh well.
  11. And thank you stupid phone, for the double post. Pay no attention here folks, this isn't the Droid you're looking for.......move along.
  12. All infantry done. Vehicles and Bastion tomorrow. Let's do this.
  13. 10 SoB, 5 SoB Rhino chassis vehicles, 1 Bastion, and 2 Barricades to go.
  14. I will be bringing all of my bits boxes, and a few armies to sell. Tau, Eldar, and a few others. It will be quite a bit of stuff. A few boxes of product. Don't really know what all I have yet, but their will be a ton of it.
  15. Chappy

    GN 9/23 WOW

    Busy. Can't come to game night. See you all at OFCC.
  16. I have a smattering of Orks stuff here and there. Kans, extra characters, boyz, nobz, vehicles, etc. I will get you a list if you shoot me a pm. -Chappy
  17. All Black Templars are finished, to include their vehicles. Starting the SoB tomorrow.
  18. Lol. Okay. Day 1: Base coated and washed 3 Character Marines and a Heavy weapon Marine plus 2 Razorbacks. Also, sent pictures to Pretre for unpainted proof of how much crap I really have left. Because......reasons.
  19. WITH FAITH AND FIRE!!I will send you pics throughout the week. Lol. Watch me prove my pro miniature painter chops!
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