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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Shrike and his unit should be able to. It is the way I see and understand it. If anyone wants to play me and have him infiltrate a unit of jumpers or whatever closer, I will allow it. People who want to knitpick a unit ability that has been around for what, 2 codexes and 3 editions, can take their shenanigans to another table.
  2. Yes. I have keys and will open.
  3. Cool! I will tally it up real quick! And I will look at what all of those items do. Lol.
  4. I posted up some wants and desires in the Rogue Trading forum. Need some bits and pieces to get the army properly rolling along. Check it out........because I need things. What I have: (In case you want to help me list-hammer) 2 Tzeentch Sorcerer s on Disks 1 Sorcerer on foot 1 Khorne Lord on foot 1 "Harry the Hammer" Lord on foot 1 Archaon on foot 40 Warriors of Chaos with Hand Weapon and Shield 15 Marauders on Horse 10 Knights of Chaos 9 Chaos Warhounds 1 Giant (Missing his hands and club) I am pretty sure that is all for now. Needs movement trays too. But, anyway, there is my start point. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!
  5. I will be there with my army of Rambos! At about 3:00.
  6. Hey all. I am getting into Fantasy and need a few bits and pieces to make my WoC army whole. Units: Chaos Warhounds Chimaera Marauders on foot Valkia the Bloody Bits: Left handed weapons for Chaos Warriors. Banners of Khorne. Any and all. Musicians instruments for Chaos Warriors. Need 2. A set of hands for a Warhammer Giant. Left and right. Anything you think will be cool in a Warriors of Chaos army that you no long want/need/desire. Thanks all. -Chappy
  7. That is hilarious. When I was a Marine, we got eaten up while we were there and we couldn't understand why. The nylons are a great idea. However, I am now in the "Chair Force" and I am a flyer to boot. We don't do honorable hard work like the rest of the military. So the likelihood of me doing those things are very low. But I will bring some for the Security Forces folks. They may need them more than me.
  8. Oh yeah! Got my Warriors of Chaos!,So stoked. Now, to deploy to Kuwait. But soon, I will get my block pushing on!
  9. Quiet you! I got my fantasy army today! I matter! My mom says so! Lol!
  10. I know Russ. I have known him for about 8 years. He is a great gamer and many a Fantasy game has been played at his home whilst his lady and Basil the super dog watched on. A very methodical player. Sportsmanship and honor are abundant in this man. He embodies a lot that I could not. Fantasy OFCC could not have a better gamer. Gary "Chappy" Washington
  11. I do. I will see you, and anyone else, there.
  12. HeroZero: That sounds really cool. Very varied. And with all of the Gods represented. Very neat. I may run something similar. I think today will be "go buy the book day." I skimmed it while in WA this week, but now it's time to nut up or shut up. Classic Flava: The list I was referring to was the description of what things are good Vs bad. Not his demo list. I will take his demo list into consideration but not guaranteed to be taking a nut-punchy army straight away. I still have to re-learn how to play the game too. :)
  13. MexicanNinja: I have been a close combat oriented player my entire wargaming career. Armies like Black Templars and World Eaters of Khorne have always been my go to stand by. As that phase has been overly hamstrung in 40k, I am looking into other games like WHFB and Warmahoardes. I like close in action. In every aspect of gaming, be it tabletop spaceship combat to video games, getting stuck in and punching up close is where I love to be. King Mekhet: I love the advice. I am planning on doing my own spin on the army, but with a serious lack of experience and game mechanics, the advice is really helpful to me so I don't throw away money on units that really look cool, but will ultimately disappoint. I love playing fluffier lists and will probably go the Blood God route. An experienced general can lead me around by the nose because of Frenzy. A risk I am willing to take if it means piling on more skulls for the Brass King. HeroZero: Thank you for that great list. I really like the succinctness of it. I will use it as a primer when purchasing models upon my return from overseas. Thanks all. And if anybody else wants to toss in a few words, please, by all means do so. I love info when making decisions when it comes to my plastic addiction.
  14. I am free from 10:00a on. I am thinking of hitting the clubhouse since the Guardian Cup is going on. Or we can meet at a location nearer to you. I am good with whatever.
  15. thanks for the replies so far, this really helps out a lot. If anybody else has more they want to add, please feel free.
  16. Alright. A few of you Fantasy players know me from raging around the round based game for little kids that GW also produces. I am possibly coming into a WoC Fantasy army and am interested in how to build a good list to play Fantasy. I haven't played WHFB in probably 7 years and want the public opinion on what is good in the book. What marks? What units? Mechanics of a good list? Etc.... I have been on the fence for WHFB for a bit now. Since 40k is a bit of a disappointment to me with 7th, I am looking to fill my time with other endeavors. Chappy
  17. My Saturday is officially open. SgtMaj has nothing for me.
  18. 4++ invul save is only for close combat. Not ranged IIRC.
  19. Me too. I will see what the SgtMaj.(Wife) has in store for me.
  20. That is awesome. Drop on objective. Kill everything around it. Win! I like this tactic. (Looks at 8 unpainted drop pods on the shelf)
  21. I won't have the book until Tuesday. What changed with Interceptor?
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