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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. I hope that Tanagra wasn't a repost! As an IT person, if you don't need this at some point, you're not trying hard enough! 🙂
  2. Next door neighbor dad brought his 2600 to show off to my dad. I remember Combat (boop, boop, boop, boopboop), but not sure what other games that day. When we finally got ours the first games were Pacman, Frogger, Raiders of the lost Ark, and (OMFG!) Star Raiders. Talk about formative experiences!
  3. They don't call it random for nothing!!!!
  4. Agree with Torg and Scott on this 100%.
  5. Balto! Get the dynamite! https://media.tenor.com/e_1mgCin43EAAAAC/explosion-whale.gif
  6. Found this neat little reference to Force Org for W Germany in the 80's. It's for another game, but I mostly still seems to fit. Kind of... Clearly, I have no prior service. https://www.fireandfury.com/orbats/modcwwestgerman.pdf For example, here is 100 Pts of the III Corps 5th Pz Div, Pz Brg 15 'Westerwald', Mixed Panzer Battalion 154, 1st?, 2nd? Kompanies I couldn't find examples of company designations. For those that are in the know, how can I best adjust my abstraction? Division and Brigade: Brigade and Battalion: Battalion and Kompanie: Kompanie and Unit: (Abstraction note: Obviously a company has a few more than 5 tanks...) Any ways, here's the 100 pts list: Oh, and how;s my list? 🙂
  7. That one project that's still screaming to be built...
  8. My old work badge and a completely unrelated background....
  9. Scott, there is this other "Scott" you may know... https://www.stlfinder.com/3dmodels/flesh-tearers-shoulder-pads/ GREAT SCOTT(s)!!! Also, somewhere is my Gabriel Seth with a helmet on. If I can find it, I'll post it.
  10. Also, hey @andozane! Looking through @Blustorm's old pics and saw 2 pictures together that caught Noah, you, and I! Thanks, Blustorm! This was Sixth, I think, if so it made me feel 😞 . I swear I'm not hijacking! 🙂
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