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Posts posted by ninefinger

  1. Yeah.  There is a list of 'post battle actions' that the champs can take, that'll get rolled out eventually.


    In the meantime - the Something Shiny table is referenced if you roll a 1 when working a territory.  Here it is: (and Scotty, feel free to revise and update, based on feedback.)


    Roll a D6 and choose one ganger working that territory to acquire the wargear(s)

    1. Skin Blade
    2. Lock Punch
    3. Strip Kit
    4. Web Solvent
    5. Cameoline Cloak
    6. Flares and a Photo-lumen



    My goal was to find a way to get some of the less optimized picks into the rotation - I think you wouldnt usually buy some of these, especially when item purchases and hiring is more limited.  Feel free to suggest more and other items, consider it a WIP

    • Like 3
  2. On 10/1/2021 at 3:20 PM, Swensos83 said:

    If you (or I) have a Cawdor gang, but no leader, can the gang still use Articles of Faith? Any ganger can use an article in a Path, but you pick the Path when you recruit your leader. Asking for a friend...

    Good catch.  Yeah, Josiah has the right track - another way of thinking about it is you're recruiting a leader, and can make any decisions you would normally make, but you're not revealing their cost, stats, etc to the other gangs at large.    Buy a leader, make them cost 200 credits with equipment '????', and include them, and your gang is a normal 1000 credit gang otherwise.

  3. 18 hours ago, Sgt. Rock said:

    Would anyone be willing to run me through a quick learning game or two? I'd like to give Necromunda another try, and the way you've outlined this campaign is like an injection of pure heroin straight into my jugular, but I want to make sure that I'm going to enjoy the game itself before I invest my limited cash flow into a gang and books.

    For sure - scotty or I should be able to give you some games, if you don’t catch anyone else.


    ive also got tons of extra Necromunda models, (though not fully painted), so let me know where your interest lies and I’ll be happy to throw some together as a loaner for as long as needed. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, jollyork said:

    Love this! I just built my Ogryn crew with 2 champions, should I replace one with a ganger? It looks like the rules will never let me field both in the same game?

    My guess is that you’d want 2 champions, to be able to play a couple games in a cycle, or if one of them ends up in recovery.   Not sure how well that plays out in a high cost gang, though.  

    Feel free to try out whatever you think is best, and if it seems like it’s not working, we’ll let you refund somebody and make changes.

    3 hours ago, Ish said:

    Palanite Enforcers would treat Sergeants as Champions and Patrolmen as Gangers for these rules, yes?

    Generally, yes.  Enforcers, Helot Cults, Corpse Grinder Cults, Genestealer Cults and Venator Gangs haven’t had the shift  the House gangs have to add the Gang Hierarchy and Gang Fighter rules.  Instead they typically have hard limits on the number of Champion type models they can field.  

    For building a gang, follow the Gang Composition rules pertinent to your gang, excluding the requirement to have a leader - we’ll be adding them in another chapter. 

    For fielding models according to the Gang Raid rules, whichever model in your ‘Book of  …’  has (champion) listed in the parentheses, you will only be able to field one in a game.

  5. *****Cogitator Encryption Begins *****

    ******Pict Capture Incoming****


    **** Error: Continuity Malfunction ****

    ****Syntax Publication not Found ****

    What is a Gang Raid?

    Some time in the last year or two (or maybe 20, its been a pretty confusing bit of time) a pamphlet was included with a purchase of the White Dwarf titled Gang Raids.  It outlines a model for 3-6 models per side, for missions that are 'below a gang leader's notice'.  Crews are made up of 1 champion, and a selection of other gang members, sometimes custom and sometimes random.  There are 4 different missions outlined in the book, all taking place on anywhere from 2 to 7 1'x1' tiles, with humble challenges and humble rewards... usually.  There are a handful of missions in the other books, that utilize a similar crew size, and would seem to be easily adaptable to this style of mission.


    There is a copy in the library at the clubhouse, and if you’re familiar with the seedier parts of the internet Underhive, dataslates can be found for digital reference.  However, the basics rules are easy to outline

    Why to Gang Raid?

    So we've made references, for the upcoming campaign, to using the rules from the Gang Raids pamphlet. Why would we do this?  One of the big bits of feedback after running a handful of successful campaigns, is that for a skirmish game, Necromunda games are often really lengthy, due to the complexity and potential number of models each turn.  Occasionally, games are hyper fast, when someone bottles early or gets ambushed in a bad way, or gets a lucky draw on objectives.  Trying to get more than one game in during a night is a risky proposition, when you're not sure if it'll take 30 minutes or 3 hours.  Being the odd one out, and waiting for an opponent to free up is also a bit of a bummer, with that range of potential downtimes.

    The smaller size, both in space and number of models, should allow for quicker and more consistent playtimes, as well as eliminating the sometimes lengthy setup times for a full table.  Fewer models will also let us get a tighter focus on the rules, for both novice and veteran players, as the complexity can be overwhelming, particularly for an extended period of time.


    How to Gang Raid?

    Feel free to give me feedback, as we start moving forward, and we can certainly make adjustments.  Part of this is being baked into how we’ve presented the campaign.  My recommendation when you build your gang is to include 2 champion models - this is a legacy limit, from the early 2017 rules, but is no longer a stringent requirement for House gangs, where you can theoretically field any number of champions, as long as you have the requisite number of other gang fighters.  The campaign limit of 2 games per cycle would allow for each Champion to lead one ‘raid’.

    Mission selection has also been somewhat troublesome, as there are many, with a variety of rewards.  A deck of cards, the Open Hive War cards was released for a short time, and has been duplicated via the website: https://openhivewar.com/ . I’d like for us to try using these cards, and if adjustments need to be made to the rewards, that can be an option.  In order to keep these in the spirit of a Gang Raid, instead a crew size of custom (8) or custom (12), we will use custom (4) or custom (6) respectively, with only one champion included in the selection.  Peril Cards will be used, but not in every game.  Loot cards are claimable, but please alert the Arbitrator if rewards seem particularly high.


    We will be using the following tables for mission selection.   (Note these have been created by your Arbitrator, and wheedling, cajolery or bribes could be effective means of getting them modified.)


    Roll a D6, 


    • 1-3 Use the Open War Cards but do not use a Peril card.  
    • 4-5 Use the Open War Cards and do use a Peril card.
    • 6 Roll again on the following table for a mission from one of the books:


      • D6 table for Gang Raids missions
      1. Shootout (Necromunda Rulebook pg 166)
      2. Bar brawl (GR)
      3. Daylight robbery (GR)
      4. Clandestine Rendezvous (GR)
      5. Propaganda (Book of Ruin pg 64)
      6. Mercator Storehouse  Heist (GR)


    Your  arbitrator will also have physical mission briefs available at Game Nights.


    Gang Raid Rules


    • Players may not include a Leader as part of their crew.  When using Random Crew selection, do not include their fighter cards in the fighter deck

    • Players may only include one champion as part of their crew.  For Random Crew Selection, players may choose a Champion card which is shuffled into their fighter deck.

    • Players may not  include any Hangers-on, Brutes or Hired Guns as part of their crew.

    • Territories or Rackets are not staked over Gang Raid Missions

    • When Deploying, the Infiltrate skill may not be used - deploy any fighters with that skill as normal.

    • Bottle Checks use a d3 instead of a d6.


    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Swensos83 said:

    Is that where we sign up?

    definitely post your interest there.  There isn't a formal 'sign-up' necessarily, we'll just aim to show up and play, and stay connected by reporting matches.

    I'll work on getting yaktribe organized, so check out their gang builder if you haven't already - its a really great tool.

    • Like 1
  7. Greetings Ordo


    We'll be holding a Senate Meeting this weekend, and as always, any club members are welcome to attend.  Main order of business will be holding Senate and Officer elections for the upcoming year.  We have been holding the majority of our meetings over the last year via Zoom or other teleconferencing, but we are going to attempt to hold an outdoor, socially distanced, in-person meeting for this one.  @ninefinger has offered his backyard in the Parkrose neighborhood as a venue, and we will attempt to also broadcast via a zoom meeting.

    To avoid bots that scrape forums for data, i'm going to avoid publicly posting my address or the zoom link, but if you're interested in either - send me or any of our current senators a private message and we'll gladly get you that information.


    for the good of the order


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  8. 18 hours ago, Damunky said:

    Would i need to pick up the house esher book?

    your call.  I've got all the books and can bring them around for perusing.  I'm sure we can find a way to get you any relevant info you need.

  9. It’s definitely something that I’ve been chatting with @scotthartmanand @scottshoemaker about, among others.   We have a decent group that could pull the rip cord at any time.  

    i spent a lot of my last year stewing on a system for a campaign, and how to make some adjustments based on feedback from our last round.


    id like to get something up and running, but work is keeping me pretty busy and sporadically out of town.  

    I’ll try and pull some thoughts together, and reconvene the brain trust.

    • Like 1
  10. Starting on September 22nd Ordo is going to make a security change and require logins to use the email address you registered with instead of forum names.  The basic logic behind it is that bots can scrape user names and then repeatedly attempt malicious logins.  This should help keep the boards free from spam and lighten the load on our mods.


    Feel free to PM me with any concerns or questions


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    Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $0 for Ordo members, Warlords, and Emperors. In other words, free!


    If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time.


    Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40k, Bloodbowl, Necromunda, War Cry, board games and more.  We’re currently running a Warhammer 40K Crusade Campaign,  check out details here: 40k Thanatosis Crusade!

    While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming downNew players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.


    Masks are required for all non-vaccinated individuals; masks are encouraged for vaccinated people, but not required. Players are encouraged to spread out their games and avoid congestion. Do not attend game night if you experience any of the symptoms found here


    If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s taught us we don’t need more stress in our lives. As a result, Ordo is expecting an even greater level of friendliness and fellowship at Game Night than our normal high expectations. Please be aware that as always, the Czar has the ability to ask a player to leave if the Czar feels it necessary. Games are meant to be fun, so let’s have fun.

    • Thanks 1

    Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! As always, your first Game Night is FREE! 


    If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time.


    Games we play: All, with a focus on Oathmark, Warhammer 40k & AoS, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, War Cry, board games and more.  Check out the thread on the Thanatosis Crusade for info on the current 40K Campaign.

    While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming downNew players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.


    Due to state mandate masks are now required for all attendees. Players are encouraged to spread out their games and avoid congestion. Do not attend game night if you experience any of the symptoms found here


    If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s taught us we don’t need more stress in our lives. As a result, Ordo is expecting an even greater level of friendliness and fellowship at Game Night than our normal high expectations. Please be aware that as always, the Czar has the ability to ask a player to leave if the Czar feels it necessary. Games are meant to be fun, so let’s have fun.

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