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Everything posted by Psilence

  1. Ofcc is a large tournament (40k and fantasy) held yearly in the pacific northwest. It is amazing because players show up to have fun and hang out with old friends/ogle some really awesome painted armies, rather than beat face :p. If you have a chance to attend I'd highly recommend it. As to the original post: I'd be fine without allies. I think the game had a bit more flavor before all the lists became hybrids able to deal with any situation, but that's mostly likely my nostalgia talking :p That being said: Removing them now after they've become a part of many peoples armies would most likely be extremely difficult, not to mention off putting to the removee's. I do see the need to tone things down and maintain some sort of balance (looking at you escalation), but ofcc is a unique event. They (generally) have good mechanisms in place to keep the cheese at bay :)
  2. Just hope the 'cult' data slate actually comes out :p About the codex: As someone stated above, I wouldn't put it past GW to adopt this type of sales approach for future books. I.e. release just the basics for the parent book, then make players pay more for their favorite/powerfull/fluffy units in the form of digital releases. Noodling the book I found a funny rules interaction: Deep striking mawloc arrives under an enemy unit, resolves both template attacks, and fails to kill enough models to allow it to be placed. It then mishaps, rolls 'misplaced', and is placed by the enemy player. 'Your opponent may deploythe unit anywhere on the table (not in impassable/lethal terrain) in a valid deep strike formation, but without rolling scatter.' Per terror from the deep (mawlocs special deep strike attack) it can hit friend and foe. So if he fails to come in and gets misplaced your opponent gets one (Mabey two) no scatter S6 ap2 large blast template attacks to throw back at you... Lol. My next thought involved a mawloc bouncing in this fashion back and forth, decimating both armies. :p Walk without rhythm.
  3. I think the lion was a tactical genius. /shrug
  4. Psilence

    Ammo runt?

    Grots are totally O.P. anyway. As a draigo wing player if I walk up to a table and the green skin player is putting out grots I just shake his hand and concede... ;p I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand modeling for advantage (altering an existing GW model dimensionally) is not bueno. However. This is such a (literally) small case that I wouldn't be too concerned/notice it at all. The original poster could do any number of 'legal' workarounds (terrain/unit placement) to make it possible for grots to see over the ADL. I find the double stacked boyz much fluffier and fitting to orks in general. Besides, if he can see you, you can see him. Focus fire him into oblivion if he offends you so much. ;) Much ado and all that.
  5. Apparently I was suffering from lazy gamer syndrome :p after breaking out a hard copy of the BBB The infiltrate and IC usr's in the I- version are exactly the same, word for word. The sentence that threw me for a loop was the 'An IC without infiltrate cannot join a unit of infiltrators during deployment.' By that wording an IC with infiltrate 'can' join a unit of infiltrators in the deployment phase. I guess the argument (and it's an old one) comes down to the wording in the IC's deployment options under joining and leaving a unit. /shrug I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll keep my opinion to myself :) Back to Mystery Marine, having had a chance to read all of cyphers book I'm really liking the missions in the back. They set up some good story lines and give a break to the standard ones we always play. Gonna have to go dig through my old bits box and see if I still have him :p
  6. Very nice. I would use him in regular 40k all the time as some insane inquisitor. Go radical and run a twisted candy land theme :) Thanks for sharing.
  7. Psilence


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