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Everything posted by dalmer

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU9Gqg9Qfyg I don't know much about AoS... looks like madcap mushrooms and night goblins though?
  2. I believe Marc Spector was the only Ronin in the Ultimate universe
  3. (and I can't find cheap copies of the books so I'm out)
  4. (WestRider thanks for your take on The Beast Arises series... gonna give it a go)
  5. The first run of New Avengers was awesome to read... and I mean the Bendis late 2004 series. If you like Marvel Comics, I suggest that title.
  6. (Romans823, Ronin was a character introduced in Marvel Comics in the New Avengers title. Different folks assumed the identity, with Clint Barton taking it for a good run... and now it looks like the MCU is doing that, too)
  7. My apologies if this has already been mentioned in a thread... The pic won't paste ack. It's the "White Dwarf January 2019 on sale January 4" header that shows: * Battle Report * Warhammer Age of Sigmar Skirmish * The Return of Index Astartes * Brand New Columns * The 'Eavy Metal Challenge * New Fiction and More!
  8. Vigilus Defiant and Chapter Approved on pre-order next week. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/12/02/pre-order-preview-vigilus-defiant-and-chapter-approved/
  9. Steering back to the Space Wolves thoughts... Wolves (on Earth) mate after about 2-3 years, with a lifespan around 5-6 years. So, the first third of their life they start reproducing. If lifespan in the 40k universe is shorter due to how grimdark things are (say 40), then yes I can see reproducing earlier. Heck even now it's not uncommon for teens to be with child. With respects to the body hair, there are no wolves on Fenris...
  10. Dark Tower Games 1431 Railroad Avenue. Bellingham, WA 98225 link to site: https://www.darktowerlgs.com/
  11. dalmer


    https://spruesandbrews.com/2018/11/25/next-weeks-pre-orders-titanicus-blood-bowl-death-necromunda-delaque-and-battleforce-bundles/ The Champions of Death (or your Shambling Undead team of choice) will soon be staggering their way onto the gridiron to show that death is merely a brief hiatus from a perfectly good playing career. First up, we’ve got the Champions of Death team itself – 14 players consisting of four each of Zombies and Skeletons, and a pair each of Mummies, Wights and Ghouls. With the Regeneration skill nearly universal among your players, you can unleash the most dastardly violence on opposing teams with no fear of reprisal!
  12. https://spruesandbrews.com/2018/11/25/next-weeks-pre-orders-titanicus-blood-bowl-death-necromunda-delaque-and-battleforce-bundles/ Hot on the heels of the brand–new Warlord Battle Titan with Plasma Annihilator and Power Claw come a swathe of new releases for Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy. First up is the mighty Titan Battlegroup boxed set, comprising a Warlord Battle Titan (with volcano cannons), a Reaver Battle Titan and a pair of Warhound Scout Titans. Do you want a pair of Warhounds for free? Well that’s the saving you’ll make with the Titan Battlegroup!
  13. ... in the grim dark future there is only (super technological, massively impressive hearing protection)...
  14. With some of the new ork vehicles, the new Necromunda gang and these models I would assume that some enterprising/skilled converters could make some post-apocalyptic models that look really nice!
  15. ... looks like Marneus Calgar is back and has been Primaris-sized
  16. New Codex: Space Marines? Dreadnought due to the title? Or something else? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epD2CbInLLA
  17. Silicon Valley, Season 5. Wifey poo enjoyed it immensely, as did I. Gilfoyle rules
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all... please be safe and I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday time.
  19. New warlord kit, cerastus knights and RoB board https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/11/12/12th-nov-coming-soon-from-forge-world-new-titans-knights-and-morefw-homepage-post-2/
  20. I can't think of one. They're going to cover the field with a protective surface and keep the concert out of the stands, sounds like. A nice touch, especially for two bands that got their start in the 'ham.
  21. Hey 'hamsters, Attended a meeting today, promoters are trying to bring Death Cab for Cutie and Odesza to Civic Field in May of 2019 for an outdoor concert. I know some folks here are into the music scene. Dunno if it's for sure, but the talks have begun.
  22. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/games-workshop-warhammer-week/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=warhammersale&fbclid=IwAR1DS3Xgo2_qBkxRTmzec7gzNyVBNZ21oPIaOSRLjBb0ZoAuP-3jlfxGIsU Humble Bundle that started I think on 11-05
  23. Is that stencil work on the bases? I really like it, well done!
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