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Everything posted by deadwing34

  1. Yah those things would be nice but shifting through comments and official replies from GW, the new handbook will not change the core rules in any way. I do have a feeling they might further clarify how measurement happens maybe a rule specifically for matched play about base to base measurement. I think at a minimum they need to clarify how vertical measurements are made. I had thought that one easy to make global change to shooting would be that if a shooting unit is engaged it is only allowed to shoot at the unit it is engaged with. But at this time and in the near future shooting will remain the same at lease according to what they are saying on their FB feed.
  2. Yah I think that no changes to the core rules will be a bit of a disappointment to some. But I really enjoy the core rules and how streamlined they are. I think new points, some updates to the core missions and of course updates to points will go a long way to hopefully bring a bit more balance to the game. I am still hopeful that some of the warscrolls that are either too powerful/under powered or just poorly written will get updated along with the GH2.
  3. As far as I understand it, it will completely replace the current GH which I am totally okay with. It was only 25 bucks and you can always flip it on ebay for a few bucks if you want. I sold my 7th ed 40k books and someone bought those.
  4. Thanks man, we really need to get the word out to get more players to come, because the count is super low right now. I was going to offer buying a beer for each player that buys a ticket but decided against that haha!
  5. Cool design, ok order has been placed, thanks for the reminder.
  6. They also said that all new model kits boxes going forward will include rules for them.
  7. Great new still no official release date. Its also great that it sounds like every faction will have Allegiance Abilities. I appreciate that they put Tzeentch on the front cover as well haha!
  8. I have set up a FB event page to hopefully get more people to sign up. Please share around and get the word out. Thanks all for everyone who is attending. https://www.facebook.com/events/1878204559171744/?acontext={"ref"%3A"2"%2C"ref_dashboard_filter"%3A"upcoming"%2C"action_history"%3A"[{\"surface\"%3A\"dashboard\"%2C\"mechanism\"%3A\"main_list\"%2C\"extra_data\"%3A[]}]"}
  9. Yah that would be fine too, I think most people would be fine with any format as long as we get to have a few beers and throw down some dice.
  10. I think at this point we really have to drop the 5 round ITC event we just don't have the player count to pull it off. I like the idea of 3 round event and then a more casual quick skirmish event on Sunday. I am hopeful that people will be able to buy a ticket for either event, it could help with getting the head count up. Looking forward to this event and I am very hopeful we will all have a great time.
  11. Wow that sucks we have sold less tickets than I thought, I thought the event had 40 tickets available.
  12. Red Castle is still giving a 20% on a GW products they don't have in stock or are pre-orders, I just pre-ordered Dark Imperium over there.
  13. Got my ticket and I am bringing a mixed Tzeentch force and no skyfire spam! I just got a Major loss and Minor loss as a recent tournament with my list so look out people haha! How many total tickets are there for this event? Also do we know at this point what the start time is?
  14. Will there be a dedicated ticket for this event or do i get the half day event or full day friday event ticket?
  15. Another few questions about this event, do we know the approx start time of the event and do I need to buy a separate ticket for this event. I have already bought a ticket for the 2 day AoS event?
  16. Welcome to the Darkside, I will be there with my Tzeentch Chaos force.
  17. Its my favorite way to create lists for AoS thanks for the heads up and its cool that GW has embraced a fan made list builder.
  18. Skirmish would be way cool, I have a lot of Chaos stuff, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaves to Darkness etc. I can run basically any size game with what I have going and nearly all of it is painted. We are running at 3 round tournament down in Salem this Sunday if you are interested as well. https://www.facebook.com/events/1332606776805336/?acontext={"ref"%3A"2"%2C"ref_dashboard_filter"%3A"upcoming"%2C"action_history"%3A"[{\"surface\"%3A\"dashboard\"%2C\"mechanism\"%3A\"main_list\"%2C\"extra_data\"%3A[]}]"}
  19. That day time and location would work out great for me, let me know what you guys decided on.
  20. I just wanted to remind people of this upcoming event. It should be a fun event with people of all different skill levels. I can carpool people down to the event as well (I am in the SE Portland area), just let me know. I would love to see you all there! https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/eventlanding/ltkxh0bw https://www.facebook.com/events/1332606776805336/?acontext={"ref"%3A"4"%2C"action_history"%3A"null"}
  21. No its totally up to Keith, the person running the event. I think if it comes out at the beginning of July most likely he will adopt the rule changes. In fact if you read the event packet there is talk about changes that could be made based on the GH2 coming out.
  22. I bet since those armies are so new, you should have no problem playing against each other. But it does sound like the included models are quite cherry picked, I heard that even the Ogroid Thaumaturge model is not in the book. Since that unit can inflict up to D6 mortal wounds and bring out new models I wonder if they left him out because they did not want those kinds of abilities in a small model count game.
  23. I am not sure I can trust a statement about broken units from a guy who uses Sayl in his list...haha only kidding. We actually also don't know if they are planning on updating warscrolls in conjunction with GH2, but I kind of hope they do. I think with each release of the GH they should give a real hard look at all the warscrolls across the range. You can see how they have made updates as new books come out, such as with the new Stormcast book. It is a concern about it coming out too close to the OFCC and people potentially having to scramble to get more units painted right before the event. With WH40k 8th edition coming out in June, I bet the absolute earliest we see GH2 is in July.
  24. I was not able to watch much of the Warhammer TV broadcast today about AoS Skirmish. But from the pieces of information I did get it sounds about exactly what I wanted. They have a full campaign structure with 6 missions. Plus they have rules for Skirmish being run at a matched play multi-round event with escalating points. I can't wait to pick up this low cost book and test it out with my son, battles are only supposed to last around an hour. I have noticed from playing standard AoS at lower point values the game does not play that well with quite a few of the missions from the GH1. This will be a great way to play the full game with a ton less models and a ton less time. I will most likely try and run some local events with this new rule set, can't wait!
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