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Everything posted by deadwing34

  1. Oh yah I forgot about that reason, I think you are right. Ideally they would have a generic card pack expansion that would come out with each expansion. Rumors are they will come out with board only releases as well. I really wish they would explain in detail the plans for Warhammer Underworlds after these next two expansions that come out on the 14th of this month. I do play with more than 1 Warband at a time with my son but have not felt the need to buy more than I expansion. I just make due with all of the generic cards that I have in my expansions (I own 1 copy of all of the expansions released so far).
  2. Another important thing to keep in mind, that you are never allowed to use more that 1 copy of each card in your decks. So there is never a reason to buy more than 1 expansion ever. Unlike X-Wing where you can have up to 3 cards in your deck forcing you to potentially purchase 3 expansions just to get 1 card. Plus with each expansion you get a fully usable Warband. Overall its a really good system. I would still love to see GW make a season one card pack that comes with all of the generic cards from the set.
  3. There have been several international tournaments and the warband spread has been very good so far. Also as each expansion comes out you get 30 generic cards that can make older warbands better. So the meta keeps changing with each expansion that comes out which is really cool.
  4. Tickets are officially up for sale now and have been reduced in price to $15 dollar, yippee! There are 30 spots available.
  5. This looks good, did anyone notice the D10 and it says it is not based on 8th edition rules looks to be its own animal all together.
  6. Great sounds good, I am hopeful for a good turnout. I added August to the event description.
  7. There will be a Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire 3 round event at OFCC this year and I hope everyone that is playing this fantastic, fast paced, tactical game can make it out to play. Rules and information for the event: -Ticket purchase link: -Tournament will take place at OFCC on Friday August 24th 2018 starting at 1pm (end time roughly 7pm). -We will use the standard matched play rules from the core rules, meaning that each round you will play the same opponent for up to 3 games. As soon as one player wins 2 games the round is over. We will be playing 3 rounds. -Each round will be 90 to 120 min, so potentially 30 to 40 min per game (we will most likely play things a little loose on game times to allow people to finish up). -Each player must use the same Warband and deck build throughout the tournament. All players must submit a desk list and upload it to the app (this can be as simple as a picture of all of your cards). -Players must use the appropriate miniatures represented on their fighter cards. Minor conversions are acceptable but they still must be easily identifiable as the miniatures represented on their fighter cards. -All Warbands must be fully painted and based per standard OFCC guidelines. -All players are required to bring their own warband, decks, dice, tokens and game boards. -Beta rules for relics will be in place. -People are free to use any boards and cards that have been released. -I will be using Best Coast Pairings (bestcoastpairings.com) for all player pairings. Its helpful if you already have a profile setup before the event but not necessary. -There will be prizes for placement, best painted warband and sportsmanship. Prize support is a follows: gift certificates to Geeks and Games in Oregon City, Shadespire token boxes and various official GW token sets/alternate art Warbands cards (see below for images of all prizes). Other Links: Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1622556014526621/ Best Coast Pairings Event Link: https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/eventlanding/95q44qh5 OFCC Link: http://www.ofccgaming.com/
  8. Its actually on Tuesdays and I have heard that people are showing up for it 4-5 people.
  9. Welcome to AoS Brother G. if you want a game just let me know. I assume you know about the AoS app as well it has all of the warscrolls and basic rules for the game, they are all free. Army specific special rules are contained within the Battletomb and in some cases inside GH2017. Also pretty much everyone is playing matched play typically at 2000p. What army did you end up picking up?
  10. Wow even the mighty Guardian Games can't get people to play AoS haha only kidding. I know a few people that are considering showing up at GG on Tuesdays to play. I think the most active AoS community is over at Geeks and Games in Oregon City on Friday nights, they have upwards of 10 plus people show up. I am hopeful that we can get more people in the area playing AoS because it is a ton of fun.
  11. Imperial Assault and Mansions of Madness love them both, the app is brilliant.
  12. Great good to hear, hoping it will catch on more. I think a Friday event will be about perfect and there should be quite a few warbands out by August and hopefully more people playing as well.
  13. Yah I think he is planning a two day event 5 games total. So you would not be able to play in both 40k and AoS unless they have some separate Friday events which they did last year. Speaking of Friday events I will be running a Friday Shadespire event, specifically to not interfere with any of the big events on Saturday or Sunday.
  14. I have Blood Rage and I will soon have a copy of Rising Sun. The quality of their minis are really amazing considering they are fully assembled. I have not personally painted any but I have not heard of any issues when it comes to painting them up. There are tons of high quality paint jobs of their minis out there. Hate's mini's do look amazing and I am keeping an eye on the soon to launch kickstarter as well.
  15. Yah its really lame it was not released separately and as a digital download.
  16. The next GW Skirmish Sunday will be on December 3rd starting at noon at Geeks and Games in OC. We will be playing Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire and potentially Necromunda Underhive as well (it depends if I can get it all put together in time). Once again anyone is welcome to join even if you have never played either game. Hope to see you all there.
  17. Ok cool will do, I am planning on running these events once a month, at this point not sure on exact day yet. Most likely the 2nd or 9th of December, but not set in stone yet. Would love to have more people playing this awesome game. We had 4 people show up last time.
  18. Wow I could see GW bringing Squats back in the Necromunda setting.
  19. Got my pre-order in for the base game box. Just a heads up you can get a 15% discount if you pre-order from Red Castle Games. I personally am excited for the board game aspect and being able to play it as a full miniature war game with 3D terrain.
  20. That's too bad. There are some great quick rules explanation video on youtube as well. The game plays very different from other warhammer games for sure.
  21. Shadespire Sunday! Starting at noon this Sunday (11/12) at Geek & Games in OC we will be playing and teaching Shadespire for all of those interested. I personally have the core game and both expansions that I will be bringing. Feel free to come down if you already have a Warband or even if you have never played before. The game plays from 2 to 4 players. Hope to see you all there. FYI: I am going to try and run this event once a month and may expand it into GW Skirmish Sunday once Necromunda comes out.
  22. That place can be very scary for little children, maybe not the best idea...haha!
  23. Let me see about that day, I think Sunday might work better for me plus I will have all 4 of the Warbands as well.
  24. Actually right now I am super excited about this idea, this sounds awesome and would get me out to more tournaments. I think my son would totally be up for this and would be much easier to convince my wife that its "family time" haha! I need to go bond with my son (daughter) here ok...haha!
  25. In the core rulebook they talk about 8 warbands. All of the ones you have mentioned. The two you are missing are another Stormcast faction consisting on ranged fighters and another Bloodbound faction with a fleshhound. Most people are speculating that Shadespire is just one setting of many Warhammer Underworld settings. The goal is that potentially all major AoS factions will get a least one Warband. I hope that helps. But at a minimum right now everyone thinks there will be at least 8 Warbands. Two more are coming for sure at the start of next year.
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