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Everything posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. I will be at OCC on Saturday if you want to grab them from me. I'll toss them in my Nid box so I don't forget them.
  2. I have a few Bright Lances I can give you, Kingpin. I definitely will not be using them.
  3. That is a great looking titan. Good work!
  4. I haven't heard of most of the bands/musicians listed in this thread... and I thought I listened to obscure music! Anyway, here's mine: (I have provided YouTube links for those that are interested) by Periphery by Wintersun by Amon Amarth These are all some of my favorite songs, ever. This is from my phone with only 8GB of my favorite music, though. If I took a sample from my primary collection would be much more varied.
  5. I spit coffee on my monitor upon reading this. Good work.
  6. Now that I think about it, I really could use some Knights of the Realm standard and lance arms! I need 4 standards and about 8 lances. I also could use some knight shields, if you have any spares.
  7. Yes, they are the bat wings. I specifically ordered extra feathered wings so my Scourges would all look alike. I forgot to look for them after work last night, but I will definitely do so tonight. I'll check my project table to see if there are any bits that I need.
  8. I think I have 2-3 sets, new on sprue. I live up in Lacey, though... Is it worth it to ship?
  9. I think that if SA is allowed than Escalation should be allowed. The two work well together in my opinion. I feel that Imperial Knights is in a separate category from Escalation and SA, as it is a Codex and not a supplement. I would probably ban Tau before I banned Imperial Knights, lol. (I would never ban an official codex as a TO)
  10. I really like this, and I feel like it should be implemented in our local gaming groups. I don't like the idea of my army's effectiveness changing from event to event based on different ruling.
  11. They have never been painted, except for the champion with pistol. I may just keep them and use them as Greatswords. The sculpts are pretty cool!
  12. Oh really? That's good to hear! I was about to chop them up and use them in my VC army. I think selling or trading them off to a collector is what I'll do, thanks!
  13. Greetings all, I have recently acquired a reasonably sized old school Empire army, and among the collection is about 20 Reiksguard Knights on foot. They are all completely unpainted, and about half are new in blister! Are these rare, and do they have any value? I think they are from 1992. I looked through the newest Empire book to look at their rules but I guess they are no longer a unit. Any idea as to what I can use them as? I'm thinking about converting them into one mean looking Grave Guard unit!
  14. I have been enjoying the Crusader Squads. I take 5 in a Rhino with a Plasmagun and a Multi-Melta. Not bad for 130 points, especially when you take 5 of them :P
  15. I have arranged a deal with a member. It looks like he has everything I need. Thanks for the offers, everybody!
  16. I'm looking for some Dungeons and Dragons books. I am not picky about what edition they are, but I would like to get enough books to play (DM's guide, player's handbook, etc). I have a good amount of 40K to trade: Space Marines (painted) -20 Tacticals -5 Terminators -Rhino -Razorback - Las/Plas -1 Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta -2 Stormtalons Blood Angels (painted) -30ish Sanguinary Guard Eldar -10 Warp Spiders (bare metal) -2 Vypers (painted, need work) IG (painted) -Basilisk -Leman Russ Please send me a PM if you are interested.
  17. I had considered Ragnarok, but I thought it was too cliche. I've been listening to nothing but Amon Amarth and Sabaton while painting it, maybe I can find some inspiration in their lyrics...
  18. I really like Gjallarhorn. A lot. That may be painted on the hull in the coming days. I will play a few games with it before deciding, though. If he destroys a few Knight Titans than "Titan's Bane" may be more fitting!
  19. I knew asking here was a good idea :P Thanks for all of the ideas! I do like Steve, but I think I will go with something norse in origin. It will be the last thing I put on the vehicle, so I've got some time to decide. Project update: I have completed the two layers of hull drybrushing and the first layer of metal. I really wish I could find the motivation to paint each individual rivet.
  20. After finishing a few other projects, I have FINALLY gotten around to assembling, priming, and basecoating my Baneblade. I am loving the model so far, and am really enjoying the painting aspect. There is one problem that I have encountered, however: I do not know what name to bestow upon this mighty machine of war. It will fight alongside my Valhallan Imperial Guard and my Space Wolves. I want to have the name embellished on the hull, which is the only reason why I am bothering to create a topic about it. Any ideas would be appreciated! I would post pics, but it is only basecoated with Shadow Grey at this point and is relatively unimpressive.
  21. Well I am pretty open to most MTG cards, assuming they have some value. I am really looking for: Chandra's Phoenix, Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, Stormbreath Dragon, Chandra Pyromaster (any good standard format cards), dual lands from any set, Zendikar full art lands, and any EDH staples such as Sol Ring, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Phyrexian Arena, etc. I'm sure we can work out a deal for cards that are worth the army book. I'm not really interested in the Rapier Destroyer.
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