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Posts posted by MexicanNinja

  1. 47 minutes ago, pretre said:

    So someone in our Dakka tactics thread brought up a great point.

    Unit: Celestine and 2 Geminae.

    Celestine dies. Uses Miraculous Intervention, comes back.

    Celestine dies again, but there is still a Geminae in the unit.

    You can use the Spirit of the Martyr AoF to restore one slain model to the unit with 1 wound. Guess which one?

    Same thing with a Hospitaller.




    I'll look at the miraculous intervention.  It's going to come down to wording for matched play.  AoS has many similar abilities as this; however, due to wording most of them require reserve points to put the model back on the table.

  2. you no long divide your army and bring them in between turn 1-3. now it battleline set up 9'' away artillery and behemoth set up 24 everything else 18 all at the start of game.

    Right, that's in the FAQ.  That's worse than the previous deployment rules.  Armies with behemonths and war machines are forced to a corner.  That is the most ridiculous set up in the GHB.

  3. know what funny GA formum has folks say we all had weak list and must be beginners. lol

    What's GA?  I'm weak sauce.  It's all good.  I could have easily taken the 'net' list with triple thundertusks and 60 gobos.  That's too easy.  I think I did fairly well.

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