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Everything posted by KAPcom

  1. Cool, thanks for the support. I'll keep you guys updated. :)
  2. So, after collecting more drop pods than I'll ever need, I decided to start making bikes. Also, this will be my first ever casting project, so we'll see how that goes. :) Decided if I'm going to be casting a bunch of these, might as well make some modifications. It'll end up being caster in 3 parts: bike, handlebars, and foot rest. Hopefully a two part mold for the body should work. Anyways, here's the original, I'll post when the casts get done. :)
  3. Thanks for the great game, fluger. Had a blast at my first ever OFCC, will definitely be back next year. :)
  4. Alright, knight and drop pod down. I've never painted a model that big so quickly in my life.... (1 day knight paint job for the win!) Just got some touching up to do, and we're good!
  5. My list of stuff to finish: -Drop pod -Knight -5 ish marines -Basing -Terrain board We'll see if it all gets done before 3 am Friday morning... :P
  6. Looks like a fun way to run a campaign: Space battles alongside planetside battles? Sign me up.
  7. Thanks for all the help you guys, I really appreciate the feedback. I think I've got a much better idea of what the lists should look like.
  8. Yeah, I'd love to field the 7 pods I've got painted up, as well as those H.B. devs that usually sit on the shelf. Unfortunately, the only flyer defence I own is a pair of stormtalons, which seem to be frowned upon, and the quad gun. As far as "min-maxing" goes, what would you suggest for someone who only has about 50 marine models at his disposal? I've always been one of those collectors who buys a squad at a time and gets it painted before buying something else, and the number of models at my disposal is a bit low compared to some people. Also should note I'm the captain for our group of OFCC newbs, so any captain-y advice would be much appreciated. :)
  9. So, in an attempt to make a more friendly list, here's an updated list for your consideration. Thanks again for all the input and help for someone who's never been to the event. Chapter tactics: Imperial Fists HQ Pedro Kantor Chapter master -Artificer armor, thunderhammer, shield eternal Honor Guard squad -5 man, 4 relic blades, 1 thunder hammer, banner, drop pod Elites: Sternguard -5 man, 2 combi-plasma, drop pod Sternguard -5 man, 4 combi-plasma, drop pod Troops: Tactical squad -5 man, melta, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical squad -5 man, melta, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical squad -5 man, melta, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical squad -5 man, melta, combi-melta, drop pod Heavy Support Devastator squad -4x heavy bolters Devastator squad -4x heavy bolters Devastator squad -4x Lascannon Fortification Ageis defence line w/ quad gun
  10. Sorry for all the questions, but what will be done about codexes released between the list deadline and the actual event? (Example: If I wanted to use space wolves, would I need to use the current codex / FAQ or the new codex when it comes out?)
  11. So, in general, will I have issues bringing drop pods to this event? Are people going to hate my guts for bringing a list with 7 pods or so?
  12. So, having never attended the event, how does the rating system work? What rating do you want to be in? As far as team comp. goes, do you want a range of ratings within the team?
  13. Everything is freehand. I used to do hand drafting, so straight lines are something I'm good at. I didn't polish any of the bases, just peeled all the plastic off right before the photo shoot.
  14. Hoping to get some feedback on the list I plan on running at OFCC. I've never attended the event before, and wanted to make sure my list isn't going to cause any problems. Thanks in advance! Chapter Tactics: Ultramarines HQ: Master of the forge (90) Elites: Sternguard squad (195) -5-man, 4x combi-plasma, drop pod Troops: Tactical Squad (125) -Meltagun, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical Squad (125) -Meltagun, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical Squad (125) -Meltagun, combi-melta, drop pod Tactical Squad (130) -Plasmagun, combi-plasma, drop pod Tactical Squad (130) -Plasmagun, combi-plasma, drop pod Tactical Squad (130) -Plasmagun, combi-plasma, drop pod Fast atk: Stormtalon Gunship -Skyhammer missle launcher Stormtalon Gunship -Skyhammer missle launcher Heavy Support: Thunderfire Cannon (100) Thunderfire Cannon (100) Knights Detachment: Gerantus, the forgotten knight (500)
  15. Finally got around to finishing / photographing my Ryushi fleet. Being my first fleet, and the first time working at this scale, I didn't do any kind of conversions, and stuck with a relatively simple color scheme. Most of the painting was done with a brush, with an airbrush used for the blue fades on the engines and cockpits. This game is getting some attention here in the north-west, hopefully it'll catch on soon enough. I really enjoyed painting these, and will definitely be picking up some more.
  16. Finished up some more of the fleet, just got the big Carrier to finish and a few of the Corvettes:
  17. I've only been playing this game for a few years (started late 5th edition), and even being a college student was able to put aside $30 a month to buy models / paint / etc. It used to be that that was enough, either to replenish paint supplies, get a box of models, or save for a month to get a tank or something fancy. Now, that same $30 won't get me anything but a character blister. It's pretty sad how much the price has increased within such a short amount of time. It's gonna take me 3 months just to save up for the rulebook, let alone new models. It's incredibly disappointing.
  18. Don't forget to put some gesso or something similar on the foam before you spray paint. The foam will melt otherwise.
  19. Got mine in yesterday, so they should be on their way over the next couple days I'd guess.
  20. As someone who does a ton of airbrushing: invest in airbrush paint. I've done the whole "thin out GW paint, use that" thing, and although it works, its a massive pain. GW paint, short of the "basecoat" paint, loves clogging my airbrush. Also, stuff like Minitaire tends to be cheaper by volume than the GW stuff as well. Also, invest in a good compressor. It'll improve your quality and consistency, and really adds to the enjoyment when you don't have to stop every 3 minutes to let the pressure build back up.
  21. Whoops. That's what I get for trying to post from my phone. Fixed. :P
  22. Just picked up a fleet, decided to paint up a quick test ship. Critiques?
  23. So, after months of painting, I finally finished the Necrons my buddy commissioned. Being my first commision, I've never painted an army so quickly. I think they turned out nicely. C&C encouraged!
  24. Great, a piece of LOS blocking terrain deployable by an opponent with some amazing rules. I do like the aesthetics of the model, though.
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