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Edosaurus Rex

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Everything posted by Edosaurus Rex

  1. Haha I should have known! Well I'm always down for a challenge round, so @VonVilkee I accept!
  2. That is exactly what we were going for! Classic army lists and lots of beer usually leads to some great games.
  3. I'll get the army list ball rolling with my tentative Ultramarines list! Let me know what you think: ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [110 PL, 2000pts] +++ No Force Org Slot +**Chapter Selection**: Ultramarines+ HQ +Chaplain [5 PL, 84pts]: Power fist, WarlordLibrarian [6 PL, 96pts]: Boltgun, Force staveTechmarine [4 PL, 64pts]: Power axe, Servo-arm, Storm bolter+ Troops +Scout Squad [6 PL, 65pts]. Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, Combat knife. 3x Scout w/Boltgun. Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterTactical Squad [9 PL, 160pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-flamer. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: FlamerTactical Squad [9 PL, 175pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power maul. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Plasma cannon. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gunTactical Squad [9 PL, 179pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power axe. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun+ Elites +Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]: Teeth of TerraSternguard Veteran Squad [7 PL, 126pts]. Space Marine Veteran: Special issue boltgun. Space Marine Veteran: Special issue boltgun. Space Marine Veteran: Special issue boltgun. Space Marine Veteran w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy flamer. Veteran Sergeant: Combi-flamer, Power fistVenerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 169pts]: Assault cannon. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Heavy Flamer: Heavy flamer+ Fast Attack +Assault Squad [11 PL, 182pts]: Jump Pack. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power sword. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: FlamerLand Speeders [12 PL, 228pts]. Land Speeder: Heavy flamer, Multi-melta. Land Speeder: Heavy flamer, Multi-melta+ Heavy Support +Devastator Squad [11 PL, 202pts]. 5x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Storm bolter. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterWhirlwind [5 PL, 95pts]: Whirlwind castellan launcher+ Dedicated Transport +Razorback [5 PL, 120pts]: Twin lascannon++ Total: [110 PL, 2000pts] ++Created with BattleScribe
  4. Hey all! This thread will be used by my awesome team to post our lists, photos of our armies, and other assorted information about us. Team Kill! Maim! Beer! consists of: @Edosaurus Rex - Ed Hey, that's me! I'll be team captain this year and I am better known as the more handsome of the twins. This year I am bringing my Ultramarines army that is inspired by 3rd edition army lists, complete with red bolters! @Gorgosaurusrex - Greg Greg is my slightly less handsome twin brother, and he is bringing his 3rd edition Eldar Ulthwé army, featuring "lovely" old Eldar sculpts (assuming he can get it painted, so we'll see). @PumpkinHead - Saul Saul is the eldest of our team (and gets many jokes for it), despite not actually being that old. He is running a nice battleforce-style Tyranid army this year, so beware the swarm! @PourSpelur - Dale Not much is known about the mysterious Dale besides the fact that he prefers boxer briefs and has a knack for scratch-building awesome converted models. He is bringing an Ork army that actually doesn't have any Orks in it... it's nothing but custom Grot vehicles and old mono-pose Grot models. I'll update these brief bios as time goes on, but for now just consider it an introduction to our team!
  5. Hey all! I need a few more models to get my OFCC list together. I'm looking for a Space Marine Whirlwind, a standard Dreadnought (preferably with assault cannon and fist with heavy flamer), a Librarian, a Chaplain, and a Techmarine. I'm not super picky about which sculpts the characters are, but I would prefer that the Techmarine not have a servo-harness. I have a large variety of things to trade, including (but not limited to) Space Marines, Khorne/Tzeentch Daemons, two metal Beasts of Nurgle, and almost any High Elf model that you can think of. Let me know what you are looking for (even if it's not listed) and I might have it. I will also do cash if the price is right, but I'd prefer a trade. Also, I live in Maple Valley, WA, so shipping might need to happen. I'd be willing to meet anywhere between Olympia and Seattle, though. Thanks in advance!
  6. Woot woot! Everyone in Kill! Maim! Beer! has a good dexterity modifier so we all rolled well for initiative. We are on top of things this year!
  7. Word on the street is that the first team to be fully paid gets an achievement? Because Kill! Maim! Beer! has all of their tickets purchased!
  8. I think a 2v2 (1k per player) would be awesome!
  9. I seem to recall GW stating that you need to roll a 9 on the charge in order to make it into combat after deep striking. I'm not sure if this was stated in an official FAQ or not, it may have been from a Facebook Q&A or something.
  10. Ooooh those are very tempting! I'm a sucker for the older weapon variants. However, I'd rather trade than purchase at this point and I've already worked out a good deal with Splinx. Thanks anyway!
  11. It honestly doesn't matter to me of they are plastic or metal, assuming their condition is the same.
  12. I do actually have some Ork stuff, although it's not much. I know I have several sprues leftover from the battlewagon and trukk boxes, including at least one turret assembly and a bunch of random bits (probably a few big shoota gunners in there). I also have several boyz in my bits box with either choppas or big shootas and a plastic warboss from the AoBR set. I'll have a look when I get the chance tonight or tomorrow and I'll give you a more detailed inventory!
  13. So I finally got a chance to take a look for those bits, and unfortunately I came up short. The only Venerable Dreadnought arm I have is the assault cannon, and I don't seem to have those other lascannons anymore. I must have traded them a while back and forgotten about it. If there is anything else you would want for those heavy bolter marines, let me know!
  14. I need the lascannons from the devastator boxes, unfortunately. However, I might have one or two more in my bits that I could trade. Also, I'll take another look for those dread arms tonight while I'm searching for lascannons (I realized that there is one box that I didn't look in). I won't be home until fairly late, however. And pretre, $2 is a good deal for that bit so I'll let you know if I don't find them elsewhere!
  15. Hey guys! I am in need of five (5) space marine heavy bolter bits for my Ultramarines battle company. They can be any kind of heavy bolter (plastic, metal, legion style, etc) as long as all of the bits are there. I have a variety of other SM heavy weapons that I could trade, including: plasma cannons, grav cannons, multi-meltas, and missile launchers (the grav cannons and some multi-meltas are painted, the rest are NOS). I also have a pile of special weapons and tons of other bits, so just let me know what you are looking for and I'll see if I have it. If all else fails, I'd be happy to send a reasonable amount via PayPal. Also, I live closer to Seattle than to Portland so depending on your location we may need to ship. If anyone can help me out, let me know!
  16. Sorry about the delay! I looked everywhere but I was unable to find them. I'm sure I have the bits, but apparently I removed them from the sprue so they must be in one of my many unorganized bits boxes/bags/containers. If they do turn up I'll let you know, but it is unlikely that I will locate them anytime soon so you may want to pursue other options.
  17. I'm fairly certain that I have both of those weapons new on sprue! Let me check my sprue pile and get back to you.
  18. Are you interested in selling? I wouldn't mind taking those heavy bolter marines off your hands if the price is right.
  19. It definitely happened, but it is very likely that the results have simply not been posted.
  20. Isn't the first rule of crossfit that they are meant to constantly talk about crossfit?
  21. I have a decent amount of Ork sprues lying around from various kits. I have a few sprues of sluggas and choppas, as well as Nob sprues and some parts from vehicles. Bring those TK sprues to OFCC and we can work something out!
  22. I will definitely be getting a deck of these and bringing them to OFCC this year for my opponents who want to play 8th! I think they are a great way to get the game set up easily and with some random components.
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