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Edosaurus Rex

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Everything posted by Edosaurus Rex

  1. One of my best games last year was played on the helicarrier (we treated the sky as impassable except for things that could fly and skimmers), so that would be awesome if you could bring it!
  2. That sounds like a fun time! It's too bad that I wasn't able to make it. I'll have to get some games of 8th edition in before OFCC! Out of curiosity, how was best sportsmanship determined? (since everyone had a perfect sportsmanship score)
  3. I'll be playing 8th as much as possible! My list is almost the same; I only had to drop one unit and adjust the squad size of my Cultists up to the new minimum of 10. I have yet to play a game of 8th so I'm looking forward to trying the new rules with any of my opponents who want to!
  4. I would imagine that you should fill in the gaps so that way both players are still playing a 2k game, whether it's 7th or 8th. My list ended up being around 2250 when I converted it to 8th edition, so I'm just planning on cutting a squad to get it down to 2k. I'm not sure if another list submission is required though! That's an excellent question.
  5. I plan on using power levels for friendly games at someone's house where a lot of beer is involved, but for anything outside of those kinds of situations then I'll likely use points instead.
  6. Time for my next project! This time it's the Blood Throne: Fun fact about Blood Thrones: the only reason why I included one in my list is because I have literally never seen one on the table before (only Skull Cannons). Once I finished building it, I was very happy with my decision because the model is just plain awesome!
  7. You can put me down for one of the World Eaters legion etched brass sets! its only 12 GBP so adding it on to a larger order is totally perfect for me.
  8. And the warp talons are also done! Pic below: I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I was a little worried that the purple mutations might make them stand out from the rest of the army too much, but I think it's just right. It makes them look just different enough to make it obvious that they have the Daemon rule, which is what I was going for. My next project is going to be my Blood Throne! I'll get a pic up sometime this weekend.
  9. How are you managing that? They are a minimum of 188 points once you pay for the Hades autocannon and the Heldrake claws (you know, because stock equipment costs extra now). Baleflamers cost even more!
  10. I'd be down for this! I don't have much to offer but I'd love to peruse goods for purchase.
  11. Okay, Possessed are done! Now onto the Warp Talons (pic below) I will post a photo of the completed Possessed with my completed Warp Talons, just so I can do it all together. On a side note, I also finished painting my Chaos Land Raider but I failed to post a picture of it before it was painted. Oh well. It still looks really cool! I'll post a picture of that soon just for fun.
  12. I'm down with whatever, really. I'd prefer some of the newer AoS Khorne models, but I'd also accept older ones.
  13. I have a variety of movement trays lying around from my High Elf army that is collecting dust. I have several 5x2 configurations, a couple 5x4, and two 8x5. I also have one or two designed to hold five cavalry models as well as some unassembled ones from the GW kit. Got any Chaos stuff to trade? (Specifically Khorne)
  14. Where can you find this converter to find the points and power level of an army list? Asking for a friend.
  15. I think this is a great idea! I wouldn't mind getting in a few games of 8th over the weekend, since I don't think I'll be able to make it to the Friday tournament.
  16. Alright, here's what I'll be up to for the near future: painting Possessed! I also want to get my Warp Talons painted up, but I'll wait to get started on those until I'm done with the Possessed (so a photo will come later).
  17. Hello Ordo! As the captain for team Kill! Maim! Beer! this year, it is up to me to organize the thread for our team (yay bonus points!). As such, here are the bios and army lists for the lobotomized beer lovers who are brave (or foolish) enough to be a part of the team this year as well as other team-related housekeeping items. Photo Spread: PENDING... We all have painting and/or assembling to do Early Screening: Pending Friday of OFCC All In 4/4 tickets purchased Going Old School: 0/4 Lists No Surprises Edosaurus Rex: As the only player on team Kill! Maim! Beer! who is actually playing a Khorne army, it is only natural that I should be crowned team captain. I started playing in 4th edition and became quite the tournament player come 5th. Over the last several years, I have retired from competitive play and now I only get my armies out to drink some booze, roll some dice, and collect the heads of little plastic space men for their little plastic blood god. OFCC is one of my favorite weekends of the year and I look forward to damaging my liver and earning some more favorite opponent pins! Chexmix: After terrorizing the local tournament scene during 5th edition, my focus has gradually shifted towards casual Warhammer 40k and increased beer consumption. Now I revel in beer and pretzels style games with a focus on close and fun games with terrible army lists. Previously the captain of team Kill! Maim! Beer!, I have given the mantle to my brother so that I may focus on gaming and drinking! Pumpkinhead: I have been playing since 3rd edition. I used to be competitive but get to play maybe once a month now. Beer and friends are the reason I still play. I am a veteran at OFCC and have the liver to prove it. PourSpelur: In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to dice prison by a gaming tribunal for a crime they did not commit. These men promptly escaped to the Ordo Fanaticus underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of misfortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them...maybe you can hire The gAme-Team Advanced Planning Edosaurus Rex - The Butchers of Khorne Khorne Daemonkin - Blood Host Detachment Slaughtercult Chaos Lord- Goredrinker, plasma pistol 8 CSM- meltagun, banner of furious charge, champion has a chainaxe and meltabombs 8 Berzerkers- champion has a chainaxe and meltabombs 5 Possessed Lord of Slaughter Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage War Engine Soulgrinder Khorne Daemonkin - CAD Blood Throne- Locus of Hatred 8 Bloodletters 8 Cultists 3 Terminators- 3 combi-meltas, chainfist 8 Flesh Hounds 5 Warp Talons Chaos Land Raider- Possessed Chexmix - Commander Chenkov’s Valhallan 18th Regiment Astra Militarum: Cadians – Combined Arms Detachment Company Command Squad – Lascannon, Regimental Standard, Flamer – 100 (Warlord) Platoon Command Squad – 3 Meltaguns, Chimera with Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer – 125 Commissar – Power Sword - 40 Infantry Squad – Meltagun, Sergeant has Meltabombs – 65 Infantry Squad – Meltagun – 60 Infantry Squad – Meltagun – 60 Platoon Command Squad – Autocannon, Flamer – 45 Infantry Squad – Lascannon, Flamer – 75 Infantry Squad – Lascannon, Flamer - 75 Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars – 60 Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Missile Launchers – 90 Scout Sentinel Squadron – 3 with Autocannons – 120 Deathstrike Missile Launcher – Heavy Flamer – 160 Aegis Defense Line - 50 Astra Militarum: Cadians – Steel Host Formation Tank Commander – 2 Leman Russ Punishers with Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 350 Leman Russ Vanquisher – Lascannon, Multi-Melta Sponsons – 165 Leman Russ Battle Tank – Heavy Bolter- 150 Leman Russ Eradicator – Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 140 Hydra Flakk Tank - 70 Pumpkinhead - GSC/Tyranids 130 Deathleaper 1 50 Lictor 1 50 Lictor 1 50 Lictor 1 50 Lictor 1 50 Lictor 1 230 Flyrant 1 15 Mucolid 1 15 Mucolid 1 140 Mawloc 1 140 Mawloc 1 125 Patriarch w/ lvl 2, 2x familiar 1 280 Genestealers 20 90 Primus w/ void eye 1 98 Hybrid Metamorphs w/ 2x claws, 2x whips 10 90 Acolyte Hybrids w/ icon 10 90 Acolyte Hybrids w/ icon 10 90 Acolyte Hybrids w/ icon 10 210 Aberrants 7 PourSpelur- The Abominable Seven (Thunder Warriors) Space Marines Anvil strike force Techmarine with power axe and bolt pistol Thunderfire Cannon Techmarine with power axe and bolt pistol Whirlwind Whirlwind Whirlwind Whirlwind Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher Contemptor dreadnought, DCCW with twin-linked boltgun, Kheres assault cannon, whirlwind missile launcher
  18. Well it looks like our two slots are now filled and our team is complete!
  19. After rounding up two players to fill in for the two who can't make it this year, team Kill! Maim! Beer! is officially attending! I'll be the captain.
  20. Original post above, completed squad below! Looks like Chexmix owes me a beer.
  21. I really hope so, because I've always wanted to max out the plasma pistols on a squad of Berzerkers.
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